Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Jungkook had a headache. Quite a bad one, actually. The day had been long and he really wasn't all that well yet, so all the talking was just messing with his head.

Taehyung was going to stay around for a while. That much was clear. Jimin had told him a bit about sirens, really just the basics he needed to know. To get rid of the weird mood he had also told him a bit about how he and Yoongi had met and Jungkook was feeling jealous.

Here he was, suffering with an unpredictable siren that had almost drowned him, and Yoongi had just accidentally started dating a sweet siren. Absolutely fantastic. Not that Jungkook was surprised at this point. Nothing in his life ever went the way he wanted it to, so why would he have gotten lucky this time around?

It was getting late and Jungkook knew they still had to drive the whole way home. So he told them exactly that. They all got up to say their goodbyes, well, everyone but Taehyung, who just stood there watching them, but Jungkook didn't think too much of it.

After they had walked back to the entrance Jungkook really didn't think too much of it when he hugged Jimin. It was something he always did with his friends. And he was grateful for Jimin clearing some of this up. Yeah, his situation still was shitty and part of him was a bit annoyed that Jimin had been so calm about this, but at least he knew what was going on now.

So yeah, he didn't think too much about hugging Jimin because it was just that. A short hug as they stood by the door. What he certainly hadn't expected was to be yanked away from Jimin and then he was staring right into Taehyung's eyes once again as the siren warningly hissed at him, those claws back at his throat.

Why did this keep happening? Part of Jungkook was scared, but he also just felt exhausted. Why did this happen over and over again?

He didn't get the chance to really process it though because suddenly Taehyung's claws were no longer at his throat and Jimin was hissing. His teeth bared and just as sharp as Taehyung's. His eyes a distracting blue tone as he snarled at his brother.

For a second both sirens were hissing and Yoongi looked just as confused as he was when Jungkook glanced at him, but then Taehyung finally stopped, his eyes turning back to normal and his claws shrinking.

Only when they had completely disappeared Jimin stopped hissing as well. Jungkook watched as his eyes turned normal too, his heart racing in his chest.

"We can't have that." Jimin scolded as he moved closer to Taehyung, almost staring him down. Taehyung didn't seem too happy with being lectured, but he also didn't defend himself. Just stared at Jimin, not shying back.

"You wanna know what I like about humans? If you want to find out you can't treat him like that. He's not your pet. You're asking something of him, not the other way around." Jimin stabbed Taehyung's chest with his fingers and Taehyung hissed silently. The sound alone made the hackles on Jungkook's neck stand, but Jimin certainly didn't seem to care.

"If you wanted to find out how far a shark can swim in a day, would your first step be tying that shark down? That won't work. You're curious about why I like humans. Be nice to him, with the way you're acting right now you certainly won't find out. He's scared of you." Jimin pointed at Jungkook without even looking. Oh how right he was.

Jungkook didn't want to be here. Didn't want to be part of this. All he wanted to do was to run off and curl up in his bed. But he couldn't. Because a siren had decided that he now had to show him the human world.

Taehyung hissed again and Jimin just hissed back. "You're living with him now. Show some fucking respect. He let you into his home. You're the intruder. Don't act like you're an asshole." Jimin pushed Taehyung's chest again, making Jungkook really anxious because he knew what Taehyung was capable of. But Jimin didn't seem too nervous. Why would he be? He was the same kind of creature Taehyung was, just nicer.

Instead of doing anything Taehyung just glared at Jimin for a few seconds before brushing past him and Jungkook and then he just walked out the door. Jimin sighed as he followed him with his eyes before turning to face Jungkook. "Fuck, I'm sorry about that. I swear he's not an asshole... just really stubborn and he doesn't think much of humans."

"Wouldn't have noticed." Jungkook commented dryly before sighing. "Thank you though. I appreciate that you tried to help me. Honestly, I'm glad I got to talk to the two of you." He smiled weakly. "At least I no longer feel like I'm going crazy. I really considered that at some point."

Jimin smiled, reassuringly patting his shoulder. Why hadn't he gotten someone as nice as Jimin? He was a bit weird, but at least he wasn't creepy.

"If you need anything or want to ask something, you have my number. I'll answer any of your questions and yell at Taehyung if needed." He chuckled. Jungkook was about to say goodbye too and follow Taehyung when Yoongi stepped forward.

"Actually, wanna have my number too? It might feel good to talk to another human especially someone you can tell about your situation. Jimin might be nice, but some things... he doesn't quite understand." Yoongi offered and Jungkook honestly felt like crying because that was the nicest thing he had heard over the last couple of days. After spending a week with Taehyung any small nice gesture suddenly felt huge.

"I- Thank you."

When Jungkook finally left the apartment Taehyung was waiting outside, leaning against the hood of the car, his arms crossed over his chest. He was still wearing that sweater Jungkook had lent him and was dimly lit by the street light. It was odd how human he seemed, that even when Jungkook knew he wasn't it was easy to forget.

"Let's go home." He unlocked his car and watched Taehyung slip into the passenger seat, not saying anything. Not that that was surprising. It wasn't like he was suddenly going to start talking now.

For a while, they were driving in complete silence since Jungkook really didn't know what to say now. The creature that had been staying around for days now suddenly had a name. Jungkook really had no clue what to do now aside from trying to keep him entertained.

"Mind if I put on some music? It's awfully quiet." He finally said, he really couldn't stand the silence anymore.

When he looked over at Taehyung the boy curtly shook his head before leaning it back against the window, so Jungkook just turned on the radio. He really didn't care much about what they were playing. He just wanted something to break that god awful silence.

He ended up listening to a podcast talking about some musician who had been at the height of his career years ago and his life. From what he picked up the guy had died recently so now they were talking about him.

His eyes were still focused on the street, listening to the two voices talking. It was completely dark outside, and as if to set the mood it was even raining. Sometimes Jungkook really felt like there was some sort of entity out there just getting the biggest laugh out of playing with Jungkook's life.

First, he had complained about having a boring life and then suddenly a monster had appeared. Now that had certainly been a solution to his problem.

"Are you hungr-" He faltered when he turned to the side to find the siren asleep next to him. His head leaning against the window, eyes closed, his breath slow and calm. Once again Jungkook wondered how he could look so sweet and nice asleep?

Him being a siren made perfect sense actually. Everything about him was a trap. Those long lashes, the beautifully curved mouth. His soft hair. Everything was meant to draw in humans... just so he could feed on them. A cold shudder ran down Jungkook's spine.

They were so going to get food. He pulled into a McDonald's drive-through. As quiet as he could he ordered through the speakers before paying and then getting handed the food. Only when he had parked on one of the free spots he woke Taehyung up tossing the packaged burger into his lap. He wasn't going to make the mistake of touching the siren again.

The boy startled awake before staring at the small bundle in his lap. When he looked up at Jungkook questioningly he demonstratively opened his own packaged burger. "Open it. There is food inside. You must be hungry."

For a couple of seconds, Taehyung just stared at him with furrowed his brows, but then he just did as Jungkook had told him to and mimicked the way he was taking bites from his burger.

"Have you ever used a straw before?" Jungkook asked and it wasn't too surprising when Taehyung shook his head.

"You just have to suck on this." He pointed at the tip of the straw. "And then you can drink."

Taehyung nodded and tried himself. Luckily he spared both of them from a lot of awkwardness when he managed just fine and Jungkook could go back to eating his burger. He handed Taehyung some fries and the boy nodded with something that almost seemed like gratitude.

They just sat there in silence for what had to be at least ten minutes, both finishing their food. When they were done Jungkook gathered the remaining wrappers and balled them all up to stuff them into a bag.

"Let's go home now. You seem tired." Jungkook put the seat belt back on, watching Taehyung do the same, but before he could drive away Taehyung tapped his shoulder. Probably the first time he had ever touched Jungkook aside from when it was absolutely necessary or to hurt him.

A bit confused Jungkook looked back at Taehyung, only to find him pointing at the building with the bright McDonald's sign on it and giving him a thumbs up.

Wow... the siren liked fast food. Jungkook couldn't help but smile. "Did you like it?"

Taehyung nodded, glancing back at the light outside.

"Good to know you like healthy food, just like me."

Taehyung looked confused again but Jungkook just pulled out of parking spot and went onto the main road again. Maybe he just had to look at the positive side of things. The next months certainly weren't going to be boring.



^I'm cracking up at this and I don't know why

Anyways guys... I just finished writing pup and holy shit that was so intense._. I was like 'If I finish this in a day that means I finally have more time to write predator' and then I ended up writing 12K in a day and finished the story!!!

And then I was sad cuz it's over and I'm stupid T^T

But I need you guys to be proud of me>:(

Anyways holy shit I look forward to all of this story so much I can't begin to describe it... what do you guys think so far?

Ya'll have Stockholm syndrome already?

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