Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


When they had made themselves comfortable on the sofa, Jimin didn't say anything for a while, really not sure what lines not to cross. After maybe a minute he decided that if he could help Taehyung just the tiniest bit, maybe that was worth a try.

"You know... I'm not Jungkook and it's probably not the same, but if you could use a hug... you could get that from me too." It sounded so stupid, but even with how things had started they still were friends. Jimin had to stop tiptoeing around just to make sure Taehyung wouldn't think Jimin was still trying to get with him. He really wasn't anymore. Jimin knew way too well by now that what he was looking for was not something he would find with Taehyung.

The boy was way too impulsive... not one for a serious relationship. That much Jimin could tell... the way he acted around Jungkook. They were so sweet, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that they didn't completely open up with each other.

What Jimin needed was something stable. Someone with whom he could be honest and open and who was open with him too. After everything Jimin really needed someone he could count on... especially with sex. Someone who would take his time with him, patiently waiting for him. Taehyung wasn't that someone. He knew that.

Taehyung looked at him for a couple of seconds, scanning his face before slowly nodding. "You sure?"

"Duh. We're friends, you know. If you need a hug or cuddles you can always come to me. You know I'm touch deprived too. Not going to complain." he stated, opening up maybe a bit much, but he didn't care. What would it mean if he wasn't even comfortable sharing that with Taehyung?

A warm smile tugged at Taehyung's lips. "You know what you're getting yourself into? Once I start receiving affection I ask for an awful lot." he warned, already seeming more comfortable than he had been before.

"Come here. I promise you I'm not the one to shy away from affection. I'll not be the one to give in first." he giggled, opening his arms for Taehyung to come to him. He hadn't put much thought into what the cuddling was even supposed to look like. Was more expecting for things to happen the way they were most comfortable with and that was exactly what happened. Taehyung crawled up to him, sitting down next to him before leaning his head against Jimin's chest, pulling his legs to his body and leaning them against Jimin as well, so he was still sitting but most of his body was supported by Jimin's.

Almost on instinct Jimin's hand went up to Taehyung's head, running it through his hair. He had kind of wanted to touch it for quite some time. Taehyung sighed, rubbing his cheek against Jimin's chest. "Why aren't we doing this more often?"

Jimin shrugged, chuckling. "I don't know. You're the one who rejected me. If it was just about me, we'd be doing this for hours every day."

Taehyung chuckled too. "Bad thing I did." A short silence filled the room and Jimin wondered whether Taehyung had gone back to watching the movie when he spoke up again. "I've been meaning to ask for a while, but are you comfortable here? You have been staying here for months and you're still on the sofa. If you want, Jungkook and I could move into the same room and make some space for you. I mean, you practically live with us now. Even pay rent and all so it's pretty unfair that you have to stay there."

"Don't sweat it. I like my little space here... I get to talk to the two of you a lot. I really enjoy staying here if I'm honest. Like, no homo, but I love you two. It's been a while since I felt so comfortable around someone. Watching you two all romancy around each other is a bonus. I mean, two hot guys making out in the kitchen? Sign me up." Jimin joked, playing with a strand of Taehyung's hair. The younger stifled a laugh, dropping his head more against Jimin's chest.

"If you want a sex tape I'd gladly give it to you." he teased and Jimin felt relieve flooding over him. Taehyung seemed more relaxed now. Not as tense as he had been before, almost like normal.

"Don't make that offer if you're not going to keep it. You're tempting me." Jimin giggled, softly poking Taehyung's side, who gasped dramatically as if Jimin had just stabbed him and bringing his hands down to protect his sides.

"Here I am making you great offers and then you betray my trust like this. You don't deserve our homemade porn."

Jimin just tried not to think about the actual thing, since that really was something he wanted to see and didn't want to see at the same time. But he certainly didn't want to think about it right now because the last thing he could use was popping a boner in front of Taehyung because he imagined Jungkook underneath Taehyung.

"Yeah, no thanks. I don't need any more sexual tension in this household. There is more than enough already."

"True." Taehyung chuckled, sighing as he closed his eyes again, leaning more into Jimin's touch. "It's nice that you moved in. Really nice. It's been a while since Jungkook and I got along with someone that well and you lighten the mood somehow."

Contently Jimin rubbed Taehyung's skalp, running his fingers through his soft black locks. "It really is nice."

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