Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


„It's cold. You shouldn't be out here." Seokjin warned as he stepped onto the lawn and walked towards Jungkook, who was facing the other direction.

"It feels good. I couldn't stand the heat in there anymore." Jungkook muttered, not bothering to turn around. Instead he stared out at the wide ocean in front of him. Sometimes he suddenly realized that this, this view, was something he could have any time ... that this wasn't something completely normal everyone lived this close too and that's when he stopped taking it for granted. Just for a short moment he could really appreciate what he had, before forgetting about it and going through his day again.

He liked the ocean. It was so big. Fishes probably didn't feel like they were locked in there... they could just roam and roam all their life. They weren't forced to stay in a small city like Jungkook was. Always the same faces. Always the same voices. The same gossip. He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Still. You'll catch a cold if you stay out here." Seokjin tried again, putting his hand on Jungkook's shoulder. The boy sighed, closing his eyes for a second before shaking his head. "Don't worry. I'll go back inside if it gets too bad."

He didn't even notice when Seokjin finally left. No longer bothered him.

He pulled out his phone to stare at his last message from Minji. Once again. Like every time when he felt like the world was slowly shrinking around him. Unlike him she had gotten the chance to leave this god forsaken town.

His now ex girlfriend had gotten the chance to live the way he wanted and had broken up with him because of it. It was like a really bad fucking joke.

And even so missed her. So far, he had always been able to withstand the urge to call her. Tell her about how he felt. Because he didn't want to seem that desperate. Because his own pride didn't allow him to.

But he was at a breaking point. He missed her so fucking much and the whole town was still the same. Still the same old, boring bullshit.

Not that he was stupid enough to call her. He knew how she would react. So instead he sent Eunji a voice message, complaining about the fact that, just like expected, everyone at the party was playing peer pong while being dead drunk. As always, the same people. How she had been right about not coming here.

Underneath him the black water seemed almost inviting. What was it called again, the phenomenon of suddenly wanting to jump down from somewhere high or do something similarly stupid? Call of the void? Something like that.

Jungkook continued complaining. Eunji was totally going to tell him off for whining so much. He always did and it was always her he complained to.

A weird sound caught his attention. It almost sounded like singing. Far away, almost swallowed by waves, but at the same weirdly audible. He quickly murmured an apology to Eunji before sending the message and putting his phone back into his pocket.

The singing seemed to grow louder and something about it was weirdly mind numbing. Suddenly that feeling to get closer to the water grew stronger. He wanted to swim. That's all he could think about. Everything about the ocean seemed so inviting.

His mind didn't even really acknowledge the fact that he was climbing over the railing. He stared down at the water and there he spotted the person who was still singing. Jungkook stared down at the rocks right underneath the cliff. This was dangerous. He wasn't supposed to jump. But the water seemed to call for him. It felt save.

And he jumped.

The moment his body hit the water his head cleared up all at once. And then he realized that he was underwater. He had not hit the rocks like he had half expected, but he was still underwater. And it was dark all around him.

As quick as his already freezing limbs allowed him he swam back to the surface. The second his face broke through he gasped for air before running his hands over his eyes. He was freezing. The water, at this time of the year, was way too cold for a midnight swim. Especially out here. Why had he jumped?

It had been a sudden urge. Like the call of the void he had felt earlier, but more intense. And now he had actually done it and he had been more than lucky. Lucky that the waves hadn't pushed him up against the rocks behind him. The currents weren't supposed to be too strong tonight, but that didn't mean they were harmless.

He had to get back on land quickly. Dry off before he'd get sick.

And then he saw him. A boy, he had to be about his age. Even in the dark Jungkook could easily make out his features. And he was beautiful. Absolutely spotless skin. Pale, but with piercing eyes. His gray hair partly covering them. But even like this, his eyes had to be the most stunning feature about him. Even in the dark Jungkook could tell that they weren't black. Instead they were bright, though Jungkook couldn't tell what color exactly with the only light coming from the full moon above them. He was quite lucky actually that this hadn't happened in complete darkness.

And Jungkook was glad he wasn't alone. Because even though he had no idea what the boy was doing here, he wouldn't have to find his way back to the beach alone. He could ask the boy. But he didn't get his chance to.

Instead the other just disappeared right in front of his eyes. Slipping under the water's surface. For a second Jungkook was confused. And then he was harshly getting tugged down. He hardly got the chance to gasp for air before his head was pulled under water.

Whatever was dragging him down was ridiculously quick. The water rushing by his sides almost pulled the hoodie he was wearing over his head. On second thought, he probably should have let it go. Would have made swimming easier. When he tried to get whatever was holding onto him to let go, the grip around his leg just tightened. Jungkook thrashed around, but it did absolutely nothing... until whatever had grabbed him suddenly released him and the movement stopped.

Jungkook tried to swim back up again. To get away from whatever animal... or creature was trying to drown him. But his clothes didn't let him. His body moved way too slowly. Nevertheless he tried reaching the surface... at least he forced his body into the direction that felt like where the surface should be.

But then he got tugged down again. Jungkook tried to scream, but the water just swallowed his voice. He quickly stopped again. He needed air. Whatever was trying to drown him... was playing with him. He could tell from the way it moved. It probably could have killed him already, yet he was still alive.

Something moved past him. The water almost sent him tumbling around. Made him lose his orientation even if just for a second. And then a pain shot through his leg. Something had brushed against his skin. Almost like he had accidentally moved his thigh against a sharp rock, but just seconds later, nothing was there anymore. The pain stayed. He must have cut himself on whatever had been there.

His thigh burned where the seawater touched the cut. He could feel himself slowly grow more anxious. He was running out of air and he couldn't get his body to move properly. It felt heavy and he was dizzy. He wasn't even that sure which direction he wanted to go anymore. What if he just moved further down?

He tried moving up, or in the direction he believed to be up , but something wrapped around him. Something that felt oddly much like hands. Maybe someone was trying to save him. His newly found hope died within a few seconds. He involuntarily breathed in, choking on the water, but because he tried to cough it out he only ended up swallowing even more. A sharp pain shot through his leg again as something brushed against it. His lungs burned like he was breathing in molten lava.

The hands wrapped tighter around him, but Jungkook was losing his grip on reality. His lungs continued to fill with water in their attempt to supply his body with oxygen. He started to feel number and number as everything around him slowly faded to black.

The next thing he felt was the burning sensation in his lungs as he shot up, coughing and spluttering, but there was no water. Had everything been a dream? It couldn't have been. He was still drenched, his hair clinging to his face, just like his clothes. And his lungs. They burned so much. Even worse than his legs and Jungkook could see them now. Though a bit blurry. The jean shorts he was wearing ended just above his knee, which made the big slashes on his legs more than visible. There was blood everywhere. Jungkook felt like throwing up just from looking at the wounds.

His chest rattled as he tried to breathe in. That didn't sound right, nor did it feel right. He was still dizzy and had an awful headache, but at least he was alive. Jungkook hadn't even had a moment to realize that he was about to die... but now it all came to him... the fact that he had been this close to dying. He had been about to drown... how had he not drowned? How was he still alive?

Who had saved him from whatever had been down there?

When he turned his head, he found the boy he had seen in the water before. Jungkook wasn't stupid. There probably were quite a few people, especially his friends, who would have claimed something different, but he wasn't completely brainless.

Whatever had almost drowned him had felt human. And seconds before he had been pulled under the surface, he had seen this exact same face. Now that he could see him better, Jungkook could tell that whatever color his eyes were... wasn't normal. Neither were the long claws his almost human looking fingers ended in.

Whatever was sitting there looking at him with these cold, emotionless eyes was not human. And if there weren't more of his kind... which Jungkook really doubted, he was whatever had tried to drown him.

With this newfound information weighing down on him he could feel adrenaline rush through his body. He quickly tried to get up, run away, but his legs simply gave away under him and he almost faceplanted on the cold stone. He was lucky he didn't. He probably would have gotten a concussion if he had.

Seemingly not caring about the state he was in, the, the creature stretched its hand out and pulled him back. Almost as if it were pulling around a doll, not a human. As if Jungkook weighted nothing. Whatever Jungkook was dealing with was strong... and dangerous.

Like it was trying to confirm Jungkook's thoughts the creature wrapped it's long, elegant and scary looking hands around his throat. He could feel the sharp nails dig into his skin, at some parts even ripping through it like it was nothing. Jungkook had to stop himself from whimpering.

He knew he couldn't run away. Whatever this thing was, it was going to outrun him in any way. But he was still alive when he should have already have been dead. So maybe he was lucky... maybe he was going to survive this. But that was totally up to this thing.

Once again Jungkook felt oddly affected by how beautiful the creature's face was. So sharp, strong and delicate at the same time. Almost hypnotizing in a way.

The spell was broken when the creature hissed warningly, revealing sharp teeth. Not a human's teeth. Certainly not human. The grip around his throat tightened and Jungkook closed his eyes in fear. He was going to be that creature's dinner... that was going to be his fate. Some humanoid creature's midnight snack.

But then the grip around his throat loosened and the creature let go, his eyes lazily scanning over Jungkook's face. Not a single shift in expression. It was like he was looking at a science experiment as he looked at his bleeding neck. Jungkook wondered whether that was where he was going to start eating.

That was not what happened as the creature's eyes finally went down to his legs, and for the first time Jungkook saw something remotely close to an emotion. The being licked his lips and Jungkook was now certain he was actually going to be a midnight snack. This is not how he had wanted his life to end.

Freezing, while some sort of creepy creature nibbled his flesh from his bones. The clawed hand brushed over his legs and a weird tickling sensation went through his them. His wounds stopped bleeding and his skin started to feel colder.

Scared Jungkook watched as the thing leaned over his legs before lapping up the blood. Mentally preparing for the pain that was surely going to come any second now Jungkook closed his eyes. Maybe he wasn't going to feel anything. The creature's teeth had looked like they were probably able to tears flesh straight off the bone, without much of a struggle.

The expected pain never came. Instead he could feel a warm tongue snake over his legs. The thing wasn't biting him. Just licking up the blood that was already there, like a vampire. Maybe that was what it was. Maybe it was going to suck him dry. Jungkook felt oddly dizzy at the thought.

All strength to run had long left him. He just felt like everything that was happening right now was a dream. A weirdly vivid dream, but a dream nevertheless. His mind was foggy. Probably from almost drowning. He had almost died... or maybe he was still about to. He felt oddly calm at the thought.

Calmer than he would have been if he had been in his right mind.

When the thing reached one of the long, way too clean cuts down on his calves, the surrounding skin started to tickle. Jungkook felt an odd burning sensation, but when he looked down again the wound had disappeared. Like it hadn't been there in the first place.

Jungkook could feel his heartbeat speed up. Wow, so now his body was reacting. Great. He had almost died, but that apparently wasn't important. Now that his wounds were closing his body was going to start up.

One after the other the wounds disappeared, the weird vampire making sure not to miss a drop of blood along the way. When the creature looked up again Jungkook couldn't help feel a spark of curiosity. It had healed him, so he probably wasn't planning on killing him yet.

Not that that made him want to run away any less. He just knew he couldn't. The blood loss had made him dizzy. Or maybe the fact that he had almost drowned. Either way, he wasn't going to make it far. He was completely at the mercy of this creature.

When he spoke again his voice was a mere afterthought of what it was usually like. He had always been so confident when speaking. His voice sounding strong. But now it almost didn't come out at all. Was weak and croaky. Merely above a whisper. His lungs and vocal cords sure had taken quite the blow. "What... what are you?"

He didn't get his answer. Instead the thing got to its feet. For the first time Jungkook realized he was naked. Seemingly not bothered by it either. The creature grabbed his arm and roughly yanked him up, almost breaking his arm. At least that's what it felt like.

The second Jungkook stood straight a wave of nausea overcame him and he just about managed to fall back onto his knees, his whole body leaning over one of the clefts between the rocks as he emptied his stomach.

Another wave hit him and he almost choked on his own vomit, coughing tiredly. He felt so sick and tired and weak. He just wanted to be back home. But it didn't seem like that was going to happen soon. Instead this thing could just do whatever it wanted with him. Jungkook didn't have the strength to fight back.

Sudden dizziness overwhelmed him and he almost lost his balance... probably would have fallen right back into the godforsaken water. Maybe he would have drowned for real this time. But then he felt a hand on his back, holding him in place as he swayed.

This time the hand actually felt completely human. He couldn't feel the claws anymore. Maybe he had just grown numb to the pain. Highly likely. His whole body was numb from the cold after all.

"Fuck, sorry I'm dizzy and..." Why was he even apologizing to this creature? He hadn't even thought about it. His brain wasn't working properly anymore. All he wanted to do was to lie down and forget that he existed.

But then he got tugged back to his feet once again. Jungkook let himself be supported by the thing. His own feet didn't seem to want to carry his weight. He just closed his eyes. Whatever was going to happen was not his decision anyways... he could just take a nap.

A harsh slap to his cheek woke him up again and he blinked dizzily. The creature's features had changed a bit. Looked a little more human now. Not as sharp and unreal anymore. His eyes were still that unique, gray color though.

He realized they were no longer down by the rocks. They had made it back to the actual beach. A couple of minutes must have passed with the creature just pulling him along. His head really wasn't in any state it was supposed to be in.

Jungkook realized the boy was still naked. Weakly he tried to slip out of his hoodie just to fail miserably.

"You..." He choked on his own words. His throat was so dry, he'd have to drink something soon. The thought of water made him want to vomit again. "You have to put something on. They'll notice something is wrong."

Maybe he shouldn't have said that. If he had been lucky some policemen would have spotted them and realized something was wrong... but then again, Jungkook didn't know what the creature was capable of. What if he killed those guys... that didn't seem too unlikely to Jungkook.

At least with the way things were right now Jungkook would be the only victim.

The other looked at him for a couple of seconds and Jungkook felt so unsettled. Something about his gaze was so predatory... dangerous. Jungkook just knew not to mess with him, no matter what.

To Jungkook's surprise the predator seemed to have understood him since he helped Jungkook pull his hoodie over his head before slipping into it with ease. So he had experience with wearing clothes...

For a second Jungkook considered giving him his pants as well, but that would have meant for Jungkook to be only in his underwear and a t-shirt and he didn't feel comfortable with that. Jungkook's hoodie was long enough anyway because he liked to wear his clothes two sizes too big.

It covered what it had to cover.

The creature looked oddly human in Jungkook's hoodie. Like someone he would try to chat up in a club. Jungkook wondered whether there had actually been a time he accidentally flirted with a creature like the boy before him. But he doubted it. While it seemed to understand what he was saying, it also seemed incapable of talking itself.

Jungkook expected the creature to continue walking. Pull him into a certain direction. But it didn't, instead fixing Jungkook in place with his eyes.

Neither of them said anything for a while and Jungkook was growing more antsy by the second. He was in such close proximity with a creature that could easily kill him in many ways. He was sure of it. But instead it just stared at him, almost expectantly.

"Are we... going to go somewhere?" Jungkook asked, his voice still so weak. He hated it. He wanted to sound confident, not like a scared kid. But maybe it was good that he didn't even get the chance to fake confidence with this thing.

A shrug. A fucking shrug. Jungkook was almost startled by how human that gesture was. Suddenly he felt like maybe he had imagined everything that had happened before. The claws... the drowning. After all there was no evidence it had actually happened.

Maybe he had just been stupid and jumped into the ocean. The guy who was standing in front of him was actually just someone who had seen him go down and pulled him out of the water. Jungkook liked this version of the story better. After all, in that case all of his problems would be over now. He wouldn't have to worry about the threat the guy in front of him actually posed to him.

But then he brought his hand up to his neck and his fingers came back red, the small incisions in his skin still very real.

"Where will we go?"

For a second the creature didn't answer, seemingly thinking. Then he moved closer, way too close for Jungkook's comfort. His lips moved, but Jungkook couldn't hear what he said. Hell, he couldn't even see a few seconds later. Instead a sudden stream of pictures coursed through his head, filling up all his senses. Almost all of them felt like he was actually there.

They showed a small apartment, with a comfortable feel to it. A boy he had never seen before, just as stunning as the creature before him, talking. A word echoed through his head as the pictures kept coming. Home.

And then it suddenly stopped and Jungkook realized just how cold he felt. Just seconds ago he had been in the warm, comfortable confines of a home and now he felt his clothes sticking to his skin again. The throbbing of his body. His numb fingers.

The boy was standing in front of him again. Still as creepy and pretty as before.

"You..." Jungkook assumed that the boy had shown him whatever he had seen just now. It had felt like memories... like he was living in that moment. And then it was gone again and the feeling already started to fade. He couldn't remember half of the pictures. Everything had been so quick. "You want to go there?"

The creature shook its head, his eyes forming slits. Jungkook felt oddly threatened. Maybe it was angry because he didn't instantly know what was going on.

"I'm sorry. I can't... fuck, I'm just scared. You want to go to your home?" He tried again, his throat still so fucking dry. He didn't want to talk. But it felt like he had to stay alive. Maybe he could find out what the thing wanted. Why he was alive in the first place.

Once again it shook its head, reaching its hand out. His... Jungkook kept switching. Did this thing even have pronouns? It looked human and like a male, but who could say for certain?. For all Jungkook knew it could be more animal than human.

At least his hands looked completely normal now. He decided to go with he. He looked human enough.

The boy reached out and tapped his chest, looking into his eyes like he was trying to say 'try again'."

Jungkook hesitated. He didn't want to get it wrong again. "My... my place?"

To his relief the guy nodded. Was he even supposed to be relieved? Was it really a good idea to show him where he lived? It wasn't like he had much of a choice though. As long as the creature seemed somewhat content and wasn't about to kill Jungkook, he wasn't going to complain.

His priority was to stay alive for now.

"I'll take you. Please don't kill me."

To his surprise the boy nodded, his gray eyes unsettling as they scanned over Jungkook's face. Then he stopped, instead gesturing for Jungkook to lead the way.

And feeling a bit on edge and fucking cold, Jungkook did.


Okay but like... I'm proud of myself

This is a damn good chapter and I wrote this hehehe
I'm patting myself on the shoulder currently

I'm so sorry xD I just love this story waaaay too much and I'm seriously happy with how this turned out<3

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