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I groaned in pain as I slowly opened my eyes, I was unable to open it fully as it felt really heavy

My head was spinning and I still could feel the blood on my forehead, my forehead was bleeding

I tried to move my hands but couldn't, I realised my hands were chained up, my wrists were burning, I was in a standing position

It was so dark, I yelled in panic "Anyone here!!!"

"Where am I?" I yelled at the top of my lung as tears continued to flow

I was unable to think, I was unable to speak properly, I just wanted to touch my stomach to make sure my baby was okay but I couldn't, my whole body was trembling in fear, not for myself but for my child

"Please!! Leave me whoever you are!! Please!!" I begged to my unknown kidnapper while sobbing uncontrollably

"Do you know whom you kidnapped? I am the wife of  Gandivdhari Arjun!" I just kept shouting in the darkness hoping for someone to hear me

But there was none

No one, not even Arjuna

Raj jyotishi's words rang in my head, But I didn't know it would happen so early, I should have just left Hastinapur, I shouldn't have waited for Arjun to come...I...

My thoughts made it worse for me and breathing became difficult for me due to crying so much

"It's my fault!" I whispered to myself

I tried my best to keep my eyes open but eventually gave up and let the darkness absorb me

"Look how beautiful she is... She is bleeding, all sweaty, but still breathtaking!" I heard a familiar disgusting  voice


"She is the most beautiful woman, remember?" I heard another voice, couldn't recognise it, My mind was hazy but it might belong to either Karna or Duryodhan

My body shivered, now not in fear but in anger, though I was still unable to speak, somehow I managed to

"H..how disgusting you are to kidnap your own brother's wife!"

"Look, who is awake?" I heard another voice, which probably belonged to Duryodhan

"Arjun's beloved wife !" Dussasan said and laughed

"Ah! No Dusassan, it's ex-wife!" Another female voice giggled, Uruvi?

"Uruvi?" I asked in disbelief, I couldn't see their faces, my vision was blurry

"Aww, yes sister, Uruvi it is..." Through my blurry vision, I saw her coming closer as She creased my cheek and I turned my face in disgust

"I... I loved you like my own sister! And what you did!! Chhi Uruvi chhi!! How could you!!" I yelled at her and she slapped me across my face hard, so hard that my cheek started burning and I tasted blood, as it started oozing from  the corner of my lip

I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming, I wouldn't, I would never let her get the satisfaction she wanted

"Uruvi, don't do that, she is your ex co-wife, after all!" I heard Karna's voice

"But..." Duryodhan then said while walking closer to me, he grabbed my hair and I couldn't help but yelp in pain

"Tell me Panchali how it feels to get slapped?" He asked in anger "I mean till now you have only people slapped others but never got slapped, tell me do you feel insulted? Do you feel embarrassed? Do you feel angry?"

"Aaah!!" His grip on my hair tighten

"Tell me!!" He shouted and continued "How could you think I will leave you when you slapped me, the prince of Hastinapur??" He then left me, I felt nausea, my head was spinning, my vision was blurry, I knew I could pass out anytime 

"You will regret everything fool! Do you think my husband will leave you? You will beg for your death and it's my curse to you!!" I told in a cold shaky voice,

"Of course, your husband is the best warrior but....." He Tsked and added "will he ever find out what happened to his beloved wife who suddenly disappeared?? , hmm...., I don't think so" he laughed so did Dussasan, Karna and Uruvi

"He could if he wasn't sent to tackle Yaksha senas! Poor Arjun, he was so eager to meet his pregnant wife but the midway he got his eldest's order to tackle those unconquerable Yakshas!!" Karna hit the wall with his fist

No !!!

No no no!!

Does that mean... My  thoughts were interrupted by Karna's disgusting voice

"I was the eldest but Yudhishthir got the crown but I never felt bad because it was Duryodhan's right, but I am the best warrior still Arjun got the fame, the glory, the praises!! Now his child will become the king of hastinapur" His voice was filled jealousy

I laughed aloud "how pathetic! You are not even qualified to become Arjun's competitor and you think you are better than him?" I laughed at him through tears in my eyes

"Panchali!" He roared at me but that didn't make me afraid at all

"You have a sharp tongue I see, don't worry, after we kill your child we will make you our daasi, and then she won't be able to talk, let alone insult us!"

"No!! No please leave my child, what if its a girl!! Please leave my child!" I cried out, my knees felt weak

"Are you begging? Great I like it!" Duryodhan said while smirking at me as he kept coming closer

He was standing very close to me as he leaned over me I turned my face feeling sicken

"You'll be the best dasi anyone could ever ask for. I'm sure, But I can't grant that wish of yours and don't worry " he then removed himself and said while walking away

"Don't worry, I am his uncle after all, so I won't give him much pain, I will...." He looked at me slightly swallow stomach as I was almost 5 months pregnant

"I will kill him in your womb, he will be sleeping there and won't even get to know what happens to him!" He laughed and I stare at him in disbelief

"But Bhrata what if she died, we won't be able to make her our slave.....I mean what you wanted her to be!" Dussasan said

"Yeah, But more than her I want my throne !!" He said shrugging his shoulder

"It would be better if she died, but I don't really care, either way, Arjun will be mine," Uruvi said and then added, "oh it's really hot and dirty here, I am going out!"

"Yeah, we all are going to, guard after we left to blow off the dia! oh, and remove those chain, we don't her dead by tomorrow"  Karna said and they were about to leave

"No!! Please, let go of me!! I swear me and my child will never step in hastinapur!! Please, Uruvi, you can have Arjun, I will never come in your lives, but please please let me go, please!!" I pleaded to them

They just looked at each other with smirks and left

I closed my eyes and let the tears flow the guard came and removed the chains and fell on the ground, I had left no energy to stand on my own,

"I'm sorry Arjun!! For not letting you know the news of about your child's arrival, maybe I won't be able to give our child life, and maybe we will never meet ever again...." I murmured under my breath and closed my eyes as I felt nothing but empty


Sorry if I offended any of you but the way Draupadi was humiliated in the court I thought it won't be too much

But sorry again if I disappointed any of you

If you enjoy the chapter don't forget to




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