26. I'm Here

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I'm sure Ryan is nearby.  I settle into my room. Reading through our family Bible, I eagerly search for answers. I want to understand what happens to us after we die. The light from the lamp on my small desk grows brighter as I read. Suddenly, I realize my answer's not in the book, it's right in from of me. "Ryan, are you here?"

Beams of light keep expanding out of the lamp's bulb, growing brighter, until a small silver thread of light pierces my heart. It's so strange that I stand up and walk to the other end of the room, but the small thread of light follows me, staying connected to my heart. I feel a wonderful sense of peace and calm. Ryan, it's you isn't it. You're here with us. I'm disappointed when I don't get a direct answer, but I can't deny something miraculous is happening. A paragraph from the Bible jumps out at me and catches my eye, Be still and know that I am God." I sit on the bed and start crying.

The next morning, I awake searching for the pinpoints of light, but they're gone. The lamp looks normal in the daylight.

"Evie, you're going to be late for school. Get dressed, I have a job interview today." I smile, realizing my mother's voice is stronger and clearer than it's been for a while.

"That's great mom! I'll be ready in twenty minutes." I quickly, brush my teeth, take a shower and throw on some clothes. Over breakfast, I announce, "I'm going to get a job too. I'll ask Mr. Garcia if he needs help in the snack bar."

"You don't have to do that. You're only fifteen.

"Fifteen and a half. Besides, I want to. I'm going to study for my driver's learner permit. I want to buy a car, like Ryan."

Her face clouds for a minute at the mention of my brother's name, then brightens again. "We'll see, honey. A car's a big responsibility."

After school, I head over to the clubhouse to see if I can ask Mr. Garcia for a job. He's in the office with, Andrea.

"Hi, Mr. Garcia." I wave at Andrea, who smiles at me.

"Hey, Evie! How's your mom?"

"She's good. She had a job interview at the hospital today."

Mr. Garcia looks surprised. "Really. Isn't it early for her to go back to work?"

"No, I think it'll be good for her. In fact, I came by checking to see if there might be some sort of work for me in the snack bar."

Andrea laughs. "You're just like, Ryan. A worker bee."

"I want to be like him. He had so many dreams."

Mr. Garcia smiles at me. "You can work with, Andrea. She'll she needs an assistant."

Andrea winks at me. "Great! Come by after school,  tomorrow. I'll show you the ropes."

"Thank you Mr. Garcia! Thank you Andrea!" I can't wait to tell my mom. I run home all abuzz.

As I'm walking back along the fairway green. I hear a familiar, loud voice. I can't believe it. It's Mr. Johnson.


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