Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


The next few weeks Jimin found himself a lot more busy than he had anticipated. Mostly because he had pushed most of his uni work back due to the whole situation with his mother. Which was why he found himself working until late in the night most days.

And while that could have meant that he would have had to neglect his relationship with Jungkook and Taehyung a bit that ended up not being the case. Instead, they actually ended up falling into a cute routine. The three of them would drive to uni together in the morning, get some coffee before each going their way. Then they would eat lunch at a close-by fast food place before visiting their afternoon lectures.

When Jimin studied in the living room Jungkook would usually lie on the floor next to him and play some games on the console or hold naps abusing Jimin's leg as a pillow. Taehyung on the other hand had a little less time to spare than Jungkook, because unlike Jungkook he put a bit more of an effort into uni, but he usually would end up sitting next to Jimin to study as well, at least when he was home.

Sometimes he would also sit down behind Jimin and start massaging Jimin's shoulders which usually at that point were aching and stiff from all the hunched-over sitting. Then in the evening they would cook together or order some take out if they were too busy or lazy.

But the one thing Jimin barely found time for during that time was going any further with Taehyung and Jungkook than they already had. There were some sleepy make-up sessions in the mornings, one shower together that escalated into Jungkook giving Taehyung a blowjob and Jimin watching while simultaneously attempting not to freeze his ass off because he wasn't getting any warm water.

It had been a little clumsy and honestly, Jimin had never thought he would laugh this much watching Jungkook attempt to give Taehyung a blowjob with water splashing in his face. It was all lighthearted and Jimin felt so much more comfortable being naked around them than he ever could have imagined.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook were great at making sex out to be this fun thing, rather than a scary thing and that was exactly what Jimin needed. A fun approach to something that made him nervous instead of looking at it all seriously.

But while there really hadn't been any openings for them to go any further than they had before Jimin had pulled Taehyung into a sex shop once (mostly because he had been too awkward to go alone) to buy some dildos for practicing... what he was planning to do. Honestly, it had been fun and all until Taehyung had told one of the employees there the measurements of dildo they were looking for... his and Jungkook's measurements to be more exact.

Scary shit.

The saleswoman had raised her eyebrow but simply moved on from there. She had probably seen weirder shit before but Jimin had a hard time looking her into the eyes after that. Either way, he ended up with two dildos after that, plus one that was a bit of a smaller size and he had been using the bit of free time he had found the last few weeks to slowly build up using them.

He'd actually gotten quite far. He could use the biggest of the three dildos relatively comfortably now. That's where his progress seemed to freeze though. He'd gotten there around a week ago but it seemed practically impossible to get anything to go in there with it. A finger he just about got in, but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get the smallest dildo to enter alongside the big one.

It just didn't want to go in. No matter how much lube Jimin used and how hard he tried to push it in... it just didn't catch. Simply slipped off and Jimin was frustrated because how the hell was he supposed to train this when it simply didn't go in?

Which was how he ended up knocking on Taehyung's door, mainly because he wanted to ask for advice and Taehyung had been the one who had been there when they had bought these dildos so in his head it seemed reasonable. The voice coming from inside wasn't Taehyung's though.

"Come in."

Jimin carefully pushed the door open to find Jungkook lying on Taehyung's bed, on his back with his legs playfully extended into the air. He was wearing black shorts and a wide t-shirt that Jimin had seen a couple of times on Taehyung. He seemed to have been on his phone and was now looking at him.

"If you're looking for Taehyung he went to the convenience store to get us some chips. He wants to maybe do a movie evening today." Jungkook rolled over onto his side. "Do you have time today?"

Jimin nodded. He had done most of his uni work for the day aside from a few things that he could do tomorrow without feeling too guilty.

"That sounds great."

"Is there anything you need from Taehyung?" Jungkook cocked his head and Jimin couldn't help smile a little. It was weird how much Jungkook had changed since he had met him. At first he had been so unapproachable, seemingly unwilling to acknowledge any emotion, but now it was pretty clear that had mostly been because he just hadn't known Jimin well enough then.

Jimin still saw the way Jungkook behaved when anyone else was around. A lot stiffer and certainly a lot less affectionate, but around Jimin and Taehyung he seemed to completely relax.

"Not quite. I just wanted to ask him something."

"About what if you're comfortable telling me?" Jungkook sat up on the bed, seemingly curious. He looked a little like a puppy. Jimin had a hard time suppressing a smile at the thought.

"You know I've been... training with dildos because there's no way I will be able to take you two at the same time without a lot of preparation." Jimin scrunched up his face because it was a little awkward to talk about this. Just voicing what they were going to do out loud felt a little weird. Jimin hadn't really talked much about sex, ever. "But I've been struggling with getting more than one dildo inside. I wanted to ask Taehyung if maybe he had some advice."

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, seemingly thinking about it. Jimin was glad that Jungkook was treating this like any other problem rather than a sexual topic. He really wasn't sure if he would have been able to take it if he did.

After a few seconds, Jungkook let himself fall back onto the bed, his t-shirt riding up a little revealing his toned stomach. Almost on reflex, Jimin moved towards the bed, sitting down on the edge just to poke Jungkook's stomach. Jungkook giggled, slapping Jimin's hand away without any real malice behind it.

"The only solution that comes to my mind is that Taehyung and I could help you."

Jimin froze. All they had done so far was nonpenetrative... and even if this was not actual sex he would actually let Taehyung and Jungkook put something up his ass... and that was quite anxiety-inducing in a way. Because that way all the attention would be on him... and he wasn't sure if he wanted that just yet.


Jungkook sat up and patted Jimin's thigh. "It's totally fine if you don't want to though... maybe we'll find a different way."

"No... I think it's good to consider it but also slightly terrifying." Jimin sighed. "I trust you guys... but it's already so close to sex. That's scary." It was a little embarrassing to admit, but he wanted to be as honest as he could be with the two of them.

"You tried doing it with two dildos right?" Jungkook asked, curiously.

Jimin nodded slowly. "Yeah, the ones Taehyung got with me."

For a few seconds, Jungkook seemed to think to himself before he got up and pulled out the drawer under his bed. Jimin watched as he rummaged through it and Jimin was pretty damn sure that he saw some sex toys mixed in there. After a couple of seconds, Jungkook seemed to have found what he was looking for and pulled out a toy, that was long and thin but had small pearls along the length that got broader the further up they were.

"These are anal beads... I could imagine it's probably easier to combine these with a dildo for a start." Jimin just stared at the toy... it was pretty clear that that was one of Jungkook's toys. This was something Jungkook had probably played with before. He could feel the heat rush to his face.

"Okay... I'll get some from the sex store as well." Jimin felt awfully embarrassed talking about toys for some reason. It was just that both Jungkook and Taehyung were so comfortable talking about anything sexual while Jimin was just... a bit shy when it came to it. He still had a hard time thinking that he had helped jerk Taehyung off.

"Oh no if you want you can have this... but-" Jungkook got up the toy still dangling from his finger. "We need to properly clean it first." As if he had seen Jimin's terrified expression he quickly corrected himself. "No don't worry, I wash this properly every time I use it. But I should probably boil this for a bit before I give it to you."

Boil? Jimin followed Jungkook in confusion as he walked down to the kitchen. He watched as Jungkook filled the boiler up and started it, before pulling a pot from the cupboard and placing it down on the stove.

"What are you doing?" Jimin finally asked when the water started boiling and Jungkook picked it up and emptied it into the pot.

He watched in horror as Jungkook dropped the toy in the boiling water. "This is how you clean silicone toys. You boil them." Jungkook explained, turning up the heat of the stove.

Jimin pressed his lips into a thin line. "Isn't that... dirty?"

"I cleaned it well beforehand and this kills any bacteria. Don't worry about it." Jungkook moved next to him. "I take good care of my toys, so it probably wouldn't even be a problem if you used it without this, but this is just to really make sure, it's as clean as it can be."

Jimin glanced over at the boiling pot. "And it doesn't destroy the material."

Jungkook shook his head. "Nah, that's actually how you should do it. Even with the dildos, you got from Tae, you should probably do this every once in a while."

It sounded a little weird, but Jimin didn't doubt that Jungkook knew what he was talking about. He had way more experience with this stuff than Jimin.

"What are you guys doing?" Taehyung opened the door of the room, walking over to drop the chips and snacks he had bought on the table.

"Cooking some anal beads for Jimin to practice with." Jungkook answered and Jimin felt like hiding his face in his hands. He was so glad he had Jungkook, but god he just wanted that boy to have a bit of a filter. Not much. Just not say all of this so casually. It was a little intimidating.

Taehyung raised an eyebrow glancing at the stove before turning back to the two of them. "Did the dildos give you trouble?"

Jimin was pretty damn sure he was red as a tomato when he answered. "Yeah... I can't get the second one in."

Taehyung nodded, smiling a little. "Anal beads are actually a good idea... and try to use as much lube as he can. Lube is really fucking important."

Jimin glanced down at his hands. "Yeah..."

Taehyung stepped closer before ruffling his hair. "And don't stress about it. Working up to what you want will probably take a while, but trust me we have all the time in the world."

Jimin forced himself to breathe out slowly to calm down a little. As embarrassed as he was whenever they did, he was somewhat glad both Taehyung and Jungkook were so straightforward. Because Jimin was never sure how to approach the topic but in a way, they did for him, but also answered all his questions regarding it. And reassured him constantly that it was okay if he wasn't ready yet.

"I know..." Jimin leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. "Even when I'm through with the whole stretching issue, I'm pretty sure my anxiety will make some problems too. Like..." Jimin hesitated. "I hear you and Jungkook mention sex and it rings all the alarm bells in my head."

"You know you can tell us if it makes you uncomfortable right?" Taehyung asked softly, running his finger over Jimin's cheek before teasingly poking his nose.

Jimin grimaced. "No, I think it's actually good for me if you do... it's just that it also makes me so embarrassed. Like my brain, short circuits and I wanna bury myself somewhere." Jimin sighed. "It desensitizes me a little and I really think it could help with my anxiety around sex to actually feel like I can talk about it... but the process makes me wanna run and scream."

He could hear Jungkook giggle. "Sorry."

"Like I tell Jungkook I don't know how to continue stretching because I can't get the second dildo and he looks at me and pulls a sex toy out from under his bed and starts explaining to me how to clean it." Jimin grimaced and both Jungkook and Taehyung snorted.

Jungkook was the first one to speak up. He got up from his seat and pulled Jimin towards him and then onto his lap. "I'm sorry bub. If I make you uncomfortable with something just tell me. I'll try to avoid that."

Jimin scrunched up his nose when Jungkook tapped his nose like Taehyung had before.

"It's not even that I don't want you to talk to me that casually. I appreciate it to some extent. It just makes my brain overheat if that makes sense."

Taehyung sat down where Jimin had been sitting just seconds before. "If it's any consolation... Jungkook is a little too loose mouthed when it comes to sex. Like don't think that's normal and what you're expected to act like. He has been horny for as long as I remember and has never known what a filter is."

Jimin hummed. "I mean... I really appreciate it. I'm happy to know where I stand... it's just that it's a little intimidating."

"You know there's nothing you need to worry about with us right? We don't expect you to go into this with the same comfortableness as we do right? Like... trust me when I had my first time I was anxious too. And I couldn't say dick for the life of me. It gets easier, but we don't expect you to be comfortable right now. Don't stress over talking about it... that will come naturally. For now, just tell us in case we say or do something that makes you uncomfortable. That's all we expect from you. To tell us when you don't like something."

Jimin nodded slowly.

"I'll try."

"Good. And there is no reason to be intimidated by Jungkook's mouth. When it comes down to it he's just an oversized puppy, saying exactly what he wants when he wants it."

Jimin could feel Jungkook's chest vibrate under him when he laughed. "Fuck off. You act like you're any better than me."

"Those are habits I picked up from you!"

Jimin couldn't help giggling. Even when their experience was intimidating... Jimin knew he could trust them with all his heart.

"Wanna go enjoy that movie evening now?" Taehyung suggested pointing at the snacks he had brought. Jimin nodded right away.

"Once Jungkook gets those anal beats out of the pot." Jimin joked, intentionally focusing on not letting what he was saying bother him.

"Ah right." Jungkook lifted him off his lap and quickly walked over. Jimin couldn't help laugh when he watched Jungkook fish out the anal beats with a fork. Even if it was going to take some getting used to, Jimin certainly wasn't going to get bored with these two here.

They ended up watching the two Deadpool movies in a row, cuddled up on the couch. Taehyung kept feeding Jimin and Jungkook snacks until Jungkook probably half-jokingly escalated it by sucking on Taehyung's fingers. Jimin was pretty sure he wasn't going to get the mental image of Taehyung pressing down on Jungkook's tongue with his fingers, as he leaned over him and Jungkook obediently sticking his tongue out out of his head anytime soon.

Taehyung put an end to it quite quickly though by saying he actually wanted to continue watching the movie, but Jimin had a boner throughout the second half of the movie. He could just see Jungkook opening up his mouth for Taehyung's dick all too well.

When the movie was over Jimin gathered the snack bowls and took them to the kitchen. When he got back to the living room Jungkook and Taehyung were making out. Not exactly hot and heavy. Just kissing a little their bodies pressed tightly against each other.

Jimin would have loved to join, but he knew that things were going to escalate soon probably and he didn't have the energy for that today.

"I'll be going to Jungkook's room... are you guys gonna sleep in Tae's?" He asked and watched as Taehyung pulled away from the kiss.

"We can if you want... are you going to go to sleep?"

"Yeah soon I think."

"Come here... good night kiss." Jungkook giggled, motioning Jimin to come over. Jimin couldn't help but smile at the way both Taehyung and Jungkook held open their arms invitingly. He made his way over to them and let himself be pulled into a tight hug. He was pretty sure that most people would have become jealous knowing that their partners were hooking up, while they weren't yet. But Jimin didn't mind at all. He didn't feel like he was excluded from joining. It was his own choice and they were always willing to adjust what they were doing to better fit Jimin.

So no he had absolutely no problem knowing that Taehyung and Jungkook were probably going to hook up once he was gone. They had always had sex so why should he expect them to stop once Jimin joined their relationship? It actually took some pressure off Jimin... he didn't feel like he was depriving them from sex by making them wait.

He could actually take his time and do what he wanted when he wanted to.

Taehyung was the one that kissed him first. Once on the lips and then the tip of his nose. Jungkook kissed him too, but it was a lot more clearer that he was horny than it had been with Taehyung. He pulled Jimin closer, but instantly let go when Jimin wriggled out of his hold.

"Too much right now. Just a good night kiss."

Jungkook nodded leaning in again, but this time a lot less sexual. Just a short kiss on the lips and then he squeezed Jimin's cheek. "Don't forget to try what I gave you. I really think that could work better. Maybe even today." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows and Jimin placed his hand flat on his face, before getting up.

"You're too horny for your own good."

Jungkook giggled, pressing a kiss against the flat of Jimin's hand. "You know me."

Jimin sighed, but couldn't help but smile. "I do, I do."


The... next chapter is probably going to be the last😭

Imma cry😭😭😭

At least I'll still have predator😖💜

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