20b~Dev's Hesitation

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"The caller who called Alia and the one who picked her from Mauli's house was none other than Police Commissioner Rohit Sippy," she said and Karan looked on.


Alia got a call on her phone and she received it. "Hallo?" she said. "Alia Karan Luthra?" asked the person who was none other than Commissioner Rohit Sippy. She gasped and panicked a little. "Sorry? Why do you want to know my name?" she asked. "No, actually, someone was missing from your family, right? Your brother as well as your mother, right?" Rohit asked. "But why and how can I tell you such personal details about myself?" she asked a little irritated. "Isn't your brother Dev Luthra and mother Ishwari Luthra?" he asked. Alia sighed. "What is up with you and who are you to ask such details? Are you a stalker?" she asked. "I am a private investigator, someone you know wants to protect you and that's why the person hired me to give you protection," he said. "Who is it? Mister Karan Luthra? Look please stop it, neither am I Alia Karan Luthra nor is Karan Luthra ny father and nor anyone is missing from my family," she said lying and stammering. "Lying won't work, I work for the police department and I am their Khabri Network also known as Private Investigator, and no it wasn't Karan Luthra who asked me to do this, and if you lie and don't tell the truth, your first and last chance may slip out of your hands to meet your missing family," he said, something in his voice asked Alia to trust him. She sighed. "Fine, I am Alia Karan Luthra only, and my brother is missing but my mother is dead," she said. "Did you ever see your mother's dead body? How can you be so sure?" asked Rohit. "Because I have a voice recording of my father Karan Luthra in which he said my mother is dead," she told him.


"Okay, kindly forward the audio to me, and yes Alia, you need to come with me, the police would also be there with me so no need to be scared, we need to make you meet someone," he said. "Anyone can dress up as a policeman because the costumes are easily available," she said. "For that, we would be carrying our official identity cards with us to prove to you that we aren't bogus," he said. "Okay, when do I have to come?" she asked. "Now itself, because the police doubts you can be the next victim too," he said. "Okay, shall I come out of the house?" she asked. "Yes, there's a police jeep waiting for you," he said and the call disconnected.


"Should I really trust this person? No, I can't take a chance, in case I go missing, I should inform someone trustworthy, I would leave a chit for Nalini didi and Pragati didi and then I will inform Mauli aunty over the message," she said and took a piece of paper and wrote the number of the mysterious person on the paper with other details and then messaged Mauli about it. She exited her room and the house and hesitantly opened the exit door praying that everything goes fine. She walked outside closing the door behind her and saw a police jeep. She walked towards it with baby steps, the door to the backseat opened where Rohit was sitting. The policemen sitting inside all showed their IDs and she sat inside and closed the door, the jeep drove off.


The jeep halted at a house and Rohit got out and Alia too came outside on her saying. Police jeep drove away. The duo walked to the house, the name plate read "Rohit Sippy". He unlocked the house and she walked inside followed by him. He closed the door behind him and led her to a room and opened the door, inside a lady lied under a blanket who was none other than Ishwari. "Alia," she called her sitting up. Alia smiled emotionally and ran to her hugging her instantly. "Mom," she said and cried on her shoulder. Ishwari hugged her back. "Where were you?" she asked. "I was saved by him when your father tried killing me," Ishwari told and Alia looked on sadly.

"Now till your brother is found, we both would stay here, and Rohit uncle has been spying your father since few days and its seen that he often leaves at night but when he sees police van, he escapes only to disappear and return to the house secretly, so he also doesn't knows where your brother is," she said. Alia stood up and went to Rohit. "Uncle, please find my brother, do anything just find him," she said almost begging him folding her hands and he held her hands. "Trust me, we will," he said and Alia went and sat with Ishwari.

Fb end.

"So Karan, in short, Rohit Sippy only gave shelter to me and my daughter, and then when Nalini called the police, Rohit was on duty and he was the one to alert every police officer about the hideout and that it can be possible for Dev to be here, and look, here Dev is, and I alerted Mauli as well about my well-being and my daughter's well-being as well," she said and Mauli too entered the house and she rushed to the children happily that they are safe. "Now Mister Karan Luthra, you also would be safe, in police custody," she said and then placed the gun down.

She turned to the policemen. "Arrest him under the charges of attempt to murder and kidnapping," Ishwari said and Karan was handcuffed. "And yes Karan, one thing is for sure, that you're the world's worst father, Dev got the trait of blackmailing from you only, but the trait of helping a person in need in him came from me, even though I was his adoptive mother, and now Dev's custody would also be given to me forever, rot in hell," she said and Karan was taken away.

"Thanks Rohit sir, for saving my life and my children's life and giving shelter to me and my daughter," Ishwari said thanking him and he smiled and began to leave. "You guys can stay in my house for the night," Rohit said and gave the keys to Ishwari and went. Ishwari got tears in her eyes and glanced at Dev and then turned her face away. "Mom," he said but she didn't turn to look at him. He stood up and walked to her painstakingly. "Bhai," Alia said holding him but he shook his head to let him go.

"Dev beta," Mauli came to him and held him. "Mauli aunty please," he said and then limped to Ishwari and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Mom," he said but she didn't look at him.  Nalini came to Ishwari. "Aunty, why aren't you looking at Dev?" she asked but Ishwari didn't answer. Alia came to Ishwari. "What's this mom? Don't forget that even you have yearned to meet him since long, so please don't turn your face away from him when he has returned," she said. "Alia, you know he knew about the affair but never told me, he took advantage of it to ease out money from Karan," Ishwari said cryingly.

"Bhai, tell her why you did that? I know but please tell her," Alia said. "Mom, Nalini's treatment costed one lacs and that's why I took that money and kept doubling the amount to help her only, I couldn't see her in so much pain, that's why mom. Nalini, didn't I give you so many medicines by which some of your months would be easier?" he asked. "Yes Dev, you did," Nalini said. "Mom, I love you, please don't hate me," he said and came in front and hugged her tight. "Sorry mom," he said, she hugged him back even more tightly and Alia joined the hug. Mauli and Nalini smiled seeing the trio together after a long time. Suddenly Dev's eyes began to close and his grip began to losen on Ishwari, he fell weak on his knees and collapsed on the floor. "Dev!" they said in unison, Rohit entered after putting Karan in jail and got shocked seeing Dev unconscious. He knelt beside him and checked his nerves and breathe. "Don't worry, he's okay, he fainted just because of weakness, let's take him to the hospital," Rohit said and picked him in his arms and took him outside followed by everyone.

He put him inside in the jeep and they all settled inside and Rohit drove off to the nearest hospital. Dev was admitted and treated by the doctors meanwhile the others waited outside. After a short time, doctor came outside and Ishwari rushed to him. "Don't worry, he's fine, just that he didn't have anything since a long period of time, so he's weak, we have given him vitamin drips and shots, he would be fine in sometime only, excuse me," he said and went. Later, Dev became fine and was taken to Rohit's home along with the family while Nalini and Mauli had left and went to their home. Mauli informed Sagar about Dev, Alia and Ishwari's comeback and Nalini too informed Pragati, all were very happy. The family had pizza party, and the doorbell rung and the pizza man came. Rohit received and paid and they all sat around the table. Dev got the slices which didn't have much cheese and got sad. "What happen Dev?" Rohit asked. "Sorry uncle, but, I want the cheesy part of the pizza," he said causing Ishwari and Alia to laugh at his childish tantrum.

"Aray, so what if he likes the cheesy part more? Take this beta," he said and gave him his plate and took his plate. "Thanks Rohit uncle, you're the best," Dev said and Rohit smiled. Later at night, Dev was resting on his bed when Alia came to him. "Bhai, can I ask you something?" she asked and he nodded. She came and sat beside him. "I know you have just survived from the clutches of our dad, and my question is also about him only, I hope you won't mind," she said.

"Leave all that, just ask," he said. "In childhood, once dad was tying your shoelaces and asking you not to tell the secret to mom or anyone else or else he won't give you any treats, and when I overheard and asked what's the secret, he said that it's just that you didn't take a bath, bhai tell me for real that what the secret was?" she asked and he chuckled and shook his head. "This was the secret only that I didn't take a bath that day before going to school," he said brushing it off. "Come on bhai, please," she insisted.

"Didn't I tell that it was mom's birthday and we had been planning a surprise birthday party for her? That was the secret," he said and she gave him a stern look. "Oh please, this also wasn't the secret, tell me else I would tell mom about it," she said and began to leave but he held her wrist, she looked back at him. "No ways you're going to tell mom, okay? Is this even a thing for which mom should be bothered? Come on, what to tell when there's nothing to tell," he said and she sighed.

"Fine, I may or may not agree at all. But there was one more thing, once he was hugging you and asking you why were you sad, what was that about?" she asked and he shrugged. "It would have been something which I would have asked and he wouldn't have given it to me because I was a child and I would have been showing tantrums," he said. "Oh Lord, when will my bhai finally learn to lie properly? I hope bhai that you never learn to lie properly and I can catch your lies," she said and he laughed.

"Last thing, lie once more and lose me forever. Once when I came to sleep in our parents room, you were lying beside him and not mom, when you were supposed to lie with mom and me with dad, and you were really sad, what had happened?" she asked and he shook his head. "Alia, come on, no more questions, let me rest please," he said and closed his eyes. She looked on and turned away her face. Then she stood up and took a cushion from the nearby couch and threw it at him startling him.

"Alia?" he said in a shock opening his eyes. "Fine! Don't tell me! I won't ever talk to you again!" she said angrily, he was shocked as she began to leave, he got off the bed and stopped her, he held her wrist and pulled her inside. "Leave me!" she said angrily and finally made him leave. "I value you a lot, but you don't value me at all bhai, I care for you but you don't, that's why you can't answer a simple question," she said angrily as tears made way through her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. He sighed. "Sshhhh," he said and closed the door. "Look Alia, I promise to reveal each and everything, but not now, this is not the right time, okay, please don't be angry and don't think like this," he said wiping her tears and she moved  her palm in front of him. "Promise?" she asked. "Promise," he said and she smiled finally and they shared a hug. "Sorry bhai, love you bhai," she said, he smiled. "Love you too sis," he said.


Arjun  came to Preeta when she was standing at the balcony and placed his hand on her shoulder, she turned immediately and he hugged her. "Mauli called, Dev is found, Ishwari is also alive, now we don't have to wait anymore, we can resume our functions sooner," he said happily and she smiled. "Yes, we can," she said and they broke the hug. He sat on his knees and cupped her pregnant tummy. "Now I will become your papa sooner my baby, you would live an honored life, and an honored childhood, and your mother would also live a normal life," he said causing her to smile more. She cupped his face. "Yes, we would live the life we dreamt of, finally," she said and he stood up and they shared a hug once again.

"By the way Preeta, didn't you want to talk to Dev, Alia and Ishwari?" he asked breaking the hug and she got sad. "I want to, but...," her voice trailed off. "No buts, let's do it tomorrow itself , and then we can continue with our lives," he said and she nodded. "Aren't you getting sleep? You're pregnant, you should rest, come," he said and led her to the room and lied her on the bed. He pulled a duvet above her and began to leave but she held his hand. "Don't go please," she said and he turned to her. "Don't worry, Karan can't abduct you now, as he's jailed for his crimes," he said and she shook her head. "I don't care about him anymore, I am saying to just be with me, if not throughout the night, you can stay till I am half asleep," she said and he nodded and she left his hand. He went and lied beside her, she turned and cuddled to him. "Just like a baby needs warmth to sleep, even the mother may need warmth to sleep," she said sleepily and he smiled and caressed her hair, she slept. Next morning, the family sat for breakfast. Kartika wasn't there but then she came out of her room with Raunak and sat for breakfast struggling with Raunak to make him eat. "Kartika, give him to me, I would make him eat, you look tired," Sandhya said and Kartika gave Raunak to her and ate just a little and went to her room. "She's hiding something," Gajendra said and the others looked on. Later, Arjun  and Preeta had a talk with Kartika. "I don't have much time left, I went to the doctor to have a talk with him over ovary transplant," she said.

"So then what did he say?" Preeta asked. "He said that it can happen but sometimes the ovary doesn't grow inside as it doesn't gets much blood so he can only transplant it outside the pelvis. I am in so much pain, I vomit too much, throw up anywhere, Raunak isn't even of one year and I would have to leave him so early which I never thought, Preeta, promise me, promise that you would take care of my Raunak, no matter what?" she asked.

Preeta nodded. "Promise, I would," she said. "Me as well," Arjun  said. Gajendra and Sandhya entered. "Even we would, he would call us his grandparents," Sandhya said. "Yes, he won't be any less to us than that soon coming child," Gajendra said and Kartika smiled. "Thanks, now I can die peacefully," she said. They all smiled emotionally.

Later that day, Kartika was nowhere to be seen and later they found her dead on the bed. It was concluded that she died in her sleep and so her last rites were done and Raunak had new parents who were none other than Arjun  and Preeta.

Later, Arjun  and Preeta went to meet Ishwari and her family. "I am sorry that you lost your husband because of me and Dev was endangered due to me," she said cryingly. "We should thank you in fact, that you exposed Karan to us, and because of you only we could see his real face and that he was behind Dev's kidnapping and he even attempted to murder me," Ishwari said and hugged Preeta who was shocked but then she smiled and hugged her back. Then they broke the hug. "Good that you are broad minded and you think Preeta is an angel in your lives," Arjun  said smilingly and Ishwari smiled as well.

"Preeta aunty, thanks for removing the toxin out of our lives, else I don't think we would have ever got back our normal lives," Alia said, Preeta smiled and she smiled back. Dev came before her and held his ear apologetically. "I am sorry for that day, I shouldn't have caressed your hand like that but I promise it wasn't with a bad intention, it was just to tease you as you were too adamant to leave him," he said. "And if I would have left him long ago, maybe all this wouldn't have happened," Preeta replied regretfully. "Come on, when he couldn't be the father to his own child so then how can he be the father of us?" Dev asked all of a sudden shocking everyone including Arjun  and Preeta. "What do you mean Dev?" Ishwari asked. Dev got tensed but then smiled to cover up. "I mean, I am his first child from his first late wife, and Alia is from you mom, and Preeta aunty is also pregnant, I meant that when he couldn't be of his grown up children, how can he think of the one who's unborn?" he asked and everyone calmed a little.

"Sorry Dev, I also shouldn't have slapped you that day," Preeta said apologetically. "I did bad so its okay," Dev said. "But Dev, whatever you did was good out of bad, and you're a very nice person and not the one you became because of Karan to ease out money," Ishwari said and Dev smiled. "Okay we are leaving, have a good day," Arjun  said. "Have a safe drive," Ishwari said casually and Arjun  and Preeta left and then reached home.

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