Sweet and Sour

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Edited 5/26/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.


"What the hell do you mean 'weekend fling'?!"  a feminine voice calls out on the other end of the phone line. The sound is both flat and weak, hinting at the woman's clear distress.

"Exactly that, toots, a weekend fling. We had our fun, now let's go our separate ways, yeah?" Marshall rolls his eyes, leaning against his car door. "Look, you're really bugging me right now, and I've got shit to do. Are we done here?"

"You- you're such an ass!"

As the call finally goes dead, a short sigh escapes the somewhat peeved vampire. He takes his phone and slides the electronic device into the left pocket of his navy blue skinny jeans. His tongue slaps against his back teeth, the gesture making a faint clicking sound.

He's annoyed.

The feeling is passive, however. It simmers down upon the sound of the final bell resonating throughout Forks High.

Marshall stands to his full height. He sticks his hands into the pockets of his black leather jacket, silver chains dangling from both arms of said garment. A shiver is faked in an attempt to appear more human for anyone giving him looks.

Walking away from his door, the vampire takes casual strides to the back of his car. He leans against the trunk. Golden eyes shift downward to gaze at the light accents of an expensive, hybrid, silver car . The sleek, simplistic design of the vehicle's exterior holds his attention for awhile.

Light whispers throughout the parking lot make a knowing smirk come onto Marshall's face. He can hear girls and other guys commenting on his appearance. From his black wavy hair; to his defined facial structure; to the familiar golden shade of his eyes. As more and more people exit Forks High, the more people openly gossip about him. It's a comedic spectacle, really.

He silently revels in the quiet comments about his attractive features. Wanting to stir something up in the people around him just for shits-and-giggles, Marshall picks his head up. His gaze meets that of a few older looking cheerleaders who are crowding by the football field. A lazy smirk widens. A quick wink is given to the group of girls, the tips of short fangs peeking out of his mouth.

The girls squeal in their spots. Some of them bury their faces into their hands in a useless attempt to hide vibrant blushes. A few others giggle and wave back at the vampire. He nods his head to reciprocate the gesture.

"You're lucky those other girls are seniors, or you'd be getting yourself in trouble," the familiar approaching voice states.

Marshall laughs, the sound causing the group of girls to squeal over him even more. "I'm just playing around, Rose. I'm not here to pick up a date. I'll leave that for later."

"Yeah, yeah." Rosalie smiles as she gets closer to her brother with Emmett at her side.

Marshall takes his hands out of his pockets and puts his arms out for the younger blonde. Her smile livens just a bit. She peels herself away from her mate; the beautiful blonde running into the awaiting arms of the older vampire in front of her. He hears the group of cheerleaders whispering about their shared embrace.

"Man, I'd kill to be Rosalie right now."

"Gosh, what a cutie. Too bad he's taken."

"I don't know about that-- Rosalie is dating that Emmett guy."

"Plus, Rosalie and that other guy kind of look alike. They're probably related. Like, actually related."

"An older brother maybe?"

Marshall decides to tune out the rest of the speculative conversation. Instead, he leans into Rosalie's frame and inhales the muted scent of her lavender perfume. The smell causes a passive hum to erupt from his throat.

The two siblings release their hug, but Rosalie continues to lean into her brother's side. Marshall wraps his left arm around her. With his right hand, he bumps fists with Emmett and allows the burly man to lean against the trunk of the car as well.

"Good day at school?"

"Kind of the same as always- nothing much really happened. Some guy tried flirting with me today. Emmett put him in his place before he could even get two full sentences out," Rosalie explains.

"As he should." Marshall gives an approving nod to Emmett before bringing his attention back to his sister. "I don't want to hold you guys too long though. I know you said you wanted to go shopping today. I just wanted to say hi before I went off into town."

"I thought you were free today?" Emmett replies.

"I was, but one of my dance partners texted me about wanting some help with the new choreography we got yesterday." Marshall pushes a few stray hairs out of his face. "I don't really mind- it's just for a couple hours. After that though, I've got plans for tonight."

"The bar I'm assuming?" Rosalie ponders aloud. "Should we not expect you home until tomorrow?"

"If all goes well- that's the plan." Marshall chuckles. "Wonder if I'll get lucky and leave with more than one person tonight."

"Okay, no, gross!"

He chuckles at his younger sister's reaction. "I was joking, sis. Don't need you worrying about my sex life."

Rosalie shivers in disgust at the thought which makes her brother laugh more. He pulls his attention away from her, however, as his phone starts vibrating in his pocket. The device is pulled out. A dim screen shows his alarm icon along with the time portrayed in a large font.

Nodding to himself, Marshall releases Rosalie. The vampires all stand to their full heights. She gives her brother a kiss on the cheek before placing her hand in Emmett's. Marshall turns off his alarm with a quick tap of the phone screen.

"Gotta run. I'll catch you two tomorrow. Have fun shopping."

"Thanks, Marsh. And you be careful tonight!" Rose calls out as her and Emmett start walking toward their car.

"Aren't I always?" Marshall teases.

With one last wave, he turns to face his car. Light steps are taken along the side of it until he gets to the front door. It's opened quickly, the smell of leather and pine wafting outside. The vampire's chains lightly tap against the white and cream leather backing of his seat once he's comfortably seated.

His phone is slid into the wooden accented cup holder to his right. The car roars to life upon the key being turned by the steering wheel. Marshall reaches toward the touchscreen menu on the dashboard, tapping on a bright music icon. It's set to shuffle, and a well-known instrumental opening begins to play. With a rugged electric guitar coming in, he wastes no time in pulling out of the parking lot to drive to his destination.

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