Second Stop: Vienna, Austria

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Edited 7/7/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


A full glass wall provides a clear view of surrounding buildings and neighboring city streets. Everything is glowing in an array of lights due to the sun having long set, albeit still early evening. A navy sky is littered with wisps of nearly hidden clouds. The full moon is bright and on display for all to see.

Slightly ajar balcony doors let in the sounds of wind, cars honking, and feet shuffling. People can be heard laughing far below on crowded sidewalks. Both natural and unnatural sources of light bask a darkened room in faint yellow.

Even with such little lighting, Marshall can make out his husband's features with ease from his position.

The shifter's muscles are quaking. His skin is glistening. Love bites and scratches are littering multiple surfaces from the neck down. His brunet hair is tangled with how much it's been pulled. Rich brown is overtaken by a ravishing black due to pupils being completely blown out.

Paul's breathing is labored. And heavy. His voice is husky with a tinge of guttural roughness added to it. His growls and moans are low. They're predatory.

One hand is holding onto Marshall's hip with enough force to make him squeal. Another appendage is wrapped firmly around his throat. The vampire feels like he has nowhere to run-especially with the way his husband's unwavering gaze is settled onto his scrunching face.

It's not like Marshall actually wants to be anywhere else, but still. The tables have turned, and now he's a small deer in the clutches of a starved lion.

He's a panting, drooling mess; and it only makes Paul more feral.

Every gasp and high pitched whine just makes the room feel hotter. Even with borderline inhumanly fast movements, the bed barely creaks beneath them.

All either male can pay any mind to is the symphony being composed by intense lovemaking.

One last push forces Marshall to grab blindly at the soft sheets under him. A random article of clothing makes contact with his quaking palm. His hand squeezes with such intensity that the fabric rips.

Pure love and ecstasy flows out of his body. From his expression, Paul experiences the sensation at the same time.

Both men meet for a long kiss before lying side by side. They're left a bit delirious with a strong afterglow setting in.

"Hah, fuck." Paul chuckles. "Had you pretty close to tears there, Honey Bun."

"I told you I was sensitive," Marshall replies with his own laugh. "I ripped my shirt."

"I heard. That's hot."

"Please don't make me rip all my clothes during this trip. I don't want to go home naked."

"I mean, I wouldn't be opposed. If it comes down to it though, you can always wear something of mine. You know how much we both love it when you do."

Marshall gives a playful roll of the eyes. "And you call me a minx."

"Hey, as a very handsome and wise person once said, 'Loud and proud', sweetheart."

Winking, Paul rises from the bed.

Golden eyes aren't subtle as they soak up the man's defined, fully displayed muscles. Marshall lets out a playful whistle when his gaze reaches a particularly firm set of glutes.

He's always had a great weakness for his husband's lower body, and the vampire sees no issue in staring with a lopsided grin on his face.

He takes a second to further spread out his legs when Paul returns with a damp, warm rag to help clean up.

Every nook and crevice is wiped with gentle care. Pale skin is cleaned of any impurities before the rag is tossed to the side atop the ripped t-shirt. Large hands take small moments to rub delicate circles into hardened muscles beneath them.

A gentle kiss is placed into a sea of black waves. Swarming butterflies rise from a short slumber.

"Okay, Marshmallow, I'm going to go rinse off. Are you going to join me, or are you going to start getting ready?" Paul asks.

"I quite like having your natural scent on me like this, so I'll skip on the shower for now."

"Alright, Honey Bun. If you could, just lay my suit out on the Ottoman bench. I'll only be a few minutes."

"Of course, love."

Flashing a smile, Paul rises again. He walks over toward the bathroom while stretching his arms above his head. Said room is engulfed in brighter light once everything is switched on. Bare feet pad against cold floor tiling.

"Hey," Marshall calls out.

"Yeah, baby, what's up?"

"I love you."

Paul takes a moment to lean back through the doorway. "I love you too, sweetheart."

Marshall smiles as he watches his husband's disappearing form. The vampire takes a moment to place a hand onto the paw print pendant of his choker. It makes warmth spread throughout his body.

He stretches out his own muscles, walking over to the closet near the bathroom's entry way. A pair of mirrors acting as doors are opened. Golden eyes scan over multiple outfits. He pulls out two long bags that are shielding formal attire.

A suit is set down with its necessary garments onto the Ottoman a few feet away. Marshall hangs his own on a hook where extra jackets are supposed to go.

It doesn't take much time for him to get ready; aside from his shoes and coat of course. He's adorning a fetching silk dress shirt in a shade of deep black. His tie is made of the same fabric, but it's palette contrasts with bright gold. The suit jacket is textured. Its base is black with gold floral patterns running along the torso and arms. The lapel is deep black as well. Formfitting pants match in terms of color and breathable fabric. A pair of gold cufflinks in the shape of music notes tie the look together.

Giving himself a glance over, the vampire applies a bit of eyeliner to make his irises pop a bit more. He also takes a moment to drag a comb through his dark waves to make them cooperate better.

By the time he's done, Marshall hears the shower turn off, along with a towel being grabbed. He chooses to give Paul a bit of privacy to get dressed, so quick steps are taken out onto the balcony.

Thanks to neighboring buildings, a chilly wind isn't as harsh as it's expected to be. It still ruffles the stylized strands but doesn't really ruin said hairstyle.

Marshall leans against the metal railing with a sigh. From his position, he can see an opera house in the distance. The building has spotlights illuminating its exterior, which paints the structure in a sea of champagne colored hues. Its three stories are lit up from the inside due to bright white also seeping out of glass windows.

The opera house is gorgeous even at a distance. Marshall wonders how much nicer it'll look once they're inside.

His posture remains lax as the vampire continues to look out at other surrounding establishments. There are other hotels around, as well as some eateries and shopping outlets. A fancy looking restaurant is seen a couple buildings down. He makes a mental note to go there for dinner after the ballet is finished.

He also looks at the cars scurrying along in the streets below. Everything appears much smaller from such a height. It's still relaxing to watch traffic for a little bit, further cementing him into a state of pure bliss.

Warm hands run against Marshall's back to get his attention. He turns away from the scenery in front of him and faces the bedroom. He sucks in a small breath at the sight of his husband's clothed form.

Paul is wearing a suit in similar fashion to his husband's; but his tie, cufflinks, and floral patterns are in a gorgeous shade of bright royal blue. His hair has been styled by being parted off center. A section of his face is framed by short falling bangs.

He's also wearing a bit of Marshall's favorite cologne. It's purposely dulled, so the shifter's natural scent bleeds through.

"Wow..." Marshall says, mesmerized. "You look..."

"Handsome? Dashing?"

"I was going to say gorgeous, but those work too. You certainly know how to clean up well, my love."

"Right back at you, Marshmallow."

"I- I almost don't want to bring any coats because it'd be such a waste to have you so hidden."

Paul shrugs. "We're not going too far, so I don't think we need to make such an effort to blend in this time. Plus, our blazers could probably pass as enough if anyone gives us any looks. Either that, or they'll think we're crazy for not wearing jackets in the middle of November."

Marshall chuckles before making his way back inside. He makes sure to actually close the balcony doors behind him, rather than leaving them open again.

He nearly blushes when a spritz of cologne is sprinkled onto his neck near both sides of his jaw. It's a passing gesture, but it's enough to make the vampire feel like his silent heart is fluttering.

An attempt is made to play off a sudden sense of bashfulness by clearing his throat. Paul seems to understand the gesture and smirks like the tease he is.

"There's a nice restaurant near us. Seems like a steak and wine place. Would you want to stop by after the performance?" Marshall asks.

"Yeah, that sounds nice- a little dinner date after the ballet. Would you be eating, or no?"

"I'll cave for the night and join you."

Making sure they have any necessary belongings and accessories, both males make their way to the front door with Marshall leading. He slides on his dress shoes and exits the hotel room.

His footsteps are quiet against the carpeted floor of the outer hall. He gets to the elevator with Paul trailing behind him. The doors open to reveal a polite attendant.

"Which floor?" the man asks, a heavy German accent coating his words.

"The ground floor, please," Marshall states.

"Of course." The attendant closes the elevator doors and pushes the designated button. "Where are you off to, looking so- eh, how do you say in English- dapper?"

"The Opernhaus."

The attendant offers an impressed hum. "Your pronunciation is spot on. And that's nice to hear. To see the ballet?"

"Yes, sir."

"Very nice. Well, I hope you two have a great night!"

"Thank you, you as well."

The Lahotes exit the elevator with their hands clasped together. Marshall offers a nod toward the front desk clerk who waves in response. The vampire pushes through the front revolving door. He's greeted by a lighter breeze than he's expecting.

Clouds of condensation come from Paul when he exhales, so it's probably colder than Marshall thinks it is. A few people give the couple looks, going on with their own business mere seconds after.

They walk through a sea of coated tourists before pausing at a crosswalk. A red and black tram passes by. It takes some time since the vehicle has multiple long cars filled with riders. Once it passes, they continue on their way.

The Lahotes only really need to walk a few streets in order to get to the opera house.

It's a lot more towering up close in comparison to when it was viewed back at the hotel. The structure is just as beautiful though.

Paul takes the reins when the two enter the establishment. The decision to do so is for good reason, as the shifter switches to German when talking to the clerk at check-in. Marshall is surprised to hear the sudden change in language even though it's been happening a lot on their trip.

Part of Paul's planning for their honeymoon was picking up some basic terminology in the languages necessary for their destinations. He isn't completely fluent by any means, but it's enough to get by.

Once their tickets have been looked over, the couple are pointed in the direction of a designated area for champagne and other refreshments. Marshall is unable to hide his awe as he takes in the interior of the opera house.

The space is gorgeous with its high arched ceilings, marble statues, and wall décor. The stairs leading upward are partially carpeted which muffles the sound of light footfalls.

Upon entering, Marshall is greeted by even more intricately designed walls. Paintings of flowers are framed with golden accents. Statues line higher sections of the walls. Two brass tinted chandeliers hang from the patterned ceiling by ropes.

It's what Marshall is looking at when he is passed a glass of champagne by his husband. The vampire accepts it with a small 'thank you' before taking a light swig.

He's not a huge fan of the drink-just like he isn't with most human food-but he'll admit that the beverage goes down smooth. That in of itself is pretty enjoyable.

A hand settles against his lower back as he continues to marvel at the architectural designs above. A look of awe morphs into a gentle smile at a certain realization.

The opera house is one of the most esteemed opera houses in the world. Both as a dancer and as a musician, he's so honored to be here. He can't help but feel as if he's standing alongside some very famous predecessors who might've walked these halls before.

The thought makes him feel rather giddy.

After finishing off their drinks, the couple continue on the second floor to get to their seats. An attendant points them in the direction of a private, enclosed balcony section toward the right side of the stage. From the position, Marshall is given both a close view of the dancers who will be performing, as well as the pit for the live orchestra.

He takes a seat in one of the two purple padded chairs and gives himself a moment to get comfortable. Paul does the same. They make small talk until the lights dim, signaling the start of the ballet.

A rendition of Clair de Lune begins playing with the piano being backed by a set of violins. The ballet dancers on stage are graceful in their mannerisms. Arms are arched in half circles. Feet are en pointe. Long legs are kicked with seemingly no effort at all. And everything is done with expressions to mimic the musicality of the orchestra.

As songs change, so do the dancers' movements alongside their facial expressions. Even the stage lighting changes color to better encapsulate the mood being given off of both performing parties.

A solid hour passes before Marshall hears light snores coming from beside him.

He looks over, coming face to face with a sleeping Paul. His cheek is propped up on one hand, while the other is settled against his opposing arm.

Marshall can't help but smile.

He's honestly surprised that his husband didn't fall asleep sooner-considering how their evening started earlier.

The vampire is delicate as he replaces the propped appendage with his shoulder. He settles his own hand on the free side of Paul's face to caress his cheek. For a moment, he wakes up. The two make eye contact.

A delicate kiss is placed onto the shifter's partially covered forehead.

It's met with a simple blink before Paul snuggles further into his partner. Within minutes, he's back asleep.

Marshall continues to watch the ballet in peaceful silence.

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