Pretty Boy

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Edited 7/11/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.

Aside from that though, let's enjoy a big Lahote wedding!


Golden eyes are staring into a tall mirror.

In the background of the reflection, a clothing divider is standing half folded. Articles of wrinkled garments are neglected on a fabric chair. An empty suit bag is dangling off of a metal hanger. Pink and orange hues are seeping through tinted windows, coating the room in a warmer glow.

Marshall, clad in his wedding attire, is standing tall in the foreground of the reflection.

The outfit consists of a design similar to the suit he wore in Vienna to the opera house. A new color scheme consists of black on white. Dark floral patterns rest against a bright background. His blazer's lapel along with his tie are black. His silk dress shirt is white, and cufflinks in the shape of roses follow suit. He's also adorning a pair of black formfitting dress pants with shoes to match.

Black waves are side swept. They're partially held back by dark pins. Some strands have been left to frame his face.

While looking over his appearance as a whole, Marshall glances down at his clasped hands. He finds it strange to see his wedding band missing. The absent piece of jewelry doesn't bring about any form of negativity though, because he knows in a few minutes, he's going to be getting it back.

The ring will reclaim its rightful place upon the announcement of 'I do.'

A light knock against a closed door gets the vampire's attention. He turns around. His lips purse in nervousness as Carlisle peeks inside.

The man offers a knowing smile. "It's time, Marsh."

He nods his head in understanding. Trembling hands move to grab a bouquet composed of roses and sunflowers. Small jewels are placed in the centers of each flower.

As he cradles the floral bundle near his chest, Marshall takes a needed breath. He walks out of the room with the bouquet in one hand, shutting the door with the other.

Both men descend the stairs in silence. Footfalls against hardwood are amplified by a collective lacking presence. Marshall's attention stays rooted to the floor.

He knows that he's already married to Paul. This is more of a glorified promise since they're already united forever. Still, their initial ceremony was done in front of an intimate group. Multiple sets of people are here today—it's more than just the pack this time. And while Marshall doesn't really mind being the center of attention every now and again—he doesn't want all eyes on him in the case that his nerves cause him to trip.

"You're thinking really loud," Carlisle teases.

"I can't help it- I've never done something like this before. I've never done something this big. I don't want to fall."

"I won't let you. Never again."

Both men stop near the back door leading outside. From his position, Marshall takes in the sight of wooden benches decorated with the same flowers that he's holding in his hands. Two metal lamps with lit candles inside lead to a dark red carpet. Lace canopy drapes are shielding numerous sets of fairy lights.

His eyes stop when they reach a familiar pair of dress shoes. He brings his focus back down to his bouquet.

When Marshall sees Paul, he wants to do it when he's walking down the aisle.

The vampire takes hold of his father's presented arm when music starts playing. It's an instrumental score of slow violins and piano. When ready, he looks up. Golden eyes take in the sight of a large group of standing people.

He can see both packs and all invited imprints, the Olympic and Denali covens, Bobby with his family, and a plethora of people that Marshall has worked with both as a dancer and as an actor. He takes note of a picture of Brad being held in Esme's grasp. It's the last thing the vampire looks at before closing his eyes.

"Ready?" Carlisle asks.

Marshall nods, and they begin walking.

He hears multiple excited gasps as he gets outside. A hum is given in response to hardwood being replaced by soft grass. It smells of pine. Birds are chirping off in the distance. Faint yellow passes through his closed eyelids.

The sound of a thumping heart in the distance makes slender hands clench a little tighter. Sleeping butterflies burst from their cocoons when grass can be felt shifting to carpet.

"Open your eyes, Marsh."

He does. And the sight before him makes him tear up.

All around are grinning faces of his friends and family. A minister is waiting patiently at the end of the aisle.

And Paul—he's so beautiful.

The shifter is wearing a similar suit set with inverted colors. The outfit hugs his body well and is quite fetching. A rose is pinned beneath his breast pocket. His hands are clasping each other. His stance is wide, but there's also a form of rigidity due to a mutual sense of nervousness.

Aside from that though, Paul is smiling. Tears have formed in soft brown eyes. He lets out a gentle sigh at the sight of his husband.

Marshall accepts a kiss on the cheek from Carlisle when they reach the end of the aisle. Both men share a tender moment as father and son. The younger vampire's hand is presented to Paul. And it's taken with a delicate clasp.

The grooms take in each other's facial features as Marshall is pulled to stand on a higher platform. His bouquet is handed off to Emily since she's acting as his matron of honor. Both trembling hands are grabbed and kissed. It brings a smile to his face.

Gold and brown meet once more before everyone's attention moves to the female minister. She motions for everyone to sit. Once that happens, she begins speaking.

"Good evening, everyone. It is on this warm, beautiful spring day, that we've come together to witness the union of Marshall and Paul. A union comprised of love, friendship, and a promise. Before we continue, I'd like to take a second to honor those who can't be here today. Let us have a moment of silence to honor Brad Romero, Marshall's best friend, who was taken too early from this world."

Everyone bows their heads as a sign of honor and respect.

Marshall purses his lips. His fingers clench, and he feels his Barcelona pendant rub against the skin of his chest. The necklace helps to quell a soft aching in his heart.

Both of his hands are caressed by delicate thumbs. It's a nonverbal gesture to convey a message that Paul understands. That he's here.

Marshall squeezes his lover's hands in return.

"Thank you," the minister continues. "In witness of this union, I'd like everyone to remember that love is something that should be cherished. It is a driving force which can act as one's armor and one's weakness. It is something that many people have but take for granted. A union such as this is a promise to always hold that love, for the relationship and each other, in the highest regard possible.

"Now, the couple have decided to write their own speeches. So before we commence with the rings, we'll allow both of our grooms to speak. Paul, you may go first."

Gold and brown meet again. Both are glistening with tears and are illuminated by surrounding fairy lights. Paul takes a moment to breathe before beginning to speak from his heart.

"Marshmallow." He smiles. "You... are the greatest thing to have ever happened to me. Before I met you, I struggled with a lot of emotions. I was angry and didn't know what to do with my feelings. I was uncomfortable around people. Showing any emotion aside from rage was something I didn't know I could do. That changed when I met you. Your cute face pulled me right in.

"The first time we spoke- it was like talking to an old friend. And the first time we kissed, I knew it was set for me. I knew I wanted you to be mine before we truly realized what was happening. As our relationship developed, you were more than a friend to me. You gave me a partner; you gave me someone to confide in; you gave me a haven- and a person to trust; you gave me a place where my heart could be safe. I can say with complete certainty... that I love you. More than anything else. And I'm so excited to see what our next adventure together will be."

Multiple people let out quiet sounds in response to such heartfelt words. Marshall feels his throat tighten. He has to swallow in order to dampen the sensation.

"Beautiful, beautiful words." The minister turns to the other groom. "Marshall, you may speak now."

"...My big Tiger." He chuckles. "You were the start of so many wonderful things. I wasn't an open person before I met you. I struggled with so many issues. My emotions, my identity, my self worth- I didn't know who I was. I didn't know where to go in order for things to make sense. I was searching for a long time- for a place to call my own. I found that in you.

"When we first started seeing each other, I said we didn't have to be together if either of us didn't want it. I wanted to give you the option of backing out because it was something I expected. But you stayed. And you've helped give me life. You've helped me figure myself out.

"You met me at my most confused. And you've helped make a pathway for me to be my best self. You're my friend; my lover; my partner- everything. You are everything to me. I love you. I need you more than the sun in the sky and the air that I breathe. Our relationship has only just begun. I'm excited for years worth of new days and new adventures with you."

Paul's bottom lip trembles in response to his husband's words. The sight makes Marshall do the same.

"Thank you both." The minister moves to address everyone. "We've reached the point for rings to be given. I ask, who presents them?"

"I do." Jared steps forward. He holds out a small pillow with two identical rings sitting on top of it.

"Paul, please repeat after me..."

"I, Paul Lahote, take you, Marshall, to be my husband. I promise to love, cherish, and honor you. In sickness and in health. For richer, for poorer. For better, for worse. I promise to be yours, and only yours, as long as we both shall live."

"I, Marshall Lahote, take you, Paul, to be my husband. I promise to love, cherish, and honor you. In sickness and in health. For richer, for poorer. For better, for worse. I promise to be yours, and only yours, as long as we both shall live."

Marshall sees Jared move back into his spot. He offers a bright grin. The vampire gives one in return before pulling his full attention onto his husband.

"Paul, do you take Marshall as your life partner? To be with him, day in and day out, in every way that he needs? To be his sun on his darkest days, and his support when he needs it most?"

"I do."

"And Marshall, do you take Paul as your life partner? To be with him, day in and day out, in every way that he needs? To be his sun on his darkest days, and his support when he needs it most?"

"I do."

The minister takes a small step back. "Then by the power vested in me, I pronounce you both as husbands. Paul? You may kiss your groom."

Marshall smiles into the kiss given to him. His hands settle on either side of his lover's face. Strong arms can be felt around the vampire's waist.

As their kiss deepens, a warm appendage runs up Marshall's back. His head is cradled with a delicate type of care. The tender gesture is met with him leaning further into his partner.

Slender fingers brush against small baby hairs as he pours everything that he's got into this kiss.

Applause from all around rings out. Marshall looks up at his husband with a large grin. They pull each other into a tight hug. The vampire receives a kiss on his forehead. Both men take a moment to absorb the fact that they really are married, and that it's time for a kick ass wedding reception.

The bouquet is taken back from Emily. Marshall's swept off of his feet bridal style. A fat smooch is placed onto his cheek as Paul carries his husband down the aisle with his own radiant smile.


Wedding attendees are drinking, eating, and laughing together. Bustling conversations are sprinkled throughout a sea of people. Some are sitting, and some are standing. A few take in the surrounding décor while giving genuine compliments.

It's all background noise.

Marshall and Paul are in their own world as they dance together. Both men are standing close and have their foreheads resting against one another.

They're the only ones present on the dance floor.

With gazes blinded by complete and utter adoration, their picture is taken without either of them realizing it.

"I can't believe that we're both able to say that we've been married twice," Marshall teases. "Once was already crazy. Twice is just- wow."

"I honestly never thought that I'd get married," Paul adds. "I never thought I'd find a person who'd mean that much to me. But then you sauntered your cute, fine ass over to the bar; and it was over for me that night. I know when we first started sleeping together, I said I didn't know how I felt about you. I knew that I wanted you. I just didn't want to scare you off."

"But look at us now- married twice in less than a year. Does that mean we should go on a second honeymoon?"

"We could if you'd like. But I'm not opposed to just staying at home and spending that vacation time in our bedroom." The shifter offers a smirk. "I don't know, Marshmallow, I think we need to break in the sheets again."

"Yeah, I think we do."

They share a laugh while continuing to dance.

Songs come and go. Tempos change with each different genre. A specific song makes Marshall hum. It's one of his favorites. His eyes close, giving him a chance to further appreciate both the tune and being in his husband's arms.

"You know, with how much we listen to the same music, I'm surprised I don't know this one." Paul's lips graze the shell of Marshall's ear. "It's nice though- and if it's okay with you, I'd like it to be our song. What's it called?"

"Pretty Boy."

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