A Helping Hand to Guide Us Home

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Edited 7/11/22.

A/N: This chapter contains graphic violence.


"It doesn't matter what I show you." Alice rips her hand away from Aro. "Because even when you see- even though you know she's not a threat- you still won't change your decision."

She looks back and gives a signal.

Even though he expected this turn of events, Marshall can't hold back his distraught expression.

It's actually happening. There's going to be a fight. People are going to die.

They need to leave. Now.

Ruby eyes fill with tears when he makes eye contact with Rosalie.

Devastation is seen clearly on her face; and, understanding the situation, her bottom lip trembles. With a nod, she wordlessly mouths to her brother that she loves him. Marshall does the same in return.

He looks up at Paul in apprehension.

Brown eyes are full of unshed tears as well.

Both men purse their lips, coming to terms with what's about to happen.

Before anyone can say anything, they're running back into the forest with Renesmee and Jacob following behind them.

Marshall does his best to not look back. He can't help himself though, when he hears Carlisle's voice. The younger vampire continues running while glancing over his shoulder.

He catches a heroic moment where his father leaps into the air to help protect Alice. The gesture is met with Aro jumping as well.

A loud, sickening crack can be heard when both men meet.

Marshall feels tears stream down his face. His broken yell gets his group's collective attention. Everyone looks on as Carlisle falls to the floor.

With his severed head in Aro's grasp.


The younger vampire is unable to further mourn his father's passing as their enemies move to follow the retreating individuals.

Paul takes initiative by pulling Marshall onto his back.

His hands take a firm hold against soft fur. He braces himself when both wolves start running away at full speed.

Heaps of snow are kicked up beneath their feet. Soft huffs of air are taken while running. Wind rushes through Marshall's ears, and his eyes squint as a way of trying to keep particles out of his vision.

A quiet whimper comes from his front. A heated body rumbles in tandem with the sound.

It's Paul's attempt at trying to convey his sincerest apology and condolences.

Although he can't see him, Paul knows that Marshall must be hurt in catastrophic amounts right now. Not only for losing his father, but for seeing it with his own eyes too. For not being able to do anything because of how quickly such a turn of events happened.

The shifter is sorry that he can't do more to help right now.

It's not something that either of them can dwell on though. Fast paced, pounding feet can be heard behind them.

It sounds like three people.

Both wolves begin weaving in between trees to try and shake their enemies off. Or at least keep some distance between them.

Marshall looks back and nearly gasps when he sees how close their pursuers actually are. He doesn't hesitate to step in.

"Ness, get down!"

As soon as she's fully hunched over, Marshall tosses a fireball behind her. It engulfs one of the three pursuers whole. Pained screams fill the air, but they're ignored. It's followed by the sound of something, or someone, bursting into nothing.

A tricep tattoo reclaims its rightful spot.

Marshall scopes the area with a keen eye, getting a read on who exactly is chasing them. One of their enemies is a male, and the other is female. The woman is trying to get some high ground by running in the trees. Her counterpart is weaving through multiple plants himself in order to disorient the wolves.

Marshall aims to make a comment, but he stops short. A high pitched howl similar to a wail can be heard.

Based on the sound, it seems that wolves have started to fall.

And with the vampire having come to recognize each individual pack member's tone, he can piece together that the howl is from Leah. That must mean that Seth is dead.

A sharp pang is felt in Marshall's chest.

Seth, a young man only at the age of fifteen, has just lost his life in the fight for the group's freedom.

More tears spill from glistening red pools.

Whimpers come from both shifters as they grieve over a fallen comrade. Simultaneously, their collective speed diminishes.

Marshall continues to scope the area. He sucks his teeth at the realization that he's lost the female pursuer. He turns back to let his partners know but flinches when Renesmee screams.

One of their enemies has jumped forward to end the young girl.

"Jake- look out!"

As if realizing the severity of the situation, Jake turns around. He leaps up. The man's head is caught in between the wolf's jaws. Renesmee holds on with all of her strength as they're sent tumbling in the snow.

A few well placed bites are given. Another leap is taken. A severed head and limp body are left in their wake.

Marshall brings his focus back in front of him. Their last pursuer is still missing. He's forced to close his eyes as a means of heightening his other senses.

He can't hear her—or even smell her. She must have some ability that lets her cloak her presence.

Red tinted eyes are reopened. Marshall looks down at his mate. The vampire tries to let the others know about his hypothesis.

Everything becomes jumbled when he's suddenly grabbed by unseen hands.

A harsh weight is hurled into him, and he's sent flying off of Paul. The shove is forceful enough to send the wolf skidding in another direction.

"Uncle Marshall!"

"Go, Ness!"

"No- we're not leaving you!"

A harsh punch to the gut forces a grunt to escape Marshall. He's tackled into the ground before being pushed against a tree. Unseen hands can be felt around his neck.

He reacts by shooting a clenched fist out. The vampire somehow makes contact with his pursuer, and she cries out in pain.

Another punch is thrown.

It misses.

Hands against his skin disappear.

Paul runs over to assist. Jake and Renesmee take shelter behind multiple trees.

"Guys- she's cloaking herself!" Marshall announces. "She's hiding her presence, but she's still corporeal. If you manage to hit her, she'll feel it!"

As if being given the opportunity to prove that it's true, he's pushed by an invisible force. He's fast enough to grab the woman before she can run away again. She's given a sharp elbow to the face.

A crack can be heard alongside a loud scream—a sound the others can hear as well.

Marshall aims to get another hit in, but he feels teeth submerge themselves into his arm. With a hiss, he lets go.

So does the woman.

A burning limb is cradled with care. Red eyes close again. Marshall sticks his tongue out to utilize his sense of taste.

He may not be able to catch her scent with his nose, but maybe he'll be able to get the taste of human blood from the air.

Tense moments pass with nothing happening. Marshall continues to test his theory.

His eyes shoot open when he catches a faint sweetness, which gets stronger, toward the back of his tongue.

A well placed kick is shot behind him. It makes solid contact with the invisible woman. The attack is enough to force her cloaking to stop for a moment. Her features are displayed for everyone to see.

It's a young pale woman with light blonde hair. Her eyes are closed, and her face scrunches up when her back makes contact with a tree.

Marshall is quick in using his gift, hurling a fireball at the woman. She retaliates by rolling out of the way even faster. She looks back before beginning to disappear again.

A vine shoots from Marshall's palm. The plant wraps around her arm. He tears the limb away from the woman with brute strength.

She screams as it falls lifelessly on the ground, completely visible.

Blondie disappears from sight again. She's unable to cloak the scent of leaking venom though.

Perhaps her pain is leaving her unable to fully use her gift.

Either way, it levels out the playing field now that she can be sought out via sense of smell.

"Uncle Marsh!" Ness calls out. "If she's physical, that means if she gets covered in something, we'll be able to see her!"

Marshall's eyes widen. He finds his attention shifting to freshly fallen snow.

Of course—if he's able to utilize his own gift by blowing snow everywhere, they'll have an easier time seeing their opponent.

It's a great strategy on Renesmee's part.

The vampire doesn't need anymore coaxing to bring his wings out. They stretch to their highest and widest.

Everyone braces against trees when both added appendages are flapped multiple times.

Snow is sent flying everywhere. Wind is harsh enough to make branches and smaller trees break.

He picks up the scent of leaking venom in the distance. He can also see something gathering snow in a shape that seems unnatural.

"Over there!" Marshall calls out.

Paul reacts by running toward the figure. He pounces on it and proceeds to bite. The shifter pauses though, when his teeth go through the object.

It tastes of fabric and metal. Only fabric and metal.

The woman must've wiped her injury with her cloak and hung it up to create a diversion. The realization makes Paul's stomach drop.

He lets out a bark in warning.

Marshall stops flapping his wings. It smells heavily of snow now. A strong fragrance of venom envelopes him from behind as well.

He turns around, only being able to catch a glimpse of blonde hair when a hand can be felt on his right wing.

The woman lets out a high pitched yell. And she pulls with all of her strength.

A horrible, blood curdling scream rings through the air.

Marshall sprawls against the ground. He's forced to stop using his gift because of extreme pain.

He can feel it-- the right side of his back has a gaping hole in it. A long gash travels from his shoulder blade all the way down to his lower back. The injury stings, and it feels like it'd be throbbing if his heart were beating.

The wound isn't deep enough to pose as a fatal injury; but it's enough to keep him out of commission in terms of using his ability.

He's not given a second of reprieve as the woman kicks him in the face. The attack sends him tumbling onto his back, exacerbating his injury even more. A pained shout is forced out of him.

Blondie becomes completely visible again. A quivering, teasing smile is on her face.

Marshall finds himself freezing as she pulls her arm back to deliver a final blow.

Huffs and fast paced running can be heard. Shouting can be heard. But everyone is too far away to help.

Ruby eyes widen. A familiar scent of vanilla envelopes the wounded vampire. He's pulled away from Blondie at the last second.

A strong, human arm wraps around his torso. Shocked gasps resonate from his family members. Marshall isn't given a chance to see who has him.

He jumps when another arm darts into his field of vision. A tan fist punches the woman straight in the nose. It's enough of a distraction for Paul to leap at her.

Her neck is grabbed in between his jaws. And with a single bite, she's decapitated.

No one dares to move. Multiple sets of eyes are staring at the person behind Marshall.

All he can see from his position is a limb that's still outstretched. Now that he's really looking, he's confused that it looks partially transparent. The mysterious person chuckles, making the vampire stiffen.

"You should be more careful, hermano."

Despite his injuries, Marshall turns around with great speed. The first thing he notices are two towering white wings outstretched toward the sky. The second thing he notices is dark curly hair framing a tan, transparent face.

Red eyes meet hazel ones. A patient smile is given in return to a surprised expression.

"Necesitas ayuda, Marsh. Let's get you back where you belong."

Marshall is picked up with great care. He doesn't have it in himself to say anything. His pain is blinding, and it's something he's having a very difficult time ignoring.

Strong arms are steady around him. Gentle warmth permeates through the fabric of his jacket. He can hear a rhythmic heartbeat against the comfortable chest that he's leaning against.

"Guess you saved me again... Brad."

He hums. "Yeah, I suppose so."

The vampire is set onto Paul's back cautiously. More intense warmth is felt against Marshall's chest. He can feel an erratic pulse thumping beneath him.

"Don't worry, Tiger. I'll be alright. It may take awhile to heal, but I'll live."

Marshall's declaration makes everyone calm down. They take a moment to look over Brad's form.

He's now standing in the distance. White wings are lax behind him. A few curls are dancing in tandem with the wind, and small snowflakes are settled in his hair. Hazel eyes are pulled toward the sky. An ever present smile is in its rightful place.

Brad gazes back at the group. His grin widens. The young male offers a wave before completely vanishing.

All that's left in his wake are stray feathers.

Everyone absorbs what exactly just happened—how exactly they were just saved. A sense of ease washes over them.

The group remains silent as they continue on their journey toward their new lives.

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