Tensions Rising and New Relationships

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Edited 6/7/22.

A/N: This chapter contains swearing, implied references of blood, and referenced homophobia.


Big Tiger:

Hey Marshmallow. You available to meet up right now?


Sure. What's the occasion?

Big Tiger:

The pack wants to cover some ground now that we're together. Would you be okay with meeting up at the treaty line? Where we first met?


Gotcha honey. I'll head out now. See you soon.

Marshall slides his phone into his pocket. Lazy steps are taken over to the staircase that leads to the second level of his loft. A comfortable pair of flex fit sneakers are put on. After, he walks toward the kitchen counter to get his house keys. Doing so makes him pass the floor length mirror next to one of multiple closets. He takes a moment to glance over his appearance.

The choker is sitting in its rightful place around his neck. A gray and black striped long sleeve is draped over his torso, and a pair of black joggers are hugging his legs. It's casual enough to be comfortable, but formal enough to make him look presentable.

Delicate fingers caress the silver pendant on the way out of the loft.

It doesn't take much time for him to notice how inherently silent the rest of the house is. Light footfalls almost echo against large walls of uninhabited floors. He knows he's not the only one present, but it definitely feels like he is. Distant calling from a bird becomes his point of focus in order to ignore such a lifeless atmosphere.

On the way down a flight of stairs, Edward makes an appearance. They're close enough for their shoulders to brush against one another in passing. It's unwanted contact that makes Marshall frown. Both males make tense eye contact. Neither of them offer any greeting. They simply continue walking without any further acknowledgment of each other's existence.

It's not a new scenario between both vampires.

Ever since the family got back after Bella's incident with James, Edward has refused to talk to Marshall. It's a reciprocated gesture though.

He's still pissed off at the fact that Edward was fine with sacrificing his family members for the sake of saving his mate. Marshall can understand that Bella needed protection; she was a human going against a bloodthirsty vampire. Still, her single existence doesn't mean more than the collective livelihood of everyone else. At least, that's what Marshall thinks.

If Edward wants to protect his mate, he should. That's fair. What's not okay is the man expecting everyone else to risk their lives all for the sake of some measly human.

And on that topic—Marshall doesn't understand why Edward kept Bella from being changed. It would've made sense to let her transition, so they could prevent a similar situation from happening again. Since she's dating a vampire, it's only a matter of time until she either ages out and dies or is turned and becomes immortal.

If she is, Marshall hopes that Bella would have the capability of protecting herself. But that's just wishful thinking at this point. She's still human; so the family will continue to be inclined to protect her. Everyone is forced to be wary because she's still vulnerable. She's still endangered even without James' presence.

It pisses Marshall off to no end. He's still firm in his decision to not be involved though. If something happens again, he won't step in. It's not his place. Or his problem.

His jaw clenches tightly in an attempt to hold back a confrontational statement. Instead, Marshall focuses on making his way outside. He pauses though, when he fully descends the stairs and enters the main living room.

Everyone is staring at him. They seem rigid and on edge. It's an uncomfortable scene enhanced by extreme silence.

A few awkward seconds pass before Esme finally speaks. "Marshall, honey. Can we talk to you?"

His posture becomes more stiff. He's not sure where this conversation is going; but based on the coven's collective demeanor, he isn't going to like this.

A speedy run through is made in regard to any particular scenarios which would warrant a family meeting. Unfortunately, he comes up dry. It just makes things more confusing.

"What about?"

For a second, the room is silent again. It's short lived as Alice stands up. She leans against the armrest of one of the couches with her hands clasped in front of her.

She seems...nervous? No, that's not it—she's refusing to make eye contact. It's more like she's guilty about something.

"Please don't get mad."

"...That'll depend on what this conversation is about."

"Why didn't-" Alice takes in a breath. "Why didn't you tell us you had a boyfriend?"

Marshall freezes. His eyes widen in shock, and his fists clench at his sides. Ice running through his veins can be felt throughout his entire body. The sensation of being uncomfortably exposed washes over him as well.

He weighs the choices of either coming clean about his relationship to his family, or lying and keeping it a secret. He considers the positives and negatives of both before pausing.

Marshall has the sudden realization that the Cullens don't keep in contact with any of his friends. The only person who ever stops by is Brad, and he never enters the house. He only ever waits in his car and is met outside; he's never actually spoken to anyone in the coven aside from his best friend.

Also, the vampire's been careful about keeping his phone on him. Paul isn't normally contacted via phone call if Marshall feels like his family is listening. If he does, he hardly says anything that'd be suggestive of their relationship.

It's this realization that turns anxiety into slowly rising anger. "How do you know about that?"


"No, don't 'Marsh' me." His tone is calm despite heightening rage. "What did you do? I've made sure to keep my relationship hidden. So what did you do to find out about it?"

Alice gulps. "Well, you've been going out so much these past couple of months- and when you said you had your date, we were so excited for you! But you weren't open about it, and we- we were just trying to make sure that-"

"Stop stalling. Don't make me ask again."

"I- I've been watching your decisions to try and see who you've been dating." Alice's tone is nothing but sheepish. It's as if she knows her actions are wrong, yet she's still trying to spin things like they aren't. "I had a vision of you talking to some guy named Brad. He was talking about your boyfriend with you. And look- I know you're upset- but we did this to protect you! We wanted to make sure you were keeping good company-"

"Don't try to justify spying on me!" Marshall yells. "I don't care what your intentions were- you breached my privacy! You knew I didn't want to talk about it, yet you went ahead and snooped anyway! Don't try to spin this like you were trying to be helpful! You didn't do this for me- don't tell me such a blatant lie! You did this for your own benefit! Making sure I was keeping good company- you were probably making sure that I was dating a woman!"

No one in the room confirms Marshall's accusation. They don't deny it either.

"What gives you the right?! Just because you have the ability to watch people's decisions doesn't mean you should! How dare you! I didn't tell you guys because I knew better! You can't even handle me saying I've had sex with men- you expect me to believe that you would be open to me dating one? This is exactly why I didn't say anything! You have some fucking nerve to tell me not to be angry!"

"Marsh- we're just trying to look out for you." Rosalie states with a nonchalant wave of the hand. "We're happy that you're dating-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. Do not lie to me like that- especially not you," he fights back. "You were the one who told me you don't understand my sexuality. You were the one who said I'd 'get things' if I had a girlfriend. Don't fucking try to tell me you're happy for me when you're not. Just don't."

With one last heated glance at his family, Marshall turns away. He doesn't offer a semblance of goodbye before walking out of the door. He catches a quiet voice saying, "I told you he'd be mad" on his way out. It only fuels his anger.

He walks away from the house with an annoyed huff. Fast steps morph into a wild sprint once Marshall reaches the treeline. He barely registers the sound of his feet hitting the ground. He barely registers the hissing of wind in his ears. Running at breakneck speed is giving him an outlet to get his emotions under control.

Marshall has never yelled at his family like that before. He doesn't like cursing openly in front of them, but he couldn't help it. They've never done anything this heinous to him in the past. As soon as Alice confirmed she was spying, however—all he could see was red.

He's horribly offended that they'd stoop to such a level to make sure he's dating who they think would be a good fit for him. They don't have the fucking right to tell him who he should and shouldn't date. They have no right to snoop about things he doesn't want to talk about. They have no right to try and dictate who he picks as his mate. Especially when they all have the freedom of being with whoever they please.

Edward is with an entire fucking human—someone detrimental to both her own species and theirs. But Marshall gets a boyfriend, and suddenly it's the end of the world? Talk about bullshit.

Rushing water along with the familiar scent of dog catches his attention. Golden eyes dart upward, the meetup point coming closer into view.

It's difficult, but encompassing anger is forced down. It wouldn't be fair to meet Paul in such a messed up state.

Marshall takes multiple deep breaths to rein himself back in. He knows what to do because this isn't a new issue for him. He's had to hold back his anger before for different reasons; and because he struggles with an explosive temper. He can admit that it's still something he has to work on.

It's just unfortunate that he even has to do so in the first place.

Marshall's form breaks through the treeline. He skids to a stop by the forest's edge, thin shoes making contact with the rough surface of grass and dirt shifting to rock. He takes in the sight of Paul standing confidently on the other side of the river.

The shifter is clad in a pair of jean shorts and sneakers. Strong arms are crossed over a defined chest which makes his muscles seem more pronounced than normal. Beside him are two other people who mimic the simple choice of fashion. They also have the same haircut and tribal tattoo as well.

An overpowering scent of dog comes from the two strangers, pointing to them also acting as members of the pack. Marshall assumes the alpha to be the oldest looking male.

While it's intriguing to be standing in the presence of more wolves, an involuntary shiver runs up the vampire's spine. Natural instincts are telling him to be wary; to attack. He's comfortable around Paul because they've spent time together. Marshall doesn't know these two men in the same way—and he's concerned that his naturally occurring disdain for their species might cause problems.

It seems to be a reciprocated hesitancy to interact because the other shifters appear to be uncomfortable as well.

"So, you must be Marshall," the presumed alpha states.

The vampire nods his head, but doesn't offer a verbal greeting. He's not subtle in showing his clear unease.

Muscles are taut. A broad chest is puffed out. Hands are clenched into tight fists. He won't even take a moment to blink—and it's actually a rather intense visual to see in real time.

He's nervous for multiple reasons. One is because he's meeting two more of his natural enemies. A second reason is because he's concerned they might ambush him.

Paul seems to notice this as he decides to speak up with a gentle voice. "There's nothing for you to worry about, babe. Wolf's honor- imprints can't be harmed by other members of the same pack. Regardless of species, you're safe. We'd like for you to come over here, so we can talk face to face. I promise that nothing will happen to you."

Marshall purses his lips in uncertainty. A hesitant glance is taken in the direction that he came from. He thinks about what his family would say if they found out he willingly went into wolf territory. At the same time though, the simple thought of the Cullens brings him back to the argument that just happened. That alone makes him check-out.

Fuck what they think.

If they're going to try and delve into his personal life, he may as well have as good of a time as he can.

"Stand back."

The wolves take a few paces away from their original spots. The vampire takes a couple steps back himself. He sucks in a sharp breath before running forward. A strong leap is taken off of the edge of the riverbank. He's only airborne for a matter of seconds, landing in a crouched position on the other side of the treaty line.

Surprisingly, his initial discomfort melts away. That could have to do with Paul being so close, but still. It's strange that Marshall feels more comfortable with the wolves.

He feels safer on their land.

Golden irises meet brown ones when he stands to his full height. The vampire can't help a daring sweep of his eyes as he takes in his boyfriend's physique. It makes them both smile.

Marshall is greeted with a warm hug. It doesn't last long, but it helps further quell his anxieties. Their appendages meet in a routine handhold.

He almost expects for some form of rebuttal to be given in response to the public display of affection. But then he remembers that Paul previously explained the pack's overall acceptance of people with differing sexualities.

A newfound confidence takes over the vampire, and his smile widens. "Marshall Hale. Pleasure to meet you."

"It's good to finally meet you too. I'm Sam Uley, the alpha," one of the men greets. "And this is Jared Cameron, our beta and second in command. We're the only members of the pack right now, but you'll meet more of us as other people phase."

"Right- well, we'll see how that goes."

Sam chuckles. It seems Marshall's playful statement has helped to diminish some naturally occurring discomfort.

"I have to admit that this is a strange situation. I'm sure you're aware of imprinting protocol by now. We've never had a same sex one occur- or a wolf/vampire imprint bond. So this is just as new to us as it is to you. But still, Paul was right. One of our most important rules is that imprints can't be harmed. Even though you're a vampire, you don't have to worry about being attacked by any wolf acting under the Uley pack. And since you're an imprint, we will be making an exception for you in terms of the treaty."

Marshall tilts his head to the side as this isn't something he expected to hear. "In what way?"

"If necessary, you'll be allowed to come and go as you please on Quileute territory. You have permission to hunt as necessary, as long as you don't go after any humans," Sam explains.

"Eh, that's not my forte. I'm sure Paul can attest that I have better control over myself than other vampires you've probably been in contact with. I appreciate it though. This makes things easier for us. It'll make it less likely for my family to catch Paul and I together."

"I'm assuming they aren't open minded people?"

"No, unfortunately. And after what just happened with them, I don't want my family to see him." The vampire turns toward his mate. "Which is something you and I need to discuss at some point because stuff happened that you need to be aware of."

Paul nods. He pulls his hand away to run it down stiff back muscles. He can tell that something is bothering his lover. But it won't be addressed until a more private and more appropriate time.

"Is there something else you'd like to discuss?" Marshall asks, changing topics.

"Yes, but we can do so at my house," Sam answers while nodding toward another direction. "My wife is at home getting dinner ready. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other in a more comfortable environment."

"Sounds good to me."

Marshall takes a step away from the shifters. He watches in fascination as the group of men phase into their large wolf forms. Sam's is a deep, rather beautiful shade of black. Jared's is a mix of dark gray and differing shades of brown. Paul's, of course, is silver.

Now that he's being viewed in broad daylight however, it's noticed how some strands of hair are lighter than others. Paul's paws are large, but still look kind of cute. Same with his ears. It's a lot less menacing to look at now that they're dating.

He approaches his imprint and huffs through his nose. The younger male shakes out his fur in a routine gesture of getting used to being in a different body. He takes it upon himself to kneel onto the ground beside Marshall. Confusion must be evident as Paul's ears flick in response. His brown eyes dart behind him in a nonverbal way of saying, "Climb on."

It makes Marshall chuckle, but he does as told. He straddles Paul's back with ease. Cold hands bury into a heated jungle of soft fur. Delicate pass overs are given to savor the feeling. It seems to be appreciated because a sound close to a purr is given in return.

The wolf rises to his feet easily with Marshall sitting on top of him. He offers a nod toward the alpha. The man nods back, and the group run off in the direction of the Uley house.

Marshall braces himself by kneeling down with his chest close to his mate's body. Pleasant heat emanating from said male transfers through a thin shirt. Quiet breaths are taken in as they run. Surrounding foliage is passed by in a bit of a blur.

Marshall realizes with an impressed expression that the wolves have their own great speed that could very well rival his own.

Longer strands of black hair flow behind him. Bent legs and arms are kept lax to not accidentally cause any pain. Marshall leans further down at one point and places a soft kiss on Paul's head. His heart rate picks up which fills the vampire's stomach with butterflies.

The wolves stop near a clearing. Paul lies on the ground again to let his imprint off. Marshall gets back onto his feet. He reasons that the wolves are going to phase back, so he walks further into the clearing to give them some privacy. He chooses to focus his attention on the small house a short distance away.

It's a quaint little two floored space with an exterior made up of dark wood. Red paneling lines the roof above the porch. Large trees sit on either side of the house, masking higher sections of it in leaves, pine needles, and sticks.

It looks and feels cozy. Marshall can admit that he'd rather have a house like this than the one he's currently living in.

This is more comfortable. More intimate. More... personal.

His thoughts cut off when strong arms snake around his waist.

Paul leans himself against his imprint. The wolf rests his head in the crook of his lover's neck, and a gentle kiss is pressed against exposed skin. "You okay, Marshmallow?"

"Yeah, I just- I don't know. This is your guys' space. I don't want to intrude or make anyone uncomfortable."

"Nonsense, you're part of the family now just like the rest of us," A feminine voice cuts in.

Marshall brings his attention toward the opening of the Uley house. A beautiful woman is standing in the doorway.

Her native features are strong as she has a defined face and gorgeous dark hair. Long scars run down her eye and cheek, but they don't lessen her overall beauty. The vampire pieces together that this woman must be Sam's wife.

With a smile, she walks out into the clearing. She offers a friendly hand to the vampire in Paul's loose grip. "Hello, I'm Emily Uley. It's nice to finally meet you, honey."

Golden eyes soften at Emily's gentle voice. Marshall shakes her smaller hand. She doesn't recoil in response to his freezing temperature.

"Marshall Hale. It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Emily."

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