| RULES & Other very important things | (updated July, 28. 2024)

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Foxes love rules. Please abide to the rules to show Magic Fox you are a good, kind human :)

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox bouncing up and down excitedly. "Cover chapter is where the cover is."


TAKE, AVAILABLE <==== one of these will be next to the cover's title or above the cover in the chapter. 

AVAILABLE of course means the cover is available for you to order. 

TAKE means you are claiming the cover. You can only do this if the story is up or going to be up really soon (like, within a week).

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox again. "Comment on the cover chapter, you form, that is."


We will tolerate... 

ordering many covers all at once, so payment will take time. (Update me about your payment situation so I can give you your covers after each payment is completed. No ghosting allowed. If you are busy and can't do it until the following week, just tell me, I won't bite.)

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox again again. "What is a cover chapter? Well, it's the chapter with the cover."


Due to possible copyright issues regarding certain fonts and other elements in the cover, all covers in this book are for Wattpad only as of July 28, 2024.

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox again. "And don't miss the password in this chapter. It exists."

MANDATORY TASKS for Every Customer

Add this book to your reading list (public or private library) to get notifications. There will be new premades and there may be important updates as well.  

USE THE COVER after receiving it. It's not nice to order from me and then NEVER use the cover you said you would use. I don't like that. I worked hard on that cover and I check. If you're not going to use it, why order? Notify me when you have used it. I like to see my hard work in good use, just like you like to get comments or votes from your readers :) Not to say you can't change it later on, but I would hope you would leave it up for at least a couple months.

After you fill out the form...

After you fill out the form, WAIT. MAGIC FOX WILL RESPOND TO YOUR COMMENT. 

Response is either "Accepted! Go complete payment while you wait" or "Denied, sorry". One or the other. Magic Fox has the rights to not specify way he has denied you.

If you are then accepted, you will complete payment while you wait for your cover. Foxes love to use time wisely. The fake password is fluffypaws493.

Why can't you do payment right away? Well, what if you forgot the password? What if you put in the wrong password? What if you made a mistake? What if you were to be denied?

Filling out the form doesn't mean you automatically get the cover. The second fake password is snarkypaws376.

INCORRECT PASSWORDS: Your request will be put on hold until you get it right.

THE PAYMENT you have to do

Leave a comment on a cover (or covers) you like ADDITIONAL to the one you ordered. Foxes love praises. It boosts confidence. 

Leave a comment on ONE CHAPTER of "Two and the Last Year on Earth" or ONE CHAPTER of "Lone Gold, Daring Purple" for each cover you order. One or the other. Your pick. But definitely do it. It makes the secretary happy :P If you are a returning customer, the next chapter, and so on.

Some of the SPECIAL covers might have different payment in their chapters, so keep a close eye out for that ;)

Still reading? Comment "I'm here fox!" HERE ===>

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox as he stares at you with his black beady eyes. "Don't miss the password!" He reminds you.

Other Very Important Things

Credit: Once you use the cover, credit TheTigerWriter in your blurb or anywhere visible. If you're using my cover without credit, I will kindly message you about it until you fix it.

Watermark: Any big watermark will be replaced with a smaller watermark. Do not remove it.

Form (next chapter): Fill the form available. Don't post your own. Foxes get confused easily. Fill the FORM as a comment in the chapter of the cover. Go to the cover you want, fill the form in the comment, wait for acceptance, accepted? good. Now go do payment.

I stress. PLEASE wait for acceptance. I could, on rare occasions, deny your request.

The real password is: MangoAndMapleFox (changed July 28, 2024)



DO NOT JUST SKIM THESE RULES. PLEASE GO BACK AND READ CAREFULLY. I didn't spend an hour (and 10 revisions) crafting this so you can skim. Don't ask me questions to answers you can find here, unless English is your second language then don't worry, I forgive you :) If you don't understand what this is all about message me. Send a message to me on the Communications board. And don't do payment before Magic Fox can respond. 

If you do payment before Magic Fox can respond, that does not automatically mean you will be accepted. Sorry, that's not how it works.

We get notified. We see ya. Don't worry. It's first come, first serve.

Comment "Still here fox!" and tell me the titles of my two books that you have to choose to read for payment HERE ====>

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," says Magic Fox with a flick of his tail.  

Any questions or pointers to make these rules clearer, contact me.

If you are new, GO FILL OUT THE FORM in the cover chapter if you have a cover you desire :) And I hope you have actually read the rules.

Magic Fox apologizes for being so strict about the rules. But without rules there will only be chaos.

"Fill the Form in the cover chapter," whispers Magic Fox in your ear as he leaves the room. "Don't forget the password." 


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