Unexpected Addition

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Edited 7/2/22.

A/N: This chapter contains mild swearing and implied sexual content.

We're finally shifting gears! Things have been pretty heavy in terms of angst, so there will be some reprieve now. Marshall will still be dealing with his grief while continuing on with daily life as best as he can. He may have future moments where his grief hits him a little harder than normal; but its not going to be as intense as the recent chapters. With that being said, please enjoy!

Also, the musical that the characters will be working on really is an original by me-- so I hope you like it!


Marshall looks around the theater with a sense of longing.

Rows and columns of seats are empty. Production staff are gearing up to start working on their own tasks. Deep red curtains pop against black flooring and dim backlighting on the refurbished stage. Other actors are sitting on the floor in small groups. A few people glance toward the vampire as he takes a seat by himself.

He ignores their looks of pity, and instead finds comfort in the Barcelona pendant dangling over his heart.

Even with his keepsake in hand, an air of melancholy can be felt lingering throughout the room.

He hasn't been here since before Brad passed away. When the announcement was made about his death, it was done in the open space of the dance studio next door.

It feels... incomplete. Not having him here.

Five years of working together pushed Marshall into a rhythm he liked. They'd rehearse together; they'd condition together; they'd occasionally go to the bar together.

It's a little off putting to admit that isn't going to happen anymore.

The thought forces a sudden dull emptiness to wash over the vampire. He does his best to not dwell on it for the sake of appearing high spirited.

He looks up when the casting manager, as well as the production director, walk into the room. Wooden double doors close behind them. The group of actors on stage give small waves to their bosses who reciprocate with bright smiles. Both people—a blond male and a brunette female—walk onto the stage. The production director, mister blond, looks over multiple familiar faces before speaking.

"Wow, look at you guys- it's good to see you all," he says. "For any new faces here, hello! My name is Daniel Richard, and I'm this production's director. Beside me, acting as your casting manager, is Nilka Smith."

"Good afternoon, everyone!"

"Before continuing on with our meeting, I'd like to address the elephant in the room." Daniel takes a needed breath before continuing. "During the duration of our off season, one of our previous actors, Brad Romero, unfortunately passed away. Now, if any of you are still struggling with his passing, we have staff available to help you. If you feel that you are having a hard time staying motivated, please let us know."

Multiple worried gazes fly over to Marshall. He doesn't say anything in return.

"We also bring up Brad's passing for another reason," Nilka adds. "Since we had our casting selected before we went on break, we've had to recast the second lead role. We held auditions the day following his celebration of life a few weeks ago. It took a bit of time, but we've finally selected our new second lead. He'll be acting alongside our main lead, Marshall Lahote. By the way, congrats on getting married, Marsh!"

"Thanks." He smiles, chuckling at the surprised faces from other coworkers who hadn't known.

"What's the new actor like?" an unfamiliar voice adds in curiosity.

"He's a bit of a wild card if we're honest," Daniel replies. "This is his first production, so he's going to need some guidance. But from what we saw, this guy has natural talent that you wouldn't even believe. He was honest in saying he's never had much teaching in terms of singing, acting, or dancing. But, again, he's pretty good even without these things.

"Still, since this is his first show along with a few others here, we will be having some extra classes for those who need it. With Marshall being the lead choreographer for the dance company, he will be leading the dance lessons with this production's choreography manager. I hope that's okay with you, Marsh."

"No worries. All good over here."

"I appreciate it. So!" Daniel claps his hands a single time to bring them together. "Our new member is backstage waiting to meet you all. I will say, it may be a bit shocking to see who our new addition is- but I think it'll be fun. So without further adieu, here he is!"

Everyone looks toward the back left wing of the stage. At first, all they hear are quiet footsteps against the floor. They become louder as the distance shortens. When one of the overhead lights turns on, Marshall can't help but gasp. He also lets out a short laugh in surprise.

Gold and brown meet as the new actor takes a seat beside the vampire.

"Hey there, Honey Bun," Paul greets with a playful shoulder nudge.

"Everyone, this is our second lead, Paul Lahote!" Nilka introduces. "If you guys didn't already know, he's Marshall's husband."

Multiple astonished expressions are thrown in the couple's direction. Marshall doesn't pay them any mind. His attention draws back to what exactly transpired the day after Brad's celebration of life.

Paul went out that afternoon, claiming to have had patrol. He must've been auditioning for this season's musical instead.

Talk about a surprise.

"So! Now that we're all here, let's go over our basics as a group." Daniel sits down on the floor and unfolds a series of papers in his hands. "For this musical, we will be doing an original play called Unity. For those of you who haven't had the chance to look over the synopsis fully- Unity is about a group of high school students who are trying to fight for rights in multiple communities. Our main cast will be fighting for marital rights, race rights, women's rights, and fairer living wages. This play may end up being received as controversial- but it's a conversation starter. It's something that needs to get people thinking and talking.

"I know that this is a jump in terms of what we've done before- what, with our medieval plays, comedies, and things like that. We haven't done many serious ones. But change isn't bad. I think this'll steer us in a good direction. It'll also give you guys the chance to work on a longer, higher budgeted production. All clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good- so! Our main characters are the following: For the big roles we have Marshall Lahote who will be playing the shy bookworm with a knack for singing- and who is a closeted bisexual- Elijah Cane. Paul Lahote will be playing the high school bad boy who is secretly part of the school's choir- and openly gay- Matthew Reese. Elijah and Matthew are in a secret relationship because of Elijah's decision to remain closeted. And because of their relationship being interracial which isn't common where they live.

"Onward, Rebecca Johnson will be playing Letitia Moore, who is Elijah Cane's friend, and the person to get things going because of their public interracial friendship. Continuing on, Carlos Rodriguez and Julia Castillo will be playing Brandon and Bianca Lopez. These two characters are siblings who are part of the choir. They push Matthew's character to be more open with Elijah in terms of his singing.

"Our characters as a whole all come from not-so-wealthy families and live in the same neighborhood- but I digress. That's the cast of our main lineup. Everyone clear on that?"

Multiple people nod while others offer verbal agreements.

"Great! Now, we will be returning to some longer work days. I mean, like, 12 to 10 types of days," Daniel warns. "We'll be rehearsing for a longer period of time as well, instead of our normal two month period."

"That's right," Nilka adds. "Our days will be broken up into four parts: 12 to 3 will be line and acting rehearsals, 3 to 6 will be dance rehearsals, 6 to 7 will be break, and 7 to 10 will be vocals. This will change as time goes on, but that's how we're starting out for now. It'll be a Monday through Friday ordeal with weekends and holidays off, of course. Since most production contracts are for seven hour days, that last three hours will count as overtime."

"Today's meeting is just to get you all accustomed with the things that will be happening. We will also be handing out your lines, music, and video recordings of your dance routines. Marshall, if you could-"

"I can have the dances memorized when we meet next week. It'll take me a couple days, but I'll have them down. Don't you worry."

"Always the one we can count on." Daniel smiles, rising to his feet. "Welp, that's all from me. I need to go over some things with the stage crew, so I'll be off now. Nilka will give you guys your things. See you all on Monday!"

Everyone waves off the production director. They also form a small group around the casting manager to get their needed materials.

A few people giggle when Paul wraps an arm around Marshall's waist. It makes him experience a phantom blush.

Even though they're married, he's still not used to being super open about his relationship in public. Especially not around his coworkers.

Still, it's nice to know that he'll be working alongside his husband. The vampire just hopes that show prep won't be too stressful or too demanding.

"Tiger," Marshall whispers so no one else can hear, "what're you going to do about patrol from now on?"

"Got a free pass- alpha's orders," Paul answers just as quietly. "He'll have me do short perimeter runs on the weekends, but it won't be anything crazy. Now that I have an actual job, he wants me to get used to doing this instead of patrolling all the time."

"Why the sudden want to pursue such a different career though? I didn't peg you as one to be involved with something like this- especially since you don't like dancing."

"I'll be honest- things have been changing for me. Seeing you rehearse and stuff like that at home got me interested. And again, dancing more frequently with you has made me actually kind of like it. Now, I know I'm not going to be the next award winning actor or anything like that- but I'm hoping you'll be able to help me out where I need it."

"Of course, babe- you know I'm always available if you need me."

"...There is something that I'm not looking forward to though."

"Yeah? And what's that?"

"Two things. One: the pack finding out I actually made it because who the fuck saw that coming. And two: you whipping my ass into shape to make me more spry and flexible like you."

"You don't mind when I'm whipping your ass into shape at home. I think you'll do just fine here."

Both men share a quiet laugh.

After receiving their items from Nilka, the two make their way over to the other main cast actors. They take in the appearances of the people they will be working closely with for the next few months.

Rebecca Johnson is a young, pretty woman of color with short dark brown curly hair and light hazel eyes. She has the type of smile that could stop traffic with its beauty.

Carlos has worked with Marshall before. He's a young twenty four year old with lineage from Puerto Rico. He has straight light brown hair and dark brown eyes.

Julia is a new girl, along with Rebecca, who has artificially colored hair in tones of purple and blue. Her bright green eyes pop against her lightly tanned complexion.

It's quite the array of people, which is nice to see—so many different faces getting the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

Carlos is the first to notice the couple as they approach the group. "Oh, hey guys! Marsh, good to be working with you again, man. And congrats on tying the knot! Didn't know you had it in you."

Marshall laughs.

"Good to see you too, Carlos. Always nice to have you in the production." He looks around the group. "If you guys aren't busy, I'd like for us to get together, so we can become better acquainted. My treat. Paul and I have a go-to spot a few blocks from here- it's Bobby's karaoke bar."

"Love that place," Carlos answers. "Sure, I'm down."


"Sounds good to me." Rebecca grins.

"Same here," Julia adds. "While we're at it, I'd love to hear about your guys' wedding!"

Paul wraps his arm around Marshall's shoulder, both men leaning into each other's frames. "Well then, let's not keep anyone waiting. I'm sure Bobby will be stoked to hear about it too."

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