Chapter 61

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Chapter 61


Partially because Taehyung couldn't stomach car rides and partially because Jungkook was lazy, they ended up taking the train. Their luggage was relatively modest. One medium sized suitcase, in which Jungkook had easily been able to fit both all the clothes he needed as well as the ones he had picked out for Taehyung. They had spent all of their train ride watching some kdrama sharing the same headphones and snacking. Admittedly Jungkook was just glad to get away from his uni. Theoretically he still would have had another two days of courses this week but he knew he could easily catch up on what he had missed once he came back.

Riding on the subway certainly turned out to be more stressful with Taehyung than taking the train had been. Jungkook could tell he was on edge whenever anyone accidentally brushed shoulders with him, so he tried his best at distracting Taehyung. First he talked about how his parents had always wanted a cat of their own and there was a good chance that they weren't going to give Tuna back. The second part had been a joke, but when Taehyung seemed genuinely worried about not getting Tuna back, Jungkook quickly assured him that they would.

After that he decided to hint at his plans for their time in Seoul to Taehyung. When that didn't help at all either, Jungkook eventually decided to go with something else. He guided Taehyung to stand in the corner before doing what any good kdrama main character would do and used his own body as a shield between Taehyung and everyone else. One hand was holding onto the handrail next to Taehyung while the other one was casually placed against the wall on his other side. Admittedly he was quite literally dying of embarrassment because oh god, was he glad Taehyung didn't know what was normal for humans, and because their faces were only centimeters apart. But at least Taehyung seemed a lot more relaxed having Jungkook this close rather than some strangers from the subway.

"So what do you think about going to a bar once we got our stuff to the hotel?" Jungkook was aware of what had happened last time he had taken Taehyung into a crowd of drunk people, but this time he'd be more careful. And he knew Taehyung would too. He wasn't going to make the mistake of leaving Taehyung alone again and the bar he wanted to go to was also a lot less crowded than your standard club.

"I don't mind... what are the rules this time?" Taehyung asked, his body swaying softly because the subway had went into a curve. Jungkook gay panicked for a second because holy shit did Taehyung's lips get close to his.

"Rules?" Jungkook asked dumbly for a second before he remembered the rules from last time. "Oh right. Similar to last time. No killing or hurting anyone no matter how annoying they may be. Stay by my side the whole time... but you're allowed to drink. Call it dumb curiosity but I really want to know if you can even get drunk." He chuckled. If Taehyung could get drunk, how would he act if he was? Was he a cute drunk? A loud drunk? Hopefully not an aggressive drunk though.

"I know I can get drunk. Jimin told me sirens get drunk... we just need a lot more than a human to get there." Taehyung explained, once again swaying but this time Jungkook was ready, quickly moving a couple of centimeters away too. He had no intention of getting a heart attack.

"You have no idea how much you need, right?" Jungkook asked curiously but Taehyung shook his head. "Okay, so I'll ask Jimin about that... so how about we maybe buy some alcohol that is cheaper for drinking before we go into the bar... and then we drink some good cocktails there for the taste?" The longer Jungkook continued to voice this out loud the more he realized this was probably dumb as fuck.

Maybe he was going to check how exactly Taehyung reacted when he was drunk and if it seemed harmless, they would go to the bar and if it didn't then they would stay in. That sounded a lot less dangerous.

Taehyung nodded slowly. "You're not going to run off again, right?"

Jungkook had the strongest urge to hug Taehyung but he just about stopped himself. "No! Of course not. I'm not leaving you on your own again, okay? I promise." He grabbed Taehyung's hand and locked their pinkies. "See, pinky promise."

Taehyung looked a little confused but simply followed what Jungkook was doing. This time Jungkook wasn't going to allow something like that night to happen again.

The hotel was more than just pretty. Jungkook's parents had recommended this one because apparently they knew the owner and all Jungkook was supposed to do was go say hi if he saw him. Jungkook was pretty sure he was not going to do that since he had zero memories of the guy even if he'd apparently met him as a child. But hey, his parents were willing to pay for his stay here, so he wasn't going to complain.

"I'll take a quick shower. I put some clothes for you on the bed. Just get dressed and maybe watch some TV in case I take a while to get ready." Jungkook picked up the remote to turn on the screen for Taehyung. He was pretty sure he was going to take a bit. He wanted to at least put a tiny bit of makeup on. He hadn't really gone out and dressed up properly since Taehyung had come back.

Hey small question

Is it okay to let Taehyung drink some alcohol? And if yes how much?

Jungkook placed his phone down on the edge of the sink once he finished writing his messages to Jimin. He undressed and slipped under the shower. He'd brought his own body wash and shampoo since he knew how sensitive Taehyung was to scents and apparently his things so far had been alright. The shower itself would have taken no longer than a few minutes but Jungkook turned the heat up just as much as he could stand before just closing his eyes and enjoying the feeling of the calming heat. He had finally gotten away from that place. No one was going to mention that someone was missing anymore. No one could remind Jungkook that he was the reason someone was no longer among them.

Eventually he had to step out of the shower though, just because he couldn't let Taehyung wait any longer. One glance at his phone showed that Jimin had answered in the meantime. Jungkook still felt a little weird towards Jimin. He still felt the aftertaste of closeness... and deep sadness. But those weren't his own emotions, which he had to keep reminding himself of.

You're not trying to get my big brother drunk are you? Trust me he'll not be easier to get rid of just because he's drunk

Just kidding

Yeah sirens can get drunk. Takes a lot more than for a human though

I don't think I've ever seen Taehyung drink before but at least for me I need a bottle of something strong to actually get something out of alcohol
I'm guessing you should give him a liter at least if he wants to get drunk. And our metabolism works quicker so we actually end up sober quicker too. Just a heads up.

Are you guys going out?

Might do

I'll see how stable Taehyung seems when he drank something, but if he is yeah we're going to go out

I'm honestly just a little worried because last time we went out together Taehyung killed a guy

Anything I should be worried about? Do you need me to talk to Tae?

No no it's actually my fault. Taehyung has been trying his best recently

That's great news! How so?

He's been really sweet with me

Jungkook hesitated for a second. Why did it feel wrong to tell Jimin about the no more killing humans thing? Somehow it felt too intimate in a way. Like he was exposing Taehyung. It really made no sense.

And Taehyung actually promised me that he wasn't going to kill any more humans

Woah how did you manage that

No clue tbh

If Jimin wanted to know more it was better to ask Taehyung. If anyone knew why exactly, it was Taehyung. Jungkook felt weird typing out that Taehyung had promised to stop killing because it made him uncomfortable. For some weird reason he felt like he had no right to that. He froze in the middle of wrapping a towel around his body. That was it. Jimin and Taehyung had always felt like something above humans. So where had Jungkook gotten the right to stop Tae from killing? Jungkook was nothing but a mere human. Like a mayfly in comparison to Taehyung's lifespan. Suddenly he felt weirdly small. So unimportant. The last couple of weeks it had been so easy to forget just how little of a role Jungkook truly played in Taehyung's life. Taehyung had known him for how long now? A year? That was nothing in the grand scheme of things. Jungkook bit his lip.

He was fucking dumb for even crushing on Taehyung. He had known that it was just a crush and could never turn into anything more in the first place, but now he felt even worse about it.

Well it's pretty damn clear Taehyung likes you a lot

You know how long Yoongi has been trying to steer him in the direction of no longer eating humans? And Taehyung never listened to him

So well done

Jungkook had no idea what to say. Just seconds ago self doubt had been clouding his mind and now he felt oddly giddy. He sighed, shushing away the bad emotions he had been feeling before. He had to stop overthinking so much. He and Taehyung were getting along well right now. That was all that mattered. Jungkook had been feeling more and more comfortable around Taehyung, especially after Taehyung had shown him his emotions and memories, and Jungkook trusted his intuition. There was no point in racking his brain. Instead he decided to do something risky. He felt like he could trust Jimin.

I sure hope so. Admittedly I've been a little all over the place with my emotions recently. I think I'm somewhat crushing on Taehyung and it's honestly just... weird. I know I don't have a chance with him and that's okay with me, but the fact that I like someone who eats people (no offense) is so weird on its own

Like shouldn't I have like... instincts that tell me that this is a bad idea?

What makes you think you have no chance with him?

Jungkook felt his heart speed up a little at that but he quickly repressed those emotions. He couldn't allow himself to hope. He knew Taehyung well enough to know that he didn't have a chance with him. Not with Taehyung's general attitude towards humans. Sure, maybe he no longer hated all of them but Jungkook was aware that this didn't mean he'd ever even consider dating one.

Honestly I just know. And it's okay. I don't mind just being friends with him


I guess

Gonna go check on Tae now

Thank you for helping me out

No problem!

Jungkook splashed some cold water on his face to focus back on the real world. He and Tae were going to drink a bit and just enjoy their holidays in Seoul... as friends.


Hey sorry for the slow updates recently. My mental health has been all over the place recently and sadly the first thing I tend to end up struggling with is writing. Honestly the part I'm saddest about is that I'm no longer able to actively help ppl with their own problems through my writing TT

Thank you to everyone who is patient with me and I promise I'll still continue to deliver this story just the way I intended in the beginning!

Anyways rlly looking forward to my plans for the next few chapters... Seoul will be fun🥺💜

Also the chapters might get longer again just  based of the plans I have so far!

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