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Panchali's POV

"Mahadev! If I ever worship you with true devotion! If my love for my husband and children is true! If I never harm any innocent in my conscious state ever, you will give me my son and daughter back!"

The shiva linga, that always gave me solace whenever lay my eyes on it, this place which used to make me feel secure, wasn't doing it's magic that day,

My eyes were bloodshot red from crying all through the night and morning!

I couldn't believe I failed! I couldn't find them! Now all I wanted to hear 'maa'  word from their mouths

"Where will I  find them?? I did my be... " I couldn't complete my sentence as the world around me turned dark

"Sakhi!" I heard the magical voice which had the power to calm  even Agni himself. And I knew whom it  belonged to, A certain dark-skinned person with lotus like eyes and a smile which had the splendor of  sun

"Govind?" I turned and finally saw the mesmerizing form of Shri Krishna Vasudev

"You... How??" I asked in confusion as to how he could come here all of a sudden

"Yes me. and what how?" He narrowed his eyes playfully

"I mean how and when did you come here?"

"Excuse me? Wasn't I always here? When have I ever gone? You already became insane after marrying my Paarth, now Paarth's kids made you completely crazy!" He teased with his usual playfulness

The word 'kids' instantly remind me of my children and again uncontrolled tears started flowing  from my eyes

"Govind!" I threw myself at his feet

"Govind! I failed! I failed as a mother! I lost them! I am so weak! I was supposed to protect them from everything! Arjun will never forgive me, he will hate me forever, even I will never forgive myself..." I cried my heart out

"Sakhi!" He made me sit up and sat beside me

"You are the bravest woman I have ever seen! And, no! You haven't failed! You can never fail, I will never let you down Sakhi! You do believe me, right?"

I couldn't speak as I slowly but surely became captivated by him so I just nodded

"Everything happens for a reason and the reason is always positive, maybe to reach that positive reason you need to go through some negative situation, but trust me when I say, the bliss you will get is worth of everything!'"

He looked so different, not the usual playful Govind I knew, he looked like a puzzle I knew I could never solve, he looked more than just divine,

"And about my niece and nephew, they are where they are supposed to be!" He said with a smirk

"What is this supposed to mean?" I asked but he didn't reply instead just smiled at me and slowly got vanished in the midst of darkness

"Govind!" I murmured without opening my eyes


"Govind!" I opened my eyes and looked here and there

"Malini!! What are you mumbling? Are you okay now?" I heard a familiar voice and looked up while getting up

"Mata? What happened?"

"You fainted dear! Are you okay now?" She asked removing my curls off of my forehead

"Yes, I'm fine now, but..." My heart ached at the thought of Kirti and Pragati

I recalled what Govind told me 'they are where they are supposed to be'. I couldn't fathom it. Or was it just a normal dream and not a big deal.

My mind wasn't working! The only thing I could think of was my twins!

"They came back" suddenly I heard that

"What!" I asked her in disbelief, I couldn't believe my ears

"Did you just say--"

"Yes, they came!" She was crying in happiness "I told you Mahadev will protect them!" She said bowing at the Shivalinga

I didn't utter a word and rushed toward our hut. I wiped my tears off. I will punish them both, enough of me being soft, they are getting spoiled

I reached there and saw them, my and Arjun's kids, Arjun's replicas, they were waving at someone joyously. I looked at the direction but the only thing I saw was dust as the person drove off with his horse

I came closer to them slowly they were unaware of my presence, I scanned their bodies to see if they were okay or not and thankfully they were

I clenched my jaw and called them "Shrutakirti, Pragati"

They turned their head and their smile grew wide as both of them came running at me and hugged my legs

"We missed you" with so much power I stopped myself from hugging them back

"Where were you?" I asked sternly

They might have noticed my serious tone, they bent their heads and mumbled

"We were lost!"

"How? Everyone came back but you two?" They were silent

"I asked you two a question,  how?" I asked again

They flinched at my voice and Pragati said: "I'm sorry mata!"

"It wasn't Pragati's fault-- I..." Kirti tried to make up a story,

Kids! I'm your mother

"I.. I wanted to roam the fo-forest and--" I cut him off

"And you learned how to lie to your mother! Good!"

They looked at each other and gulped. They looked so afraid, I wanted to hug them so bad.

I came closer to them and took their hands and lead them to their room and made them sit before leaving the room

"Maa, what are you doing?" They asked

"You will not go out of the room, not will you get food! That's your punishment! You two are becoming unpredictable..." I said and closed the door

I went to the backyard of the hut and sat under a tree a sigh escaped my mouth

"You shouldn't have done that you know! " I heard matas voice as she sat beside me

"Then what was I supposed to do mata? I need to make sure they don't ever go somewhere without telling me!" I said in a frustrated voice

"You have other ways to tell them, They looked so terrified, they stayed the night outside without you for the first time, Thanks to the man who brought them back!" She said and I looked at her

"I am also grateful to him, why didn't you tell him to sit, I wanted to thank him" I was really thankful to the wise man.

"I didn't saw him, he just drops them off... The kids were saying to me about it but I couldn't hear as I rushed to the mandir as soon as I saw them!" She said

"Am I being too cruel, they must be hungry!" I said to her

"You aren't wrong but yes you are being cruel to them, they are still too young to understand what's wrong and what's good! If you don't tell them and just punish them, they will never understand! They would do it again!" She explained and I nodded

"You. You are right! It'ss not like they  have their father to pamper them.." I said voice dripped in guilt

"Should I go to them?" I asked her

"You should, and don't be too harsh on yourself! At the end of the day, you are my little daughter..." I hugged her tightly

"What would I do if you weren't here?"

"You would do just fine, now go...!" She made me got up and I left smiling at her


Third person

"What's that?" Arjun picked up a chain, it was a normal chain with a ring attached to it

As Arjun started to scan it his hazel eyes grew wider. He recognized it, it's way too familiar and special to not recognize

He gave it to her, his Krishnaa, it was the day they became one mentally and physically. It was one of the most memorable nights for him

But how did it came here? How

This question made him unstable as his heart started beating fast, he was curious, excited and also afraid to know the truth

He knew what he had to do...

"Kirti and Pragati"


Two or three more chapter and Premanjali will be ended

Anyways! Hear this song if you haven't yet 😍😍


If you like the chapter



Thank you

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