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Hello Everyone,  I have a small request,  please don't mind but if you are enjoying the story then let me know it by VOTING,  it helps me to update earlier  ,  it helps me to write,  few are just commenting and  some messaging me.  But if you want to express your liking for the story 'Vote' is the best way to do it

Please,  it means a lot,,  of course only if you find it vote worthy :)

I hope you enjoy reading the chapter :D

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"Pitashri you called us? " Asked Arjun as we entered in the private room of the king and to my surprise every family members were present at the room except Bhanumati as  her due date was coming near

I looked at Arjun with question eyes and he expressed the same expression

"Ah,  yes Arjun,  Bahu come!  Maharaj Drupad wants to tell something to all of us! " He said and I saw him looking at Maharaj Drupad meaningfully

"Yes,  first Thank you all for coming here,  I am sorry if I disturbed any of you...  But the thing I am going to say is very important! " He said and looked at me

I was totally confused,  if he wanted to reveal Uruvi and Arjun's marriage proposal then why would he call only the family members??  The king and queen were again and again looking at me

"Uruvi,  Putri come to us! " They called Uruvi and she came near to Maharaj Drupad and he placed his hand on her shoulder and Queen spoke softly

"You know we love you,  right?  No matter what you will always be our daughter we brought you up giving our everything to you! " She said and I saw Uruvi narrowing her eyes

"What do you want to say mother! "

I clenched Arjun's hand,  the tension of the room was growing with each second.  There was pin drop silence

"Putri Panchali! " Maharaj Drupad called me  "come here"

I was now utterly confused... I was absolutely clueless about what's going on there

"M.. Me? " I sutter my voice was filled with apprehension

"Yes dear,  You! " Queen Parshati said , I saw tears gathering in her lotus shaped eyes

I looked at Arjun and gulped down, he didn't look at me but was looking at Maharaj Drupad with the same expression which I had

I went to the and Maharani Parshati creased my cheek and a sob escaped her mouth but she immediately wiped off her tears

"Maharani Parshati,  Can we know what's going on here?  We all are totally clueless! " Pitamaha Bheeshma told

"Yes..... " Maharaj Drupad started And everyone went silent

"So we all know that Arjun is sage Nar's incarnation,  and born to establish Dharma in Aryavart according to the Akashvani during his birth...  And I already wanted to set up an alliance with Hastinapur,  everyone wants...  So we immediately decided that we will do penance to please Agni dev and will ask for a daughter who will be Arjun's better half by all means,,  so we did... " He continued and I didn't know why my heart was beating so fast as if it about to burst

"And soon my wife got pregnant for the second time and we already knew our elder son is having a sister... "

"While giving us boon,  Agni dev said her beauty will be unmatchable..  She will be dusky,  and will have every auspicious sign in her body,  she will be known as Agnija,  and when she will turn 17 years old,  a fire mark will appear on her shoulder... "

Uruvi went pale and was almost shaking,  she looked like about to faint  and when I was about to hold her shoulder I heard a voice that changed my whole world

"Uruvi isn't our daughter but...  Panchali is.... "

I frozen in my place,  I forgot how to blink or how to move, I forgot everything for a moment

What did he just says? 

I turned and faced king Drupad and without me knowing tears flowed down from my face

I put my palms on my face and started to back away and two mighty arms held me from behind and I looked at him and tried to say something but nothing came out of my mouth 

"What!!!  Is.. Is.. this.. Is this a j-joke" We heard Uruvi's trembling voice her face was red and tears was all over her beautiful face

"Putri... We.. We are sorry... But we swear we love you dear!! " Queen Parshati or.. Should I say Mata Parshati was about to touch her but she backed away

"How!!" I removed Arjun's hand and walked over to them

"How?? " The only thing I could say was this

"We.. We don't know but that day when we saw you first I felt something strange,  you felt so own..  Close.. Then... " She was all crying "then.. When, when I s-saw that fire mark on your shoulder.... I got to know the truth!! "

So my parents aren't my parents,  my home actually wasn't my home,  my... Life.. It.. It wasn't my life

I felt like everything was a lie,  my life was lie

Just then I saw Uruvi fainting "Uruvii!!! "  I shout out her name and Maharaj Drupad held her before she could fall

"Putri Uruvi!!... "

"Uruvi.. "

"Someone go and call the raj vaidya! " Mata Madri said and went to her

As everyone got busy with her I went out of there

I needed to get out of there.... I couldn't take it  anymore,, 

He just suddenly told me I am his daughter??  Just because I have a fire mark on my shoulder... It's. .

I went to my room,  and sat on my bed

"I am not Panchali?  Or.. Or should I say I am Panchali now in true sense.. How? I can't believe this just happened... " I talked to myself

I can't say I was feeling terrible.. Coz I wasn't I didn't know why it was giving me happiness,  I... I had parents who loved me,  I had a elder  brother though I never got to meet him

My lips unintentionally curved into a smile but I immediately felt guilty about Uruvi

Poor her,  if I found my parents she lost her parents.. But.  They still loved her the same way they loved me  if not more.. Or may be more...

I was feeling frustrated yet happy...

But how?? How it happened??  How can a Royal child be replaced??  It seemed impossible?  I didn't even get to question my parents.....

Soon my eyes felt heavy and I fell into a deep slumber

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Arjun's POV

To say I was astonished would be an underestimate

Krishna was actually Panchali ,

Uruvi woke up few minutes ago and asked to be alone

I walked towards my room and entering closed the door

"Kri--" I lowered my voice as I came near to my sleeping beauty

I never saw her sleeping in these 7 days,  every morning I tried to get up just to see her asleep with her bindi stretched....

I sat beside her and placed her head on my lap

She was so beautiful and innocent,  I never felt this way and I was so in love with this new feeling,  whenever her big expressive eyes looked at me my heart goes crazy,  whenever she laughed being carefree showing her pearl like tooth i felt mesmerised,  whenever tears formed in her eyes I felt my heart's bleeding

She slightly shifted and murmured something in her sleep  and I chuckled

Can she be any more cuter than this?

"You know I love you so much,  too much.. More than myself,  more than anything else in this world, I.  I never thought I can ever love a woman this much apart from my mothers.... But you proved me wrong  and I am so glad you did.. " I creased her forehead and she smiled as if she  heard me

"Did you hear me? " I asked to the sleeping lady but no she was in deep sleep

"May be you did... Madhav says no matter how far we are if we say something to someone with pure love and from the core of our heart the message definitely reaches to our beloved.. " I said

I then got up and placed her head on the pillow and layed on the other side of the bed and started to observe her features

She had the most beautiful eyebrows I had ever seen,  her hair was the most beautiful and unique hair ever,  it's bluish black and slightly curly . she has a mole bellow her lower lip... I suddenly felt a urge to kiss her as I bend down she slowly opened her eyes,  and it's just like some blooming lotus  and about to scream when I put my palms on her mouth

"Sshhh... Its me,  your Pati Parameswar... Now where were we??  Oh.. Yes that punishing part,  I am not done yet! "  I didn't gave her chance to move,  

Hah!  She was so teeny weeny!!

I started punishing my queen of heart in my own way which she responded gladly,  she told me through her actions that she is  enjoying to be punished by me


How's it?  Did you enjoy it? Let me know

There will always be an ArDi moment in my story no matter how depress everyone is 😂😂. Though no one is really 'depressed' here except Uruvi.. Okay now i am blabbering 🤦‍♀

Anyways,  don't forget to ( of course of you LIKE :) ) 




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