||meeting with two strangers ||

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"Maa!" I smiled as I felt two tender arms around my neck

"Yes? Why did you come here? I told you not to get up from your bed" I told her and took her into my arms

"But I am okay now!" She said sadly placing her head on the crook of my neck and continued "I want to play outside, please I will be with bhrata!"

"No Pragati! I told you already now stop being stubborn!"  I said sternly

"But I want to play!"

"You can't! Stop being so stubborn Pragati! It's not been even 2 days that you almost fainted! Listen to me for once!" I almost yelled at her and her expressed turned shocked to horror and she started crying

"What happened??" Mata came and took Pragati from me

"She is unbelievable! She still isn't completely fine yet want to play outside in this chilly weather" I said crossing my hands over my chest

"She is a kid putri, let her play! Everyone will be there! And our Pragati will come back in no time, right?" She asked Pragati who kissed her happily and jumped in joy


Before I could say anything she ran out making me sighed

"Its okay dear. She is fine now, but being a mother myself I can understand your worry!"

"You are spoiling them, you know?" I said with a soft smile

"That's what a grandmother's job is." I grinned at her and hugged her

"God knows what would have happened to us if you weren't with us!" I released the hug and said

"Maa I am going to the river, I may take some time if the twins come back early please make them eat something and..." She cut me off

"Will you go? You are forgetting I'm twice your age!" She rolled her eyes and I sheepishly smiled at her before heading to the river


Author's POV.

"Let's play something else!" Vidhi yelled at everyone and they stopped

"But what's wrong  with  jump rope?" Pragati asked

"Pragati, you are young so I know what I'm doing!" Vidhi said pinching her nose affectionately making her giggle

"Okay! Vidhi didi, How about hiding and seek?" Susmita said excitedly

"Yes! This sounds great!" Everyone clapped

"Hey Kirti, will you play with us?" Susmita said smiling at him sweetly and Kirti rolled his eyes, he never liked how Susmita talks and act with him

"I don't play girly games!" He said without glancing at them

"It's not girly!" Pragati stuck her tongue

"It's not girly" he mocked her and ran with the boys before she could do anything

"Okay so lets play!"


"Are you sure Arjun?" Bheema asked him seriously

"Yes, Bhrata! I... I need to be alone. For a little while and this forest gives me peace!" Arjun said creasing his horse absent-mindedly  Bheem stayed silent,

His ever-energetic  brother looked tired and exhausted, the past three years were a roller coaster for him

He searched for his wife madly, he searches for his unborn child. Their father also fell ill and now he passed away...

"Okay! So, When will you come back?" He asked Arjun smiled

"I will go to Dwarka from here! So.. Not anytime soon... Mother is also there and honestly, I don't want to go Hastinapur at all..." He sighed

After Bheem left Arjun layed on the grass bed looking at the endless sky... It's looking so beautiful, the full moon was reminding him about his lotus-eyed wife

How many nights like this they have spent together! Those are the most cherished moments of his life

He wondered if he would ever get to see her again? Was she really gone? How could fate be so cruel with him

And his father and chhoti maa, they leave him too? Why the most loved people were going away from him?

"Your wife was pregnant Arjun!" He remembered his mother's words and clenched his jaw-closing his eyes tightly

He didn't want to think more. It would only pain him... Why did she do that? Where did she go? He was sure its something to do with his cousin brothers, But they are family and he could do nothing but let everything happen

Arjun got up, no matter where he goes he couldn't find peace, every time he tried to sleep these thoughts didn't let him

He picked up his Gandiva and started releasing arrows desperately, not even his archery do the magic but at least it kept him busy

As he emerged in himself he heard a cry and stopped instantly,

It was a soft voice, probably of an infant's. And he heard another's voice... Of some wild animal without thinking twice he released shaved Vedi vaan

He ran as fast as he could... And saw two frighten kids, a girl and a boy probably of the same age, the girl was hidden behind the boy who was protecting her, a dead tiger was in front of them.

Arjun came closer to them and they gasped in fear, The boy directed his toy bow at him. Arjun couldn't help but chuckle

"Go away!" They both screamed, "You know I have a bow!" He warned

Arjun kneeled down and said "I won't dare! But what are two doing alone in this forest? Don't you know its dangerous?"

"We are lost!" The girl came out from behind as she spoke softly

They both look so beautiful as if they are some divine kids. They also were looking familiar? Arjun shook his head

"Okay! It's already  dark let's go to my tent!" He said

"But mother told us not to go with any stranger!" The boy said crossing his hands over his chest

"But it is good! He only saved us from that lion!" The girl said with a pout

"That's a tiger!" Arjun corrected and continued "And I know you have a bow" he glanced at the small toy bow in the kid's hand

"Please and I am really cold and hurt" the girl'ss eyes became teary and he looked at her knee

"Okay!" The boy nodded reluctantly, Arjun could see how he was trembling in cold, he didn't know why but he somehow felt proud of him,

Arjun picked both of them up in his arms and headed toward his tent

"How did you kill the lion when you weren't even there?" The boy asked him

"First its not lion but tiger and if you both tell me what's your name , I will tell you my secret!" Arjun questioned back

"My name is Shrutakirti and I am older than her!"

"My name is Pragati and we are twins, He is NOT older than me but he is an idiot to think that!"

"Did you just call me idiot!"

Arjun couldn't help but felt thrilled if he had kids would they be like them? Maybe just like he was carrying them, he would carry his kids to bed, where their mother would come after doing her work...

"This is going to be a long night!" Arjun murmured to himself


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