Chapter 2

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"CAN I GO, DEAR MOTHER?" Papyrus asked Mem excitedly. He held her hand, looking up at the older female skeleton with a kawaii look on his face. Mema must have gone through weird pregnancy stuff (that I probably won't understand if I knew) because she was laying in the recliner with her feet in a small tub filled with ice. She looked mildly exhausted. "I... I dunno, baby.."
"mem," I said slowly, eyeing her. "are you feeling okay?"
Mem stretched a bit in place, and I could feel her bones pop a little. She nodded drowsily. "Yeah... The baby is really active today..."
"THE WHAT?" Papyrus seemed shocked. Mem and I both turned our heads in unison to look at him. Mem's orange pupils flickered in guilt. Wait, so Pap never knew that our mother was pregnant? "I'm so sorry, baby... I thought you knew..."
Papyrus shook his head. "I... I JUST THOUGHT...." Mem pulled her son close, sorrow written all over her beautiful face. She nestled her mouth to the back of her child's skull in a motherly kiss. "I'm really sorry... We should have told you instead of just leaving you to guess..."
"I... I JUST THOUGHT..." Papyrus looked up at his Mem. "I THOUGHT SKELETONS LAID EGGS."
I busted out laughing, clutching my belly. Oh god. Oh god, Pap! I didn't know you had such a good sense of humor! I would have split my funny bone if Mem didn't flash me a glare that demanded silence. I instantly clamped my jaws shut in obedience and nodded. Mem looked a tad frustrated at Pap scaring her like that, but there was a hint of amusement in her fire-colored eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but that was when our father, W. D. Gaster, walked in.
"Honey, I'm home!~" he exclaimed as he waltzed in, carrying a black briefcase. He had a cheerful grin until he saw the dried up tears on Mem's face. "Della, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, love." She cracked a smile. "Our little one here just gave me a heart attack." She looked at Papyrus, who seemed to be annoyed. He shot me a furtive glare, and I snickered.
"Papyrus, Sans, don't get sharp with your brother," Mem said sternly. "If you do, I won't make your costume for you and you won't go to that party."
Papyrus instantly lit up, his signs of hostility and frustration gone. "REALLY?" he chirped. "SO I CAN GO?"
Mem nodded. "If you can manage being nice to your brother for the next three days."
"yeah, pap," I sneered, seeing my chance to annoy him til he can't stand it. "you have to be nice to your brother."
Our mother glared at me, and I shut up.
"Gaster," she said suddenly, looking up at our father. "Can... Can we have a few words?"
I studied her expression closely. The look in her steady orange eyes told me that she was worried and anxious about something. I looked up at Ded, and saw that he appeared to be concerned as well. He nodded and glanced at me and Pap.
"Boys, go to your room," was all he said to us. He turned back to our mother, not even bothering to look at us to see if we obeyed. But I knew better. I took my brother's hand and took him to our room. I looked back at him and saw a befuddled expression on his face.
"SANS, WHAT DID THEY LOOK SO WORRIED ABOUT?" Papyrus asked warily. I shrugged, and I couldn't help wondering the same thing. Was there anything wrong? What were they talking about in there? Was it about me and Pap?
I wasn't usually nosy, but this time I was too curious. Whatever happened, I felt like I HAD to know. What if it was something that happened that'll change everything forever and nothing will ever be as it was before? And what if I would never know if I never found out?
I snuck into the hallway and slowed my rapid breathing so I could listen.
"I... I don't know, Gaster..," Mem was saying. Her voice was on the edge of a sob. "S- Something is going wrong with the baby...!"
"It'll be alright, Dell..." Ded's voice was reassuring, though heavily tainted with worry. "The baby will be okay... You will, too..."
Mem sniffled. "I... I hope..."

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