5~Shape Shifting

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Sarla's house's doorbell rang and she answered the door, there stood Srishti with Pihu in her arms. Seeing them, Sarla didn't wait even for a nanosecond and let them come inside directly. "Maa, Pihu was insisting to meet Preeta di, so I brought her here," she said. "Its okay, mother daughter should be meeting frequently," Sarla said, Srishti kept Pihu down, the duo watched as she ran away to Preeta's room and then looked at each other emotionally sharing a hug. "Poor Pihu and Preeta di," Srishti said bursting into tears. "I hope Preeta recalls everything sooner, and the mother daughter can be together," Sarla said.

Preeta was lost in thoughts when little steps snapped her out of her own world, she looked up as Pihu ran to her and climbed on the bed hugging her. "Mumma," she said, Preeta gasped hearing the same word again, she couldn't help but hug her back, she didn't know why but she couldn't resist this little girl's hug, neither she could resist the feeling she felt for her. "Pihu," she said softly, Pihu smiled hearing her name from her mouth and tightened the hug. Preeta felt nicer and she also tightened the hug.

"Mumma," Pihu replied to her, Preeta felt really nice to hear that word from her. Eventually Pihu broke the hug and sat in front of her. "I missed you a lot mumma, I missed you," she said a little emotionally cupping her face with her tiny hands. Preeta held her hands and kissed them, she couldn't help but feel motherly love for her not knowing she's her daughter only. She kissed her forehead and her cheeks and pulled her in a hug, Pihu hugged her back, Preeta closed her eyes feeling immense relief. "Pihu, baby, you can come to me anytime, you miss your mumma, I understand, I am there for you, don't worry, but who brought you here?" she asked.

Pihu was about to say but stopped seeing Srishti at the doorstep who signed her to be quiet. She entered inside and hearing her footsteps, Preeta released the hug and turned her head to her and smiled seeing her standing up from the bed and hugged her. "Srishti," she said happily and Srishti hugged her back and blinked her eyes in assurance at Pihu. The sisters released the hug after a short time and smiled at each other.

"Didi, Pihu's papa brought her here to you, because you know, when she woke up from unconsciousness, she was alone in that unfamiliar house, the only comfort she got was from you. Along with you only she got comfort, right? Her papa only told me that on the way to their house, Pihu slept in your arms. In one meeting only, she got attached to you, so she was insisting on meeting you," Srishti explained in a go. Preeta chuckled glancing at Pihu who was also laughing at Srishti talking too fast. "Okay okay, relax, breathe Srishti, don't talk too much, then you pant heavily," Preeta said, Srishti nodded.

Preeta turned to Pihu and bent down picking her in her arms twirling her making her giggle. "Okay so you both play, maa said that lunch would be ready in a short while, so bring Pihu as well then," Srishti said. "Okay," Preeta said and she left. She played with Pihu and felt attached to her, as if she knew her since a lot of time, well of course she did, but she didn't remember that she was her adopted daughter for who she could even give away her life and don't mind at all.

"Preeta maa, I am hungry," she said. "Okay, let's go eat something," Preeta said and walked outside with Pihu in her arms, she made Pihu sit and sat beside her. Sarla and Srishti were already busy eating, so Preeta made Pihu eat. Srishti and Sarla smiled seeing the duo. Finally Pihu is happy because she is with her mother. Srishti thought. Pihu also made her eat, Preeta smiled and kissed her forehead. A snake climbed inside from Preeta's room window and slithered outside towards the hall, it rolled and heightened itself. Pihu was about to climb down the chair but her eyes went on the snake.

Her throat dried up and her eyes widened, she became still, she startled as the snake opened its mouth. Suddenly her vision blurred, she felt dizzy and began to lose her senses and suddenly fell on the floor with a thud, the trio's attention diverted to her. "Pihu!" Preeta screamed and got down the chair running to her, Sarla and Srishti too came and stooped low near her. Preeta picked her in her arms and was about to take her to the room but then her attention went on the snake.

She stared at it, Srishti and Sarla stood up and saw her eyes fixated somewhere, they followed her gaze and startled seeing the snake, they screamed startling Preeta. "Don't be scared, I would see, Srishti, take Pihu and maa along," she said and Srishti took Pihu from Preeta, the trio left from there. Preeta gave a death glare to the snake and rushed to it grabbing it and then gripped it from her other hand too squeezing it angrily. "You have so much of strength that you would scare my daughter? If you have so much strength then try me," she threatened.

The snake opened its mouth and bit her over her hand, she hissed a little as a small amount of blood got drawn but then she smiled and dropped it and stooped in front of it, the snake went round and round heightening itself once again. Preeta stood up and closed her eyes and crossed her arms clenching her fists, she opened her eyes and her eyes had turned ruby red, her skin turned scaly and her lower body transformed into a long scaly snake tail, she wrapped her tail around the snake and threw it away from the window and turned back into her humanly form.

She felt dizzy and held her head suddenly losing her senses and fell unconscious on the floor with a thud. The snake fell on the ground and turned into an eagle flying away and stopped at Luthra Mansion directly at Karan's window, the window opened and it entered inside taking its real form. Karan's attention diverted to it as he felt a gust of wind, he looked on as the eagle came in its real form. "Eagle prince Aakesh, she came in her real form and attacked me, you only told to go to her and make her recall that who she is for real,and as I am a jinn, I can take any animal's form, so I became a snake and went there, but before her, unfortunately the little girl saw me and fainted, but your wife did take serpent form," he said.

"Good, but then what happened?" Karan asked. "Prince, she just threw me from the window, I don't know about the rest," he said. "Okay, go back Aman, thanks for your help," Karan told him addressing him from his name, he disappeared. Karan also took his eagle form and flew to Preeta's house sitting at the window eyeing her. She was resting on the bed, Pihu was sleeping beside her, both were unconscious. He jumped and turned into his human version.

He smiled seeing the duo. "Both mother daughter are so protective about each other, none can say that Pihu didn't take birth from Preeta's womb," he murmured. He removed a fringe from Preeta's face and smiled admiring her. "Very soon Preeta would remember each and everything, she would also remember that the king of the sky, of all the birds, of Cheel Lok is me, Aakesh aka Karan, is her husband," he continued. He saw Preeta stirring in her sleep and he turned into an eagle and flew outside to the nearest tree. He eyed her, Preeta sat up holding her head recovering from what happened earlier, how she injured the snake and later turned into a shape shifting serpent and attacked it.

I don't know how it happened, how I turned furious seeing that snake, and how because of it Pihu fainted, how I attacked the snake, how I completely transformed and threw that snake out. The way I care for Pihu, the way I feel for her is the same as any mother would feel for her daughter, in fact, I feel I protected her before as well, but when? I even felt connected to Bela. What's the matter, I really don't know. Preeta thought.

She turned her gaze to see Pihu sleeping beside her, in fact she was unconscious. She sighed and looked at the bedside table and saw a jug filled with water. She took some in her hand and splashed some on Pihu's eyes, she opened her eyes and looked around and then at Preeta. She climbed in her lap and hugged her still scared. "Mumma," she said fearfully. Karan looked on from the tree. Preeta hugged her back and consoled her. "Its okay Pihu, my baby its okay," she said, Pihu released the hug and held her ears.

"Sorry, I keep calling you mumma again and again," she said and Preeta chuckled. "No worries, you can call me anything you want to," Preeta said smiling sweetly at her. "Pretty Preeta?" she asked, Preeta gasped and got a flashback.


Pihu was hiding somewhere, everyone had got worried, but then Srishti found Pihu and brought her out. "Pretty Preeta you're crying? Did anyone scold you? Who scolded you? Did you scold her?" Pihu asked Preeta and then Kareena who was Karan's adoptive paternal aunt. She shook her head. "Did you scold her papa?" Pihu asked Karan who also shook his head. "So then who scolded you pretty Preeta?" she asked. "Arayyy nani maa, no one scolded her, she's crying for you as you disappeared," Srishti said. Pihu held her ears. "Sorry," she said. "Awwww," everyone said in unison at her cuteness. "But I don't accept your apology Pihu," Preeta said. Pihu became dull. "But why pretty Preeta?" she asked. "Because you call me pretty Preeta, I am your mumma, please call me mumma," Preeta requested. "Mumma," Pihu said cutely. Preeta smiled and couldn't control and cried out of happiness hugging her.

Fb end.

"Pretty Preeta?" Preeta asked. "Yes, why? You don't like this name?" Pihu asked. "I liked it, in fact I loved it," she replied, Pihu smiled. Wow Pihu, first pretty Preeta, then mumma, now once again pretty Preeta, nice. Karan thought. Aaqa Aakesh! Karan heard someone call him but he didn't leave, so one eagle came flying to him. He came in his real version. "Sardar Aakesh, please come back to Cheel lok, we all need you," he said.

Karan flew down and came to his human version. "I won't, not until Preeta remembers everything Pankaj," he said. Pankaj took his eagle form and flew away.

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