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Panchali's POV.

"Aaah!!" I winced in pain and sat down instantly, I looked at my bloody feet, a thorn got stuck in my feet

I closed my eyes and biting my lower lip pulled it out,

Tears welled up in my eyes, those tears weren't of the physical pain but the emotional torture my memories were giving me


"Arya! No, please. I swear I'm completely okay!" I panicked as my husband continued to touched my feet

It's been just 2 weeks I and Arjun got married and I feel really nervous whenever he comes near me and my blush knows no bound

"Stop thinking about me that much, look what you did to your tender feet? So emersed in my thoughts that couldn't even notice where you were going!" He teased making me blush hard,

I wanted to deny, I wanted to say no but I couldn't because I knew it was true, I bent my head and looked away. I just wanted to disappear from there, ughh

I was walking in our garden while Arjun was practising, even though I was walking my eyes were on Arjun, I felt so proud, he was so emerged in his archery, so devoted and so passionate, and not to mention he had no upergarment on him,

While my eyes, mind and soul everything was busy in admiring my husband, my feet hit a stone and I fell down, It was really embarrassing when Arjun came and helped me to get up

"it says silence is a way of content" he didn't stop teasing, neither did he leave my feet and I too continued to struggle

"Arya please, it's not appropriate to touch..." He cut me off

"What's not appropriate?" He asked as he finished cleaning my wound, he got up and leaned his tall mighty form over me

My breath hitched at his closeness, He was really close to me, so close that I could feel his hot breath on my lips

"I can touch you wherever I want and no touch of mine on you can be inappropriate!" He whispered huskily, I closed my eyes and his soft lips captured mine

I shook my head, No, I couldn't think about him, I shouldn't. I wiped my tears off

Those were memories, memories I would cherish all through my life, those days, those moments everything was precious to me more than my life but not more than my child,

I couldn't put my child in danger just because I want to spend every ounce of my life with my husband, no matter how it would kill me every day,

I knew how much he loved me, And I also knew he would try his best to search for me

His best means within the limits of his family's permission and will

I continued to walk more like limp. I finally crossed the deep forest, I could see the royal mansion from here, I didn't know where I was

My head started spinning, again, I hated this feeling now, I was thirsty its almost mid-noon and the summer sun was too much to bear, and finally, I gave up and lost my conscious

Author's POV.

"Ahh. My back pain!" Vasudha groaned, placing her free hand on her back

"Can't even blame the pain! The way I work even at this age it's obvious to happen!" She chided looking at the sky

"Everything is your fault! Only if my son was alive today!" Just the mention of her son brought tears in her eyes, even if it had been 15 years he passed away.

Vasudha was a 60 years old woman, living alone on her own since the day she lost her only child and family member 15 years ago. Her son was just 18 years old, he loved her so much, even if he was young he always understood his mother's pain and never let her mother work, he was a hunter, one day he left and never came back

"Don't wait for me mother, I don't know when I will come back, take care of yourself" Vasudha remembered those words

True to his words, he never came back and probably never will

No! He will, he have to

Vasudha scolded herself even thinking about it, her son had said that he didn't know when he would come back but that didn't mean he would never come back

Yes, Vasudha still believe he will

Suddenly Vasudha's feet touched something, something soft, the woods he collected from morning fell from her hand

"Oh my lord!" She exclaimed as her eyes roamed on the woman's body, she was looking red and lifeless, Her forehead, lips were wounded and her cheeks had bruises

And....she was pregnant

"Arey!! Couldn't you find another place to die!" Vasudha exclaimed and sat down taking the girl's head on her lap

"Girl, wake up!" Vasudha patted her cheek gently and realised she had high fever, her skin was burning probably that's why she was looking red

"What would this old woman do now?" She looked around to find something to help the girl

She placed the girl's head on the ground and got up filling her back pain again

"Wait here!" She said and went to her hut, this girl just fainted in the backyards of her hut, thankfully

She took a pot full of water from her veranda and went to the girl

Vasudha wiped the girl's face with water and made her drink some

"Hey! Open your eyes!" She almost said pleadingly, she didn't know why she just wanted to make sure this girl and her child is okay

As if her pleading tone touched the girl's heart, she slowly opened her eyes, making Vasudha grin, genuinely, which she never did since her son disappeared
Panchali opened her eyes slowly and saw an unknown face, her vision was blurry and she had no energy left to speak

"Thank god!" The old woman said then Panchali saw her frown, "Did I just thank him?" Vasudha asked herself and then added "nevermind!"

"Can you walk, it's my hut's backyard, you just need to walk a little, I can't carry you, of course!" she kept blabbering like a little girl which made Panchali smile a little even though she wasn't in a state to smile

"I..I c-can" Panchali whispered with a node. The lady helped her to get up and lead her to her hut And made her lay down on the mattress

"Wait here!" The old lady said and went away

" I can't bring any vaydhya !" She said loudly from the other room

"You see I live in this forest alone but don't worry my husband was a vaydhya even though he died after 13 years of our marriage I---" her voice faded away as Panchali drifted into a dreamless sleep


Made this one 😁, their tiny love story till swamvar


Hey Guys! Heres an early update

So what do you think about Vasudha's character? Does anyone want ArDi moment?

And the most important question, Are you liking how the story proceeding? 😥

Thank you so much for reading, please if you like DO NOT FORGET TO


Jaishnavi Krishnaa

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