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Edited 6/20/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied homophobia.


Water from a flowing river smacks against large rocks. Crickets chirp beneath long blades of grass. Leaves rustle alongside a warm breeze. Forest animals frolic off in the distance.

Tattooed arms are crossed over a broad chest. Golden eyes are closed. Hearing is extended in response to complete vision loss. Marshall's attention is focused on listening to any noises he deems unnatural.

He's surrounded by almost all members of the Uley pack. Their scents mark the immediate vicinity around him. Quiet breaths fill the silence. Aside from that though, no one dares to make any noise.

It'll give their position away to Victoria if they do.

Due to a mending mother-son relationship, Esme and Marshall have been talking more. She recently informed him about a vision Alice had of the redhead passing through the area. Both groups on either side of the treaty line will be working to catch her.

Now, Marshall isn't too keen on seeing his other coven mates. He's still holding a grudge toward them. All things considered, however, he doesn't think they'll be interacting today. He's here to aid the wolves. Nothing else.

A big reason as to why he's assisting is because he was given the option by Sam. The alpha put it on the table that Marshall could come, but he didn't have to. That mostly sealed the deal for him. His other reason behind showing up is that he wants to help ensure the pack's overall safety.

He knows that Victoria is a fast, cunning, and capable opponent. He just wants to make sure that none of the wolves are hurt by her. Whether he pursues to detain or to kill is still up in the air. It'll depend on whatever cards Victoria has up her sleeve.

Marshall's brought out of his head by the sound of pounding feet against the ground. His eyes snap open, and his head darts in the direction of the noise. He holds a hand up as a means of keeping everyone in place.

She isn't on their side just yet.

He can hear multiple people running. He can hear shouts, minor swears, and grunts of frustration. He can hear people crashing against tree trunks. Marshall only motions for everyone to move when he hears someone jumping over the river that divides the territories.

He falls in line toward the center of the group as they run toward Victoria. He keeps close to a certain silver toned wolf.

Menacing growls are sprinkled throughout fast paced breathing. Heavy paws make deep impressions in the moist dirt below.

Marshall is running fast enough for his feet to barely touch the ground. It only takes a matter of seconds to get a clear view of their common enemy.

Victoria glances over her shoulder with a panicked expression. She speeds up in an attempt to create more distance. Sam, Jared, and Paul run even faster to lessen it. They jump forward to grab her when she's by the edge of the rocks. Unfortunately, she leaps across at the last second. Paul and Jared skid to a stop; both males narrowly missing a dangerous tumble down into the flowing river below.

Marshall looks back to make sure everyone's fine, but he doesn't stop running. The pack reforms around him.

He's able to make out his coven's speeding forms across the river. The mere sight of them fills him with genuine anger. Rosalie is caught staring with a tense expression. Aside from a quick glance over, the older male doesn't greet her. He keeps his sights set on Victoria.

Her movements are swift. She deflects attacks with ease. It seems her experience as a nomad is treating her well because she's able to adapt to changing scenarios with little hesitation. She's also able to utilize the surrounding terrain to her advantage.

Marshall witnesses such a skill when Jasper tries to jump at Victoria. He misses by mere inches. She runs off as he sprawls to the ground. A triumphant smirk befalls her facial features. Cockiness is building with every failed attempt at catching her.

Sam and the other pack members increase speed in response to Victoria gearing up to jump again. Marshall does so as well. His eyes widen though, when he notices Emmett not falling back in his pursuit.

He knows better. He knows he's not allowed on Quileute territory. So what the hell does he think he's doing?

Victoria leaps over the divide again. Emmett tries to follow her. He's stopped by Paul and Jared. Both wolves growl and snarl in warning. Complete and utter hostility is heard through loud, threatening barks. The Cullens stop running. Marshall doesn't. In his eyes, it's now or never. Just because Emmett has brought attention to himself doesn't mean that this pursuit is over.

Victoria continues running, but she slows down. She thinks she's safe. It surprises her when she's brutally tackled by Marshall.

Both vampires are tossed in another direction further away from the pack. Despite the clumsy movements, Marshall's able to get his hands on the woman. She's successfully bitten straight in the neck. He gets her closer to her collarbone though, so it isn't enough to actually kill her.

The gesture is still met with a screech in pain. Panic seems to set in.

In an attempt to save herself, Victoria pulls her arm backward. Her elbow rams straight into Marshall's stomach. It's forceful enough for him to cough up remnants of his last meal, a thin trail of blood trickling down his chin. He feels large sections of his abdomen crack. The sensation is nauseating and painful.

He yells out and is sent tumbling to the floor.

Victoria takes the opportunity to flee.

Marshall sucks in a breath. He doesn't immediately get up. Instead, the vampire curls in on himself. One hand keeps his forehead braced above the ground. The other is wrapped around his stomach. A particularly broken whine escapes him, and it causes mass panic.


He hears loud yelling from afar. He can also hear pounding footsteps approaching his vicinity. The cracks in his abdomen have already begun to heal, but the site of the injury still hurts. He's still unable to stand.

A familiar musk envelopes him. Silver toned paws can be seen in his peripheral vision. Paul whimpers. Marshall is gently nudged with what feels like the wolf's nose. The gesture is inherently careful as a means of not wanting to cause any more damage.

"Don't worry, Tiger, I'm okay, just- fuck- give me a minute."

Marshall stays hunched over. He senses another presence trying to get close, but a protective growl is sent in warning to leave the couple alone. From his position, he can see his coven mates looking at the wolves rather than looking at him.

Everyone except for Esme.

Her eyes switch between wariness in terms of the pissed off wolves, and worry for her injured son. He makes a mental note to text her later.

Quivering breaths are taken in. A few more seconds pass, and the wound heals completely. Sharp aching has finally subsided. It makes Marshall sigh out in relief.

He sits up, bracing himself on his hands and knees before looking toward Paul.

Large brown eyes are full of worry. His entire form is stiff.

The shifter kneels down to assist Marshall in getting up. He accepts the notion by placing a hand in the space between two pronounced shoulder blades.

Both men rise to their full heights. The vampire keeps his hand buried in the warm fur of his mate, more so for the other male's peace of mind. The two rejoin their pack. Sam spares them a glance to make sure everything is okay. He then returns his gaze onto the Cullens with an angered expression.

Marshall takes it upon himself to deescalate the situation. Not for his coven mates, but for the wolves.

"You're lucky they didn't kill you," he reprimands. "Go."

Emmett doesn't need much more coaxing to get back onto dry land. On his side of the treaty line.

Rosalie takes her mate's hand. She leans against him despite the water soaking his entire body.

A few other Cullen members observe Marshall with frowns. He isn't sure as to why, but it could be for a number of reasons. It could be because of him openly being affectionate toward Paul. It could be because of the vampire taking the wolves' side. It could be because some family members are still mad that he stormed out during their last fight.

Either way, Marshall doesn't really care. He's not subtle when he gives a gentle caress to soft fur.

"Sam, may I?" A nod is given in approval. "She got away. I think it'd be best for us to get our bearings and reconvene once things have settled down. However, attempts like the one Emmett pulled won't be tolerated again. Let me remind you that the Cullen family is to remain in their designated territory as stated by the treaty. Any further acts going against it can and will be dealt with in the most appropriate manner."

"Well, what about you?" Emmett counters. "You're a vampire on wolf territory!"

"That may be." Marshall continues with his fond mannerisms. "But as an imprint, I'm allowed to come and go as I please. Alpha's orders. You guys, on the other hand, can't. I suggest you remember that."

His tone is threatening. His glare is intimidating. Multiple members of his coven clench their jaws in response to his words.

Carlisle and Esme are the only ones with at least a semblance of understanding on their faces. The former walks forward until he's near the edge of the riverbank.

"Our apologies- we aren't trying to breach code, or go against the treaty. It was bad judgment on our part. It won't happen again."

Marshall hums. "Let's hope not."

With one last look of disapproval, steps are taken to walk away. He pauses though, when Rosalie speaks up.

"When are you coming back home, Marsh?"

The older male turns around. A deep sneer comes onto his face. It takes all of his willpower to not audibly growl at his sister.

Biological relation or not, he's still very upset with her. And her lacking apology is only making things worse.

"I am home."

The remark causes his other family members to stiffen. Looks of anger and disgust befall their features. Rosalie looks between her brother and his mate with an expression of disdain; as if the sight of the couple makes her want to throw up.

Normally, the rejection from his younger sister would hurt Marshall. He'd usually try to apologize for making her upset, or try to hold himself back from saying something confrontational.

Now's not one of those times.

He doesn't know if that ever will happen again.

"Is that a problem, Rosalie?"

His voice almost comes out as a growl. It makes the other vampires freeze.

Every single wolf snarls behind their non-typical pack mate. It's a collective gesture used to back him up. Paul's verbal warnings are the most heated. Vibrations reverberate off of the hand still buried in his fur.

Esme and Carlisle spare annoyed glances at their adoptive children. The couple bring their attention back up to the pack with much more lenient expressions.

"It's not a problem at all," Carlisle chimes in. "As long as you're safe and being taken care of."

"If you'd like, at some point we can meet to strategize for another plan of attack," Esme adds. "There's a get-together coming up at our house in a few days. It'll be a party, which would be a distraction enough to keep others busy. It'll also give us a neutral ground to keep things civil. If that makes you uncomfortable though, we can meet elsewhere. Either way is fine."

Marshall turns to his alpha. "Sam? What do you think?"

The large black wolf huffs in response. He looks over to the silver wolf. It's quiet as the two seem to talk telepathically.

After a moment, Sam offers a nod. Paul nudges his imprint in the side. The shifter flicks his ears twice. A low growl escapes him, but it isn't meant to be intimidating. It's meant to convey a message.

"I'll only go if Paul comes."

Carlisle offers a smile. "That's more than fine."

"Esme, I'd appreciate it if you could text me the details. If that's all though, we'll be taking our leave now."

The pack doesn't wait for an answer. They simultaneously turn away from the Olympic coven.

Paul decides to be playful because he nudges his nose behind Marshall's legs. Confused, the vampire opens them. An involuntary laugh escapes him when a large, fluffy head shimmies between the space. He's lifted onto his mate's back.

Marshall catches himself in a straddling position. His smile comes to life. He can feel burning, judgmental gazes coming from the other side of the river. He pays no mind to them.

Instead, the vampire braces himself against Paul, while also giving him multiple kisses. As soon as everyone's ready, the wolves run off with their vampire in tow.

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