Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


By the time they reached the beach the sun had set. Jungkook certainly wasn't too happy about the aspect of being at the beach again. After all, the last time he had been here he'd almost died.

And the guy to blame for that was still with him, so he really wasn't too fond of the situation. But he also couldn't turn around. Death seemed rather likely if he didn't do what the creature wanted him to.

So he just followed it, even as they reached the exact same part of the beach they had been at the day before. It was hard to believe that only one day had passed. Felt more like a week or two.

The boy turned around checking if he was still there. Jungkook waved at him before glancing around. If the boy decide to pull Jungkook underwater after all, there wouldn't be anyone to witness it. No one who could help him. Jungkook was completely and utterly alone.

"Where are we going?" The creature didn't react, leading him over the stones. God, they really were going to the place Jungkook had woken up the day before, weren't they?

And sure enough, once they reached the spot where Jungkook had gotten acquainted with the creature the guy stopped and turned back around to him.

Feeling anxiety creep up on him Jungkook looked around. He could hear the waves crashing against the rocks and cliffs around them. When he had jumped the day before he really had been lucky. It would have been so easy to get swept against one of the sharp rocks around here, the waves stronger than they looked, and Jungkook really might have died.

"What are we doing here?"

The creature didn't answer. Of course it didn't. It couldn't talk. Instead it looked like it was contemplating something, glancing towards the ocean and then back to Jungkook. He really hoped none of the things he was thinking about were something along the lines of wanting to eat Jungkook.

When the guy finally moved again Jungkook got startled and had to stop himself from moving back. The guy grabbed his shoulders and led him to the edge of the rocks they were standing on.

Once again Jungkook realized just how fucking strong he was. If he wanted to he could easily have pushed Jungkook into the ink-black water right in front of him and he wouldn't have been able to do anything to avoid it.

But the boy didn't. Instead he made Jungkook sit down by the edge, patting his shoulders before very insistently pointing at the ground. Was he... telling Jungkook to stay in place? It seemed like it.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

The guy nodded, and once again it could have been somewhat cute with his hair whipping from how exaggeratedly he had moved if he didn't also look as devoid of any emotions as he did.

"Okay. I will. You're not going to kill me here? That's not the reason you brought me here?" So far the creature had answered honestly whenever he had wanted to know, so he decided that just asking couldn't hurt.

Once again the guy nodded, shrugging his clothes off afterwards. Jungkook watched, trying not to think about how good the guy looked because really... that shouldn't matter. Who cared if that monster in front of him was built in the most attractive way Jungkook had ever seen? Muscular and delicate at the same time.

It really shouldn't matter. What should matter was that the guy could kill him any second. That's what Jungkook was supposed to focus on. Not his... everything.

Jungkook looked at the ground when the guy pulled his underwear down since, even though the other didn't seem to care, it felt indecent to stare to Jungkook.

Jungkook was staring at the ground, suddenly strongly reminded of what the black stone underneath him had felt when he had been on both his hands and knees and thrown up after everything that had happened yesterday. And then he heard a loud splash and when he looked up the guy was gone. Disappearing into the dark water, only leaving his clothes behind.

The waves around them were still violently crashing against rocks. For a second Jungkook wondered whether the creature would struggle with that. Maybe he too could get thrown around by the waves to a point where he would get hurt, but Jungkook seriously doubted it.

Something about that guy made him feel untouchable. Like there was nothing one could do to hurt him.

Even though he probably could have outrun him, taking into consideration that the guy would have to get out of the water first before chasing after him, Jungkook felt like he didn't stand a chance. Otherwise the guy wouldn't have risked this. Slipping into the water when he had followed Jungkook's every step since yesterday.

Squinting his eyes to maybe make out the guy's silhouette in the dark water, Jungkook leaned forward. No matter how scary the ocean was at night... it still was just as beautiful. The water reflected the moon beautifully.

But there was no sign of the creature. His head wasn't above the water, or at least Jungkook didn't see it. Not that Jungkook would have been too surprised if it could breathe underwater. Maybe even see. He still had no idea what that thing was, but it actually seemed to have come out of the water.

A weird thought if he was being honest. He used to think that maybe ghosts were real... or undead creatures, like vampires. He'd even had his werewolf phase, but he had never considered that maybe magical creatures existed in the depths of the ocean.

Those just had never come to his mind. And now he had met on personally and he really wished he could be ignorant to the thing's existence because that would mean he was no longer in danger.

Suddenly something broke through the water and the creature's head popped up maybe five meters from him. If Jungkook was seeing right he was facing his way. Probably checking if Jungkook had run off.

"Still here!" Maybe he was being a bit provocative, but he'd just said that without thinking and he couldn't take it back now so he went with it.

There wasn't much of a reaction from the creature, but Jungkook just decided that it had probably found his joke funny and was smiling right now, even though he couldn't see his face.

He leaned back, supporting his body with his arms as he watched the creature disappear underneath the surface again. Silently he wondered whether he was still looking the same as he had when they were on land. Human legs, human arms... a human face. Or maybe he had changed and now had some weird skin between his fingers or maybe his whole body from the neck down was actually a fish.

He snorted at the thought. That was fucking ridiculous but also funny.

When the creature didn't come back to the surface for another five minutes Jungkook grabbed his still very much working phone from his pocket and started playing Clash of Clans. Hah, if anyone ever heard that. He was waiting by the ocean for a creature that had almost drowned him and Clash of Clans was how he decided to spend his time.

Really, what had his life come to?

It kept getting colder and colder and since Jungkook didn't have a jacket since he hadn't expected to be outside for this long he instead decided to slip into the vest the creature had left lying on the floor. It wasn't that warm, but it was better at least.

At some point he didn't have anything to do anymore for his game, so he switched to YouTube instead to watch some movie reactions. He really was extremely fucking bored.

The battery on his phone was declining and Jungkook was starting to sneeze more and more frequently when out of nowhere the guy heaved himself up onto the rocks again. Jungkook almost dropped his phone and fuck, he really was glad he hadn't because he wouldn't have seen that thing ever again.

"Holy shit, you scared me." Was he being casual with the creature now? He wasn't sure. "You're back now?"

The guy nodded, grabbing the wet clothes from the floor. He looked very disgusted at the prospect of slipping into clothes again, but he did nevertheless.

"So are we going to go now?" Jungkook asked, getting up as quickly as he could without risking to slip on the wet stones beneath his feet.

The guy nodded, once again pushing his wet hair out of his face, seemingly not bothered by the fact that it was cold and his clothes were sticking to his skin.

"Good. Then..." Jungkook was interrupted by a hand on his head. He half expected to feel those claws again, maybe get pushed, the one thing it would take for him to disappear in the black water again, but nothing like that happened.

Instead he received the most awkward head pat anyone could ever imagine receiving. The guy just dropped his hand on Jungkook's head twice, looking at him with that very expressionless face and honestly it just left Jungkook confused.

It was like he was mimicking what a normal human would do because he had seen it once. And it didn't fit. At all.

"What are you doing?"

The creature pulled its hand back, looking a bit hesitant. Like it wanted to say something but couldn't. Jungkook wondered what it wanted to say. Did it want to tell him that he had been good food, waiting for him like that? Or maybe something else. Maybe in whatever culture this thing had come from patting someone's head meant 'I fucking hate you. You're awful'.

But he'd never find out since the creature didn't talk.

"Let's go back. I'm really cold."


This story might end up vaguely having plot unlike my others😂

Though it's mostly gonna be just taekook hanging out and bonding... if that's what you wanna call it

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