|| Meeting ||

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Unedited ( as usual 😂😂)

I didn't go to dining room. I just needed some fresh air and since they were Govind's relatives there was every possiblity for them to be in dining room and the last thing I wanted was to go anywhere near them.

I looked at my wrist that was held my Duryodhan and felt disgusted. How dare they insult me like that? How dare they harras me like that?

My weariness started replacing by sheer anger and I felt like stabbing them over and over. They should thank their luck I wasn't trained in warfare.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming closer and fear filled my heart.

Is this duryodhan or Karna? Are they here to take revenge. Oh my! They're going to kill me.

My thoughts were making me more nervous but as soon as I turned around,  all my fear and sadness were replaced with shock, happiness and excitement.

It was Arjun

He was looking down at me intently with his hazel orbs, the curls now tied up in a ponytail as he looked at the bench and asked with a small smile "May I"

His voice...It was so deep manly and husky... That's not fair, even his voice was the most beautiful voice I'd ever heard.

Unable to talk or think properly I just nodded, I didn't even understand the question.

"You voice is mesmerising" He complimented sitting beside me.

He just praised you panchu!

"Tha......Thank you... " I stuttered 

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I am Arjun"

"You don't need to tell Rajkumar, everyone knows you! " I mumbled shyly. I really hope he didn't know exactly what he was doing to me.

But who I was kidding, he was Arjun, the best archer ever born, his eyes were as sharp as his arrows. The corner of his kips lifted up with a smirk, noticing my blush.

I cleared my throat to get over the awkwardness. I averted my eyes as he quired"So you from Panchal?" I looked up at him with my eyes narrowed in confusion.

How does he know that.

"No no I wasn't spying on you or anything, I talked to your friends," He chuckled.

"Oh" I managed to say. They talked to him, without me?

"Yes I am from Uttar Panchal Rajkumar," I said politely without making eye contact.

"You sing so well, I was...I mean we all were mesmerized by your voice"

I felt on top of the world. The man of my dream was praising me, I promised to cherish this moment through my whole life.

"The Antara was the best and the sargam, I'm still not over it, I—" He kept talking but I didn't hear him I felt intoxicated by his voice and his looks, the serene moonlight was falling on him making him appear surreal.

"... It?"

I jolted a little realising he was asking me something

Hey Narayan.

"Yes" I answered and felt like smacking the heck out of me. I could have just asked him to repeat himself.

Amusement shone in those hazels as he chortled " I asked, who was the lucky person you dedicated your music to"

What kind of question it was?


Did. Did Govind tell him?

"No one" I denied swallowing the lump before scoffing "Of course I was singing for Shri Ramachandra"

He remained silent a knowing smile playing across his face. I tried diverting the topic "Govind said, Not only are you an excellent singer but an excellent Veena artist as well"

"He did? " He asked as if was amused hearing it. I nodded and he continued
"Well,  I just love every form of art"He shrugged it off.

I narrowed my eyes, it was a bit uncommon as not every Kshatriya had interest in art.

"But. How did you learn, I mean it's been just 3 years you returned from your Gurukul and you already fought five wars, not just fought you won and—" I stopped hearing a chuckle.


"Nothing, it's just that you know a bit too much about me, did a lot of research it seems"

I cleared my throat "There's nothing to research. I mean you are very popular so everyone knows that"

Of course not, not everyone knew how many wars he fought and all the details I had to do my own research.

"So my question was how you learned music and all? "

He stood up and started walking as he began "I was 5 years old when we were sent to Guru Dron's ashram. I used to miss my mother so our Guru maa became our mother figure. She loved all of us like her own son especially I was very close to her. She is an excellent singer, though my bow was my all-time friend, my passion. But I loved music every morning after practice I used to sit beside Guru maa while she practised and soon she started teaching me"

He turned around and seeing me listening to him agape  teased "Liked the story? " He again  sat down.

"That's not fair, you know so much about me, and I just know you are from Panchal and your name is Panchali"

"There's nothing much to tell about me, I'm just a normal girl" Who was hopelessly in love with you, always expecting the unexpected.

I wanted to add.

"I don't believe you, a girl with  mesmerising voice an—" He stopped and looked at me intently "and beautiful face can be anything but normal" His voice huskier than before.

My heart started beating fast. He just told me beautiful and for a moment I felt like the most beautiful woman.

My eyes bore into those beautiful golden hazels. I lost myself in those oceans, A shiver ran through my spine.

I bit my lower lip and extended the distance between us "Both are Narayan grace, I don't have much credit in it. I'm still a nor—" His voice cut me off

"That makes you even more special. You have Narayan's grace over you" He grin making my heart flutter.

I rose on my feet "Good night Rajkumaar, Thank you for your kind words and precious time" I said and bowed

"The pleasure is all mine" He smiled and stood up.

I smiled. Turning around I began to walk thinking about my first conversation with Arjun, I smiled to myself as a blush covered my cheek. Suddenly I lost my balance and was about to fall when two pair of strong arms hold my waist preventing me from falling.

My eyes were tightly shut from fear. I knew who my saviour was, but I was too scared to open my eyes, I felt it was a dream and my slightest move could break it.

I was in Arjun's arms.

"You can open your eyes, nothing happened" His just voice purred.

I opened my eyes just to meet his hazels. The summer's wind was blowing making his curls fell on my face, his hot breath was tickling me face and I realised our faces were inches apart. His eyes weren't leaving mine at all, his gaze was intense, it made me Intoxicated

Reluctantly I stood on my feet and released myself from his grip. My breath was coming faster than ever, I started walking ahead untill I heard Arjun's voice

Can I call you Krishnaa? "

I didn't turn back, I would never be able to control myself if I did so I just nodded in affirmation before darting away.

Hey lovely readers... 🤗🤗🤗,

This is the official meeting... 😁

Hope you liked it 😉😉

I enjoyed writing the last part anyways *face palm*



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