•2• What is her Fault?

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"Jimin! When will you stop all this?I am so tired of losing everyone I care about!Why are you doing this Jimin?Why?" Y/n shouted on Jimin as tears pricked her eyes.

It has been few moments since they have reached home from the club.

Jimin kept staring at her with a poker face.He had the answers to all of her questions but his ego and anger were not allowing him to give her a chance to explain herself.

"Done?Now shut up!"He said gritting his teeth.

"No! Today ,you'll have to tell me what is my fault?Jimin,what happened to you?What happened to our friendship?"She cried out holding him in front of her with his shoulders.

He harshly removed her hands from his shoulders and turned to go away but got stopped by her hand holding his hand tightly.

"Leave."He said with a low tone.

"No,I will not.Not until you tell me my fault."She said holding his hand tightly with both of her hands while her eyes soaked with tears.

Suddenly, a loud cry escaped her mouth as he harshly tried to take his hand out of her hold which resulted in her falling on the ground.Her ankle got twisted as she fell down and let out a cry.

His eyes widened as he didn't want to hurt her,or maybe he wanted that but he couldn't bring himself to do that.He immediately supported her and made her sit down on the bed.

He took out the first-aid box from ths drawer and took out the tube.As he was about to apply the medicine,a knock interrupted him and he realised what he was doing.

He threw the tube on her lap and went out of the room.

"Yes mom"His voice came from outside the door.

"Oh son, I heard that she was shouting on you.Just teach that bitch a lesson and maybe slap her to make her come to her senses and shut up her mouth."His mom said.

"Mom,I've told you.I'll handle my matters myself.Please don't interfere.I know what I have to do.And ya,you don't need to worry.She won't shout from now on."Jimin said to his mom in a calm tone.

While they were talking just outside Jimin and Y/n's room,she was sitting inside the room looking at her lap with her eyes downcast.She was listening to everything they were saying and it hurted her.His mother always said venomous words about her but he never stopped her.

She knew that her place in this house was equivalent to nothing.No one loved her or liked her here but she didn't even want to stay here.

Their marriage was just merely a contract and nothing else.She never got to know about the reason of Jimin's hate towards her.They were best friends since high school.Actually it was three of them,Jimin,Taehyung and Y/n,they were the best trio.No one could break them back then but now everything has changed.

"Hey!"Jimin's voice brought her out of her thoughts.

He came towards her and held her shoulder tightly to which she flinched a bit.His face held a stern expression but his eyes were betraying him.They were showing that he didn't hate her and he didn't want to hurt her but it was a deep anger also laced with all these feelings which always used to overcome these feelings.

"Don't ever dare to raise your voice at me.You got that?"He shouted with a thundering voice.

More tears escaped her eyes as she said,"Th..then tell me what's my fault?"

"You really have the guts to say that, huh!"He shouted jerking away her shoulder.

"After the sin you have done, you are asking me what's your fault!!You..."He shouted again but this time his anger increased ten folds.

"I have not done anything Jimin.Just tell me what are you talking about?I don't even want to pretend my whole life to be someone I am not.I am not your wife Jimin,you also know that!"She said cutting his words.

"You are Mrs.Park Y/n and you can't change that.Or you really want to make you believe that you are my wife!"He said with a dangerous tone.

Her eyes widened in fear as he slowly went and locked the door of their room.She started shifting a bit away on the bed as he started walking towards her with fire in his eyes.

He quickly hovered above her caging her body between his arms.His one hand loosened the tie on his neck and finally removed it and with that hand he started carressing her shoulder.His face started coming closer to her to which she started thrashing here and there.

"Ji..jimin stop!wh..what are you doing!?"She said in fear.

"Why?You wanted to be in a real relationship right!So let's make this real."He said scaring her even more.

His lips touched her jaw and his hand moved towards her waist and he started caressing her clothed waist.

Suddenly her body started shivering very badly as he immediately got a bit away from her and saw that her eyes were tightly shut and she was crying very badly resulting in hiccups leaving her mouth.

His body stiffened seeing her in this condition.

"H..hey!calm down.Y..y/n!"He kept on calling for her but she quickly hugged her knees seating herself on the bed.She kept on wiping her overflowing tears from the back of hands while her mouth kept on leaving some sobs.

His eyes became almost teary seeing her condition and he mentally cursed himself.He just wanted to scare her a bit so that she wouldn't talk back to him but he didn't want to make her cry so badly.

Fisting his hands, he quickly left the room.His head was filled with lots of thoughts and he didn't want to hurt her more so he decided to go out for the night.He sat in his car and reached the usual club he always used to go to release his stress.

"One black dog!"He asked the bartender sitting on his chair supporting his forehead on his fingers.He himself didn't know what he was doing.He gulped down the drink at once creating a burning sensation in his throat.

"One more!"He ordered for another drink and gulped that down as well in one go.

"One mor.."As he was about to say,he felt a light tap on his shoulder.He turned around a bit and saw...

"Jimin."Taehyung said seeing his brother in such confused and messed up state.


Ok! So I took a lot of time to update this one!

I'm sorry!
I'll try to update more often from now on!
Thanks for reading my story!
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Love you guys!

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