Introductions and Reunions

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Edited 7/9/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


"So you're actually leaving?"

"Yes. And I think it would be in your best interest to do so as well."

Marshall ripped his gaze away from the crashing waves in front of him. He wanted to find comfort in the gorgeous cliffside viewhe really did. But Alice's warning piqued his interest.

It also filled him with a harsh sense of terror.

She held tense eye contact with him. Her lips were pursed, and her fists were balled. She looked between Marshall and the silver wolf behind him with apprehension marring her features.

Her expression just made their meeting that much more heartbreaking.

"I can't say for certain how the future will play out," Alice warned. "I can't say whether or not you guys will actually need to leave- to hightail it out of here. But what I can say is that you should be ready to do so if things turn sour. Considering Aro's want for a confrontation, perhaps you should disappear just to be safe."

"...Okay." Marshall nodded in understanding. "Unfortunately, we can't leave right now- it'll make all of this more complicated. But we'll start getting things ready. If necessary, we'll leave after meeting Aro."

"Why risk such a troubling situation though?" Alice asked.

"He's going to find out about my relationship either way. Whether it be from me, or somebody else. He'll also probably find out, if he doesn't know already, that I'm not part of the coven anymore. It's relatively impossible to keep both of those things hidden. It'll just be easier if I come clean about it myself. If an actual fight breaks out though, we'll be ready to jet. It'll be difficult- but it's what has to be done."

"Are you really prepared to leave everyone behind?" Jasper added, the man standing behind his mate.

"If we have to. It may sound shallow or selfish-- but I can always rebuild my family. I'm prepared to do so if push comes to shove. I can't lose Paul. This situation is bleak regardless. We're going to lose people regardless. But if Paul and I are at least able to make it out together- that'll give us a semblance of hope."

"I understand." Alice placed a hand onto her brother's shoulder. "I'm sorry that I can't do more to help."

"You warning us is helpful enough. We're going to do what we can to keep each other safe. I hope you both are able to do so as well."

"...Is this the last time we'll see each other?"

"It could be."

Marshall didn't say anything else. He simply grabbed his siblings and pulled them into a tight embrace. Two sets of arms wrapped around his torso. Sweet copper invaded his nasal cavity. For once, it didn't bother him.

The need to say goodbye forced tears to build in his eyes instead.

"Despite the things that have gone on in the past, I just need you guys to know that I love you both. I'm hoping we'll meet again, but if we don't- if this is our last time seeing each other- I want you to know that you're still my family. Please, be careful. And stay safe."


Marshall is leaning against a tree a few yards from the Cullen household. He's waiting for Paul to finish redressing as the two decided to run over instead of driving.

Even with the vampire not being near his old household, he's bombarded by differing scents. His biggest discomfort comes from the more pungent smell of faint human blood. He deduces that Carlisle's friends do not follow the same vegetarian lifestyle like they do.

Scarlet eyes close to make a better deduction. Multiple senses heighten due to the loss of sight.

Marshall can make out familiar voices from the Denali coven. He can also make out people with accented voices: vampires from Ireland; vampires possibly from Egypt as there is a tinge of Arabic being spoken as well; people from further south here in the States. It's a plethora of individuals with some sounding more guarded than others.

Still, he can admit that it's appreciated how everyone has come for such an impactful cause despite differing ideologies.

"You're thinking real loud, Marshmallow."

An arm snaking around his waist makes the vampire reopen his eyes. He's met with a rather guarded expression marring his husband's face.

The grim look is understandable, of course.

Although Paul has come around to vampires like the Cullens, it doesn't mean his instinctual distaste for the species as a whole has gone down. He loves Marshall with such intensity though, that the shifter is willing to push away his more violent impulses to stay beside his partner. In order to bring reprieve where it's needed.

Paul knows this isn't an easy situation for either of them; but it would be worse if they weren't together.

"Just getting a read on the situation, Tiger. Lot of new people here. I know it's a bit much for you, and I appreciate you sacrificing your own comfort to be here."

"Not much of a sacrifice- you need me. And I need you. This'll at least give us a chance to scope out the playing field. You know anyone who's shown up?"

"Mhmm." Both men begin walking toward the house. "It's only a few people, but it's something. My cousins in the Denali coven have arrived from Alaska. Carlisle mentioned them when he was talking about the origins of immortal children. We aren't blood relatives, but we are close like real family."

"What can you tell me about them?"

"There's a couple- their names are Carmen and Eleazar. He used to be part of the Volturi. Due to shifting ideologies, as well as a want for a more peaceful life, he left. Eleazar is also gifted like me. He can sense what supernatural abilities other people have.

"There's also Tanya and Kate who are adoptive siblings. They're Irina's sisters, so this situation must be difficult for them. Kate is gifted as well. She has the ability to electrocute others off of any surface from her body. She's the pretty blonde with straight hair. Tanya is the pretty blonde with curly hair."

"I see."

"On the topic of Tanya though- there's something I should tell you." Marshall looks up at his husband. "It was years ago, but Tanya and I used to be intimate. We never dated or anything, it was just a fling. She backed off after catching feelings for Edward. Still, she and I have a rather close relationship. I'm just letting you know so you don't get uncomfortable if she seems a little flirty."

"I don't think I'll have anything to worry about, Honey Bun." Paul smirks. "What did you say last year during your beach party? Something along the lines of being territorial? You're already mine- there's no reason for me to be jealous. Yeah, you guys used to fuck. I'm the one who's tapping that ass now and managed to put a ring on your finger. As far as I'm concerned, I won."

Both men share a quick laugh. A fleeting moment of tranquility disappears as quickly as it comes.

"...Does anyone know about Alice and Jasper?"

"That they left? Yes. Why they did? No. I'm assuming they don't know about what she said to us either."

"We'll just keep it between us then."

The Lahotes break through the treeline in front of the house. Their sudden presence gets the attention of a few strangers. Just as predicted, a lot of eyes mimicking Marshall's are dotted throughout multiple groups of people. Some individuals seem to stiffen at the sight of another wolf, but no one says anything about him.

With everyone being on common ground, a few unknown vampires give curt nods in an unspoken salutation. Such gestures are returned in a similar manner. More genuine greetings are given to better known vampires. Like the Denali members quickly approaching the couple.

"Well, well- I was wondering when the handsome prince would arrive," Tanya teases. "And with company as well. Very nice."

Marshall can't help but chuckle when both groups blend into one. "It's good to see you, Tanya. Beautiful as ever. And you as well, Kate. Carmen, Eleazar- you both look well."

"We are, thank you," the other male greets. "And who is this? A person of romantic interest perhaps? You two share very similar scents which is why I'm asking."

"My husband, actually."

"Husband?" Tanya's tone of voice heightens, and a delighted squeal escapes her. "Since when?"

"Almost six months ago. We've been together for about two years. It may not seem like much time; but when you know, you know."

"So someone's finally managed to nab you, huh?" Kate adds. "So what's the name of our new family member?"

"Paul. Paul Lahote."

The shifter gives a more relaxed smirk as his arm tightens around Marshall. It causes both Denali sisters to do little dances in their spots, whereas Carmen and Eleazar give genuine nods of approval.

"I'm honestly surprised you're being so open," Paul admits. "It's been a bit hectic for us in terms of our relationship- with it being same sex and all."

"Oh, that doesn't bother us," Tanya answers with a nonchalant wave of the hand. "We're more open minded than, well, others might be. What matters is that you two are happy, and it seems like you are."

"We've heard from Carlisle that you're no longer part of the Olympic coven, Marsh." Eleazar chimes in again. "Was it because of your relationship? Or because of your change in diet?"

"It was a multitude of issues, really. Just, overall, things weren't working for me here. I had already been a member of the wolf pack though, so that's where my full allegiance is now. And my diet is still mostly vegetarian- I've just been imbibing a bit as my husband is my blood singer."

"Kinky," Tanya jokes.

"...I think you and I are going to get along very well," Paul adds with a chuckle.

"Yes, we are." Her smile softens before her full attention is pulled back to her old fling. "Have you still got those gorgeous wings?"

Instead of answering, Marshall backs up. He hunches a bit in order to not accidentally hit anyone.

With a quick exhale, a familiar set of large royal blue wings sprout from the vampire's back. His added appendages fan out toward the sky to be stretched out. Feathers glisten in warm rays of sunlight.

Due to the added illumination, it can be seen that the ranchiswhere blue tinted barbs sprout fromare slightly lighter in hue. Primary and secondary feathers are darker with coverts ranging in different hues of the vibrant shade.

Being at their largest, Marshall's wings reach directly below some higher branches of pine trees nearby. His soft appendages cause multiple people to look on in astonishment.

"Talk about a gift of beauty."

Two pairs of red eyes meet; one scarlet and the other ruby. Marshall feels a sense of interest overcome him when a man and woman walk over, hands intertwined.

They both have olive toned skin and dark brown hair with the woman's being longer. Both are wearing dark colored clothing, which makes the red of their irises pop. The two newcomers have their own looks of interest adorning unnaturally beautiful faces.

"Why thank you..."

"Benjamin," the man announces with a nod, "and my mate, Tia. We are part of the Egyptian coven. Our caretakers are Amun and Kebi, but they're keeping to themselves during this trip."

"It's good to meet you both. I'm Marshall Lahote, and this is my husband, Paul. We're both members of the Uley pack down in La Push."

"Intriguing for a vampire to be part of a wolf pack." Benjamin's smile grows. "That doesn't mean it's bad though. I'm wondering now that I'm seeing them up close- your wings- are they your gift, or is it more?"

"It's more. I have the ability to make my tattoos come to life."

Added appendages burst into a flurry of detached feathers. They reattach after the vampire takes off his jacket. Giving it to Paul, Marshall rolls up his sleeves to reveal his forearms.

While he may have tattoos elsewhere, those are the easiest to show.

He gives a nod when Benjamin reaches to trace some designs.

An array of colors ranging from pink to red to blue to purple are bright against pale skin. Many tattoos are black and white with others being in full color. It's mostly floral and plant arrangements with the occasional constellation and jewel design. Others, which are a bit smaller, consist of chains and daggers. Hidden beneath his sleeves are a familiar fireball, along with music notes and song lyrics.

Benjamin's touch is light as he admires the cherry blossom tree that starts on Marshall's arm, its roots traveling down the back of his hand. When the two make eye contact again, both men find themselves chuckling.

"I've never heard of such a gift like that. It's amazing to see though." Benjamin takes his hand back. "I have the gift of controlling the elements. It's why I've been hidden for most of my life- Amun doesn't want others, or the Volturi, rather, to know about it."

"I can partially understand why. I don't normally use my gift often because it keeps others from knowing I have it. Still, it's nice to be able to use it freely. You shouldn't have to be locked away because of something that comes naturally to you."

"You are... something different, Marshall." Benjamin's expression becomes more fond. "I believe this is the start to a wonderful friendship."

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