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Edited 7/4/22.

A/N: This chapter contains swearing and attempted manipulation. Viewer discretion is advised.


Everyone is silent as they watch the phone ring in Marshall's hand. His grip is tight. And his slightly widened eyes refuse to leave the screen. Even when it stops. Even when it starts up again after a few seconds. His jaw is clenched so tight that the edges of his fangs begin to dig into his tongue.

He doesn't move. Or blink. He just sits and watches his cellphone in order to wait for it to stop.

When he's called a fifth time, Marshall caves by finally picking up the phone. It isn't done out of the goodness or kindness of his heart. Nor is it done because he wants to talk to his sister. He really doesn't. He's just tired of being called so much. The only reason he's answering is so he can say just that.



He immediately freezes.

It isn't Rosalie on the other line.

It's Edward.

Marshall finds himself thinking back to over a month ago when he was summoned at the Cullen house. He thinks back to why he ended up going there in the first place: because of petty thievery for someone else to get what they wanted. For someone else to try and force his compliance.

His anger skyrockets.

Carefully, Marshall peels himself away from Paul. The vampire passes the other pack members to take the call outside. He partially closes the front door for privacy, but he's sure everyone will be able to hear him due to his explosive temper.

"You have some fucking nerve to even think about calling after what you last said to me," he growls. "What the hell are you doing with Rose's phone? Or are you pulling an Alice and stealing things in order to get your way?"

"...I figured you had me blocked on your phone."

"Hadn't thought of that, but thanks for the idea. I'll be sure to do so after this call." Marshall sneers. "Well, what's so fucking important that you need to steal my sister's phone to talk to me? Are you going to try and give me some fucking sob story so that I can come help you with Bella?"

"How- how do you know about that?" Edward asks.

"My goddamn pack is down three members. How the fuck do you think?"

He hears Edward sigh before speaking again. "Look, I know we didn't end on good terms-"

"That's putting it very lightly."

"Right, but- look- I know you said you didn't want to be part of the coven anymore--"

"And I'm sticking to my fucking guns about it. You're not changing my mind just because you couldn't wrap up your dick and got Bella pregnant." Marshall's fist clenches at his side. "I don't know what the hell you expected me to say. Did you expect me to just come crawling back because you need me? Even after you called me defective? After calling my husband defective?!"

"Look, Marshall, I know you're upset- and what was said was really in the heat of the moment- but-"

"And here you are not even fucking apologizing! Like, are you kidding me? You basically told me that my wants and needs didn't matter! You told me my problems didn't matter! And here you are still with that same mentality even though you already know how I feel about this situation!"


A softer, more feminine voice asks for the phone. Marshall hears a pass off happening and is met with silence for a moment. He can also hear what sounds like someone shuffling as if they're going to another room for privacy.

In the span it takes for that to happen, Marshall forces himself to take a deep breath. He can feel multiple sets of eyes burning into him, and he can understand why.

With him being much more well off and happy on the rez, the other pack members have never really seen the vampire lose his temper like this. They haven't seen how heated he can actually get.

He knows it's kind of intense—how different he is when he's angry. He's cold and brutal. He doesn't hold back what he says, and he says what he honestly feels. There's no regard for other people's feelings when he's like this.

But that really has to do with other people having no regard for his feelings in the first place. So it isn't very surprising that this is even happening.

Paul's scent comes up from behind. He doesn't move to stand close, simply waiting in the threshold of the doorway.

It gives Marshall some comfort to know that he's not dealing with this alone.

"Marsh, it's me." Rosalie's voice is quiet. "I'm sorry about that- I don't know why it's suddenly so popular for everyone to start stealing each other's phones in order to get to you."

"Whatever. Don't let it happen again."

"Right... well, since you're here- how have you been?"

"Are you serious?" He deadpans before frowning. "Are you actually serious? Really? After all the bullshit that's happened- that's the first thing you say to me?"

"I- what else would I say?"

"How about fucking sorry! That'd be a start!"

"What? Why would I apologize?"

Marshall lets out a short laugh in exasperation, dragging his free hand down his face.

He's getting so annoyed. He's doing his best to not get too heated, but he can't help it.

Even after the big fight—they're still not listening to him.

At this point, he can't tell if Rosalie is just ignorant or legitimately naïve about the situation. Either way, it doesn't excuse the way she's been acting all these years.

"Do you- did you just not listen to a single word I said last time we met?" Marshall drops his hand, and it smacks against his thigh. "What- did it not matter? Was it too confrontational to you that you just tuned me out? Or did you hear me, and you just don't care?"

"It isn't like that, Marsh. You know I care about you."

"Well you have a shitty way of showing it."

"Look, this isn't what I wanted to talk about. I took the phone because I know if you'll listen to anyone-"

"And here. We fucking. Go. Again. I don't- what is happening here? I mean, really- what is happening? What the fuck is wrong with you people that you don't understand the concept of no? You're being childish-"

"No, you're being childish!" Rose pushes back. "You're having a temper tantrum when your family needs you right now! You're my brother! Whether you like it or not, you're part of this coven! Regardless of what you said! You're needed to help protect Bella, and yet you're sitting over there with your dogs being useless! Just like always!"

"There it is- there it fucking is! Pot calling the goddamn kettle black! I'm useless?! And what the fuck have you been doing?! What have you been doing your entire fucking life that has helped me?! You're not the one who sacrificed literal decades of pain in order to keep everyone else happy! You're not the one who's had to suffer in silence!"

"You're my older brother! It's your job to put me first! Just like mom always said- as an older brother and as a man, it's your job to do what I need from you! It's your job to do what I ask of you!"

"And look where that got me." Marshall's voice drops immediately, almost to the point where it's hard to hear him. "I fought for you. I sacrificed for you. I worked day in and day out- I pushed my wants and needs away to keep you happy. And you know where that led me? Dead at the age of twenty five."

"Oh please, you're being melodramatic," Rosalie challenges. "Who else was going to sacrifice for me? Who else was going to take care of me? Mom was dead, and dad went off to Vermont! It was your job to do those things! It still is! As long as you're alive- as long as you're my older brother- it's your job to put me first!"

"...Wow." Marshall feels himself tearing up. Not in sadness but in anger, "Just- wow. So fuck my feelings, right? Fuck what I want, right? It's all about Rosalie. It's always been all about Rosalie. I just- I don't even know what to say to you at this point."

A warm hand settles on his shoulder. He doesn't look back. He simply surrenders the phone when it's taken from him.

Marshall expects the call to end. He doesn't expect the phone to be put on speaker.

"Rosalie, is it? Yeah, this is Paul- the husband."


"Don't speak, and listen here." Paul's voice is dangerous; but his grip on his imprint stays gentle. "I don't know what authority you think you have- or what princess ideals you think are indebted to you- but let's get something straight. Marshall has done everything that he could for you. He raised you. He took care of you. He pushed away his want for a romantic partner, so you wouldn't be uncomfortable. He gave his life for you. That's not something to take so lightly."

"You don't know the whole story-"

"Stop trying to interrupt and listen for once in your fucking life."

It surprises Marshall that Rosalie actually stops talking. Everyone listens in silence as Paul speaks up again.

"Marshall has sacrificed too much for that family. All you guys have done over and over again is belittle him. Make his problems seem inferior to your own. And then you get mad when he tries to make things better for himself? He may not say this to you, but I will. That's fucking shallow and horrendous of all of you. He's not some goddamn stepping stone to be beat up- especially by the people he's done everything for, for his entire life.

"Just because you may have differing ideologies doesn't make him a bad person. Just because he can't always give you guys what you want- that doesn't make him a bad person. Marsh trying to live his life in the way that's best for him doesn't make him a bad person. But it sure as shit says a lot about you because you think differently."

"Damn dog. What do you know about Marsh, huh?!"

Paul doesn't skip a beat. "His favorite color is purple."

"Wh- what?"

"Marsh's favorite color is purple. Yeah, he wears black a lot and doesn't usually wear bright colors- but all of his frequently used personal items are purple. His earphones, his phone case, his toothbrush, his shoelaces.

"He pouts when he's thinking about something. He doesn't sing along to a song when he's upset; he just listens. And when he does play music when he's upset, it's usually something that conveys the message of what he's feeling- even if he doesn't say it himself. He's a stomach sleeper and a cuddler. His favorite pair of house shoes are his cat slippers with the little plastic whiskers and pointed ears. His favorite genre of music is jazz- even though his favorite band plays alternative music. He loves cooking, and his favorite seasoning to use is garlic basil.

"He doesn't like to kill bugs that he finds in the house- he always takes them outside to set them free. When he's doing something he loves, like dancing or acting, he smiles more. He usually does so more with the right side of his mouth than the left. He likes to change out the stud of his tongue piercing to match his outfit or his mood. He can dance to any type of music if given the chance- but he prefers to be silly with his movements rather than be serious. He's open to multiple types of drinks at the bar and will try anything you give him. Even though he can't digest it, his favorite meal is Paella because he actually likes the taste.

"He likes to wear my clothes because he thinks he looks cute in them. He likes motorcycles and would love to have one for himself. He likes to be by the water because it's comforting. He likes to collect shells and rocks as small mementos wherever we go. His favorite restaurant is the Korean one up in Forks where we had our first romantic date. He likes sunsets. And cliff diving. He likes action movies and thrillers.

"He likes the smell of rain and will purposely leave windows open, so the smell comes into the house. He looks away when he's embarrassed- usually to the right side. He enjoys wearing makeup because he likes the way it makes his eyes look. He has a real soft spot for animals like hamsters and guinea pigs. When he takes off his shoes, he always starts with the left one.

"There's a whole lot more, but let me ask you this- did you know that? Did you know about any of those things?"

"I..." Rosalie stammers. "No. No, I didn't."

"Yeah, I bet a lot of people in your family don't know any of that. Because a lot of you haven't bothered to see who he is as Marshall. Not as the dancer or the actor. Not as the big brother. Not even as a vampire. Just as Marshall." Paul purses his lips. "And that's why he left. That's why he's happy living here. Because we give a shit. Because we pay attention. Because we care about him. When we say that he's family- we don't say it because of biological relation or species. We say it because that's how close we are. We're family because, no matter how he is, we love him unconditionally.

"Maybe if you guys did that for him, he wouldn't have left. In light of that though- you've done us a good thing by pushing him toward the pack. Because he's happy here. He can be himself here. We'll love and treasure him the way you guys didn't. And he's going to continue to be his very best. Without you to hold him back."

Paul hangs up the phone before Rosalie can say anything else. He turns it off, sliding the device into his imprint's pocket for him. Brown eyes look over the extreme surprise on Marshall's face.

His eyes are wide. His lips are slightly parted. He blinks repeatedly as if trying to bring himself back into the moment.

Paul responds by giving a simple smile. "You take a minute to catch a breather. We'll go back in when you're ready."

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