Chapter 29

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Chapter 29


Jimin woke up the next morning because something kept tickling his nose. When he opened his eyes he found Jungkook's sleeping face right in front of his, his fluffy black hair being to blame for Jimin waking up, he couldn't get himself to be annoyed. Not when Jungkook was looking so peaceful like that. Long lashes and cute lips forming almost a pout as he slept.

He was a little less cute from the neck downwards though. As usual they had gone to sleep quite late the day before, so Jimin had been too tired to notice that Jungkook had gotten rid of all his clothes, apart from his boxers. He always slept like this and Jimin really didn't mind. Rather he was glad that at least Jungkook was dressed throughout the day. A habit he had apparently only picked up after Jimin had moved in.

Jimin let his eyes slowly trail the tattoos down his shoulder, following the beautiful, clear lines. While they were mainly dark and displayed relatively edgy themes, your typical skulls and what not, the way they were drawn was surprisingly delicate. The lines were clean and clear, not too bold or too overbearing.

He tried moving a little, only to find that his body was held in place by an arm that did not belong to Jungkook. Jimin glanced back to find more bare skin. Seemed like Taehyung had decided not to wear any clothes either. Unlike Jungkook, who, while sharing the bed with them, was lying on his side without touching them... at least not with his arms, Jimin was pretty sure he was feeling one of Jungkook's legs between his, Taehyung was completely wrapped around Jimin. His face was buried in Jimin's neck, his warm breath sending cold shivers down his back, and his arms were tightly clasped around him.

Jimin closed his eyes, letting the feeling of warmth and comfortableness wash over him. He felt so safe here, even though he was sandwiched between two guys that were both very naked and very attracted to him. In a way the thought that they both had had sex many times before and also wanted to have sex with him was intimidating... but not scary.

Intimidating mostly because Jimin just felt like they knew so fucking much and he was probably not going to be able to keep up with that... they just knew each others body so well already. And yet Jimin had never done anything like this.

But even then, he was really looking forward to it. Sleeping with Taehyung and Jungkook just sounded too good to be true. Getting to touch them, make them feel good... have them make him feel good. There were so many new things he could try and learn.

Even if he was new to this thing... he was sure they would show him what to do and be patient. And he would get better... there was something so exciting about the idea of sleeping with them. It was hard to describe because he had never felt like this before. Sleeping with his future partner had felt like something he was going to have to do, but never like something he could really look forward to.

But lying in bed, seeing Jungkook's body in front of him and feeling Taehyung's behind him... that really didn't sound all too bad.

"Morning." Jimin startled at Taehyung's rough morning voice right against the skin of his neck, so close to his ear.

"Morning... how did you sleep?" Jimin sighed when Taehyung started placing soft kisses all over the back of his neck. Long, lingering kisses that felt way too good for them to be just that.

"Like a log." Taehyung muttered, still sounding a little groggy as he pulled Jimin in even closer, pressing a lazy kiss against his cheek before resting his head in the crease of his neck again. Jimin really couldn't say he minded the body contact.

Taehyung's body was warm and soft, but also hard against his. Even though his stomach wasn't as defined as Jungkook's he still had a lot of muscle, especially around the shoulders and chest area.

Jimin wriggled a little to get Taehyung to soften his iron grip on him so he could turn around and face him. When he finally succeeded he let out a soft coo at how sleepy Taehyung actually looked. His long bangs messily hanging into his face, eyes half-closed as he looked at Jimin, and a certain peaceful, blissed-out expression that made Jimin want to hug him tightly. Taehyung looked just like Jimin felt and he couldn't help wonder if maybe he was looking quite similar.

"Do you have anything to do today?" Jimin asked, curling up against Taehyung's chest. His scent too. Everything about him was calming and reassuring in a way. It wasn't that surprising though, given that every time Jimin had cuddled with him, Taehyung had been nothing but sweet and warm.

Of course Jimin connected positive things with him. Just like Jungkook. Jungkook might have shown a bit of a tough exterior at first, but yet every time Jimin had needed him, he had always been there for him.

"Nothing." Taehyung chuckled. "I get to laze around in bed all day." He pressed a kiss to the crown of Jimin's head before pulling him in tighter again. "And I know yours and Jungkook's schedule and theoretically we could do this all day."

Jimin hummed, breathing in deeply. "That sounds amazing." Taehyung's hand slipped under his t-shirt, softly running over his skin. It felt good... way too good, and knowing that there was no reason to get out of bed... Jimin liked that a lot.

He felt like he could have fallen asleep again like this. Feeling Taehyung's fingers trace circles over his skin, his breaths against his hair, but Taehyung seemed to have other plans. He rolled onto his back, pulling Jimin onto his stomach. Jimin lifted his head to look at Taehyung's face, which was still way too cute and handsome at the same time for it to belong to his boyfriend... how did he deserve this? What kind of good karma had he gathered his last life to not only get one but two boyfriends that looked like that?

"I do have some dance classes at four pm... until then I wouldn't mind some lazing around." Jimin reached out his hand, running his fingers along the slope of Taehyung's nose before booping the tip. He couldn't help giggling when Taehyung scrunched his nose up in feigned displeasure.

"Hm maybe we could so something aside from lazing around too?" Taehyung grinned cheekily before pulling Jimin down in a long, warm kiss. Jimin practically melted against him, enjoying the feeling of Taehyung's lips against his. It was so soft but at the same time certainly not a childish kiss. Not with the way Taehyung pulled him in closer and nibbled at his lips.

Jimin found himself lost in the way Taehyung kissed him. All he could focus on was how good Taehyung felt and how much he liked the feeling of Taehyung's bare skin under his fingers.

"Well, that is hot." Jimin had to gather all his willpower to pull away from the kiss and instead focus on Jungkook, who looked just as good with his messy hair, chest bare and that cheeky grin on his face. A grin Jimin had grown to love.

"Like the show?" Jimin teased before leaning down and kissing Taehyung again. Mostly to show off, admittedly.

"Certainly don't mind being woken up like this." Jungkook chuckled before blinking tiredly and yawning. Jimin once again had a hard time stopping himself from letting his eyes wander when Jungkook stretched. How could he when the snake that ran down the side of Jungkook's waist was this visible and seemed to be moving? When Jimin looked back at Taehyung he found him staring with the exact same type of fascination. Jimin couldn't help but smile fondly at the sight. He loved seeing Taehyung and Jungkook be affectionate with each other. It was rarer now because they had been dating for a while and just were somewhat out of the typical 'honeymoon phase' that Jimin still felt like he was floating in... but that didn't mean that the affection they had for one another wasn't obvious.

Their love was in the details. The way Jungkook would know exactly how to react and what to say when Taehyung was feeling a bit down. The way they knew each other's habits and tastes by heart... and the way they would look at each other sometimes. That was what made Jimin's heart race the most. The love and affection in their eyes when they looked at each other.

Jimin yelped when he felt his body being lifted before he got flipped onto his back, Taehyung still on top of him. He could hear Jungkook laughing somewhere next to him when he felt Taehyung press his lips to his in a short kiss before grinning at him. "I'm sorry, but I need to give my boyfriend a morning kiss."

Jimin clicked his tongue in fake annoyance as Taehyung pulled away. "So he's the more important boyfriend, huh?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, throwing the blanket at Jimin's face. Jimin giggled, parrying the awful attack by lifting his hand. "I knew it. Now you're even attacking me."

Jimin could hear Jungkook laugh next to him. It was hard to keep his straight, fake angry face as he frowned at Taehyung.

"Have you seen how adorable he is? Is it so hard to understand?" Taehyung acted out with a fake dramatic voice, pointing at Jungkook. Jimin glanced at Jungkook, feeling warmth spread through his stomach at the sight of his amused smile.

"I knew you would betray me! Just because of his cute nose, handsome face and adorable bunny teeth-" "Hey!" Jimin giggled at Jungkook's half offended voice. No matter how much Jungkook was going to deny it, those teeth really were the cutest.

"I'm sorry, Jimin... the pull of the bunny teeth is just too strong." Of course Taehyung was going to repeat the one thing Jungkook had complained about. Taehyung scooted over a little until he was lying on Jungkook's stomach just the way Jimin had been lying on Taehyung's earlier. Jimin watched as Jungkook flicked Taehyung's forehead, but even he couldn't hide the way the corners of his mouth were twitching.

Jimin felt all warm and tingly when Taehyung and Jungkook finally kissed. It was a sight to behold, admittedly. Now that he was a bit further away it became all the more obvious that both Jungkook and Taehyung were very much almost naked.

Not that either of them even seemed to notice. They were probably used to making out in even less. Jimin could feel a blush rising to his cheeks at the memory of the one time he had seen it happen with his own eyes. It had been a while since he had watched them hook up and yet it felt like just happened yesterday. It all felt so vivid... the way Taehyung and Jungkook had touched each other.

Their naked bodies moving against each other. Jimin realized he really wanted to see that again. At the time he had mostly been brave enough to try because he had drunk a little. Not much. He hadn't been drunk, but the liquid courage had certainly helped.

Now he no longer felt like he needed the alcohol. They had shown that he could trust them... that there was nothing to worry about. Of course he had known that before... but the fact that he had been comfortable sitting in the same bathtub as Jungkook. Being naked and sharing a bath with naked Jungkook... it had shown him just how much he had grown to trust these two.

Jimin found himself shifting so he could watch the way they moved completely in sync more easily. It was amazing, really. They obviously knew the ins and outs of their bodies perfectly and were used to each other's presence. But Jimin didn't feel jealous because of it. Rather, he was fascinated. Maybe a little turned on.

Especially when the kisses got deeper. Jimin knew he liked watching them. He'd had many opportunities to figure that out. When Jungkook's gaze shortly shifted to him Jimin felt a shiver run down his spine. It had held that certain something. The certain something Jimin had seen that night he and Taehyung had slept with each other and Jimin had gotten to watch.

When Jungkook started kissing Taehyung even deeper, Jimin knew that, to some extent, he was giving him a show. He obviously liked kissing Taehyung for the simple reason of enjoying kissing Taehyung... but he was also enjoying the fact that Jimin was watching them.

Jimin could tell that this was getting a little more intense than just a regular make out session. Especially with the way Jungkook was grinding up against Taehyung, kissing him deeply before moving on to his neck, covering it with love bites.

Jimin knew he could just leave anytime. They had talked about this. Whatever he felt comfortable with, and he could get up whenever he wanted to, no judgment. But Jimin didn't want to leave. Not when he enjoyed watching the way Jungkook's hands were slowly running over Taehyung's sides. Not when the sounds Taehyung let out, the half groans half moans as Jungkook nibbled at the skin of his neck, sounded this good.

Jimin just found himself stuck in place, watching curiously and admittedly pretty horny. He wanted to see them again... the way they moved in sync with each other. Affectionate and careful but also a little rough. It was such a beautiful mix and Jimin was craving to see it again.

"Is this fine with you... if we...?" Jimin barely realized Taehyung was talking to him. When he did he nodded slowly.

"Can I watch again?"


Had to split this chapter because it would have been waaay too long otherwise💜

Next one should be up by the time you read this tho😖

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