30. Presence

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Andrea's in her father's office going over supply orders. "Hey, Evie. How's it going?"

"You're not going to believe it, but Mr. Johnson gave our family a car. He said it was for me!"

"Evie, are you pulling my leg?" She's teasing me, but I can see she's unsettled by what I'm saying.

"No, I can't believe it either, but I'm serious."

"Well, aren't you lucky."

"The other thing is, it's white, just like Ryan's first car was." Andrea's eyes go wide, then fill with pain.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's all right Evie, mentioning that car just brought back some bad memories." She sniffs a few times, then brightens. "Tell me about this new car of yours." She gets up and walks over to the small fridge in the corner of the room.
She pulls out a pitcher of fresh squeezed orange juice, pours some into two glasses, then offers me one.

I take a sip, "Thanks, Andrea." She never eats or drinks anything canned or frozen. Everything she served is freshly made. Andrea wants to own her a restaurant one day. "Before you met Ryan, he had a run in with one of our neighbors.

"And this man just gave you a car?"

"I know it's strange, but I saw Mr. Johnson in trouble on the fairway."

"The foul mouthed blowhard who broke one of our golf carts, then threatened to sue us!"

"Yes, that's him!"

"Oh, Evie, stay away from that man!"

"Believe me, I was, but he changed after I saved him from being bitten by a copperhead. It was in his golf cart."

Andrea's face becomes serious. "I know, we've cleaned and checked all the carts since that happened."

"I think Ryan saved his life. Mr. Johnson said he saw a figure wearing a green shirt and jeans appear out of nowhere. He swerved to avoid him and flipped his golf cart." Andrea doesn't say anything, just listens intently as I speak. "He ended up as one of my mother's patients. He came to see us last night, because he dreamed I was in that car."

I walk over and grab her hand. "Andrea, I think Ryan did all this. He's watching out for us from the other side." For the first time, I notice the dark circles under her eyes.

"I wish that were true, Evie. Don't you think this could all be a series of coincidences."

I shake my head, vigorously. "No, If they were all disconnected events, I wouldn't have smelled Ryan's cologne in the car and felt his presence.


"When Mr. Johnson showed me the car and I sat in it, I smelled Ryan. Leather and musk."
Andrea breaks down into tears at this, "Evie, I do believe you! I've smell his cologne when I'm working in the office, and sometimes before I fall asleep. Like he's come to visit me. I miss him so much!" We hug for a minute.

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