do to me

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chapter forty-one ;; do to me
jeongguk's perspective

"Baby," Taehyung lowly whispers that morning, voice groggy and sounding of gravel. Little did he know that myself had been staring at a wall for the past few hours, for some reason waking up at four in the morning and only supplying four hours of sleep, "hey, it's time to wake up." Taehyung softly continues, slowly running his hand down my exposed thigh.

"I've been up." I say, surprised by how deep my voice sounded while pulling my leg back under the dark grey comforter and pushing my face further into the plush pillow supporting it.

Taehyung chuckles, laying himself back down and bringing his own face level with my own. A sublime site it was, watching brown bangs fall over dark brown eyes, which pupils were so dilated they almost appeared completely black. Beautiful lips curved up and into a sleepy morning smile, the one you give upon admiring. I stared right back, both faces content, although still feeling slightly uncomfortable in the mess that hadn't been cleaned. Tangled sheets lazily wrapping around our bodies concealed of what would only be bad for any maids or certain brothers to see.

"How do you feel?" He finally asks, running an index finger over my delicate morning features, always looking more natural and subtle for some unknown reason- more innocent. Maybe it was the morning lighting or maybe just the process of still fully waking up showing through.

"Sore and tired." Taehyung lightly laughs at that, placing a soft kiss onto my unsuspecting forehead and allowing my eyes to shut at the warm feeling, "But good, really good."

"Breakfast should be ready by now, but we need to take a shower first." He says while slowly sitting up, letting out a loud yawn and lifting his arms up for a stretch.

The comfortable and warm comforter fell down from a toned and tanned chest, cascading to cover only a certain area making my heartbeat pick up at the technicolor memory. While a beautiful boy next to me continues to stretch out his used muscles, the comforter seems to hide less and less, slim legs showing for some reason made me go absolutely insane as my lips had become a tight line.

"I- I don't wanna get up." I stumble out, eyes still trained and absolutely fascinated. Once more, I cursed myself for not being talented enough to realistically draw. I'd take out a sketchbook right now.

"Then I'll carry you." He compromises, turning around and catching me in the process of staring while muscles relax once more. A known smirk shows, earning an embarrassed face, "Don't be so flustered." Taehyung chuckles, "It's not like you haven't seen anything before."

"Oh, uh- right, okay." I slowly sit up myself, letting out a groan but allowing the pain to become neutral before moving once again.

Before anything else could make sense and allow my brain to slowly process things with a still foggy morning mind, Taehyung wrapped his strong and lean arms around me. One hooked where my knee joints presumed to be with the other around my small back for support. In an instant, I was pulled up from the plush mattress, being cradled and pushed up against a new found warmth, almost purring while ravishing in the now grown familiarity.

Taehyung hummed out a happy tune while walking across the cold wooden flooring. He was obviously in a good mood, sweet smiles never leaving the happy eyes holding a deeper kind of happiness, something of true glee. With the two of us now standing in the shower, Taehyung gently lets me down onto the edge of his large bathtub, and I have to hold back a whine. I hum along to his soft tune as a distraction to the pain. Surely, my complaining would become annoying quickly. I test the waters with innocent leg kicks to the jubilant beat, but a sharp stinging cracks up my spine and leaves a stuttered cry instead.

"I swear, Jeon Jeongguk, your ability to be naturally cute will kill you one day." Taehyung comments with a slight glance, and yet again another smile which seemed so much wider than usual followed.

Painful, is all I could presume, while the constant speech I'd made swirls across my tongue and slams into the back of my skull. A sweet laugh sounds for an answer, not trusting my words at the given moment. Peace and serenity played and danced across all and sent joyful thoughts and feelings. I was envious of this moment.

Taehyung takes ahold of my small hand, signaling me to stand. My petite legs trot behind him, taking in the height difference becoming some sort of trademark. Warm water for soft rain soon fell down my back at a comforting pace, relaxing tense muscles and gaining sounds of content. I drew my head back, allowing water to trail across the entirety of my face and basking in it all.

Taehyung silently watched, feeling his fingers run patterns across my bare stomach with a concentrated stare. Wonderment was written all over his face, somehow trying to figure out something more. He was lost in his own world, being taken out by a smaller hand hooking around a taller neck as a way to gain an easier path towards plump lips that've learned my own. We stood, the two of us cascaded in sweet water with moving mouths. My knees felt weak.

"You better calm down." Taehyung hoarsely mumbles against my lips and turns us so he was now underneath a flowing stream of warmth. His hair clung to his forehead once more, a familiar sight that sent me through the roof upon pulling away, "We came here to clean up, nothing more." He firmly says, stopping me from anything by running now soapy fingers through my raven hair.

"Hmmm." I whine at his words, surprised at how dependent my mind became under his fingertips.

"Jesus, you're so needy now." Taehyung mumbles and turns again so that lemon-y smelling suds can be removed.

"Like you care." I roll my eyes, whimpering lightly as he tugs on my hair at the comment.

"You've become much more confident too."

"Shush so I can wash your hair." My hands grab for the slippery shampoo bottle, fumbling with it at first before finding a good grip and putting some in my hand.

Taehyung mockingly squats down slightly, allowing me to reach his head better without any need for tip toes. He lets out a satisfactory hum, allowing eyes to close once I run my fingers through his hair. Taehyung was one for hair tugging and playing.

We switched around, Taehyung under the running water once more and instead putting his own fingers through his lemon hair since it was easier. I stood in front of him with wandering eyes, taking in everything for all it was worth and finding it all to be a little unbelievable.

A toned body stood before me, muscles stilling while others strained. Muscles worked in pairs. One takes over the work and the other relaxes. Lips twitch down momentarily at the thought. Muscles must become so strained and tired after lifting up everything for so long while the other does nothing.

I had been in such deep thought the feeling of lips sucking tightly on my exposed neck came as a surprise, lightly gasping at the sensation but soon melting. Taehyung was a leech against my skin, nipping ever so slightly to earn those staccato moans. He seemed to be addicted to them, honestly. Taehyung bit ever so slightly down once more and my arms wrapped around his lean back for support.

Another bite, and another, and another, teeth grazing at different amounts of pressure. From the beginning, it was obvious a design should presume in pinks and purples once more. Maybe a star? Taehyung allowed one of his hands to trail up my thigh, hooking around and lifting my entire leg to place it on his side. I pushed the pain aside best I could when another hand pressed into my back to bring our bodies closer.

"I'm not marking you." Taehyung lowly whispers, "I'm simply showing you off."


"Could you guys be any louder?" Yoongi grunts upon arrival.

The dining table was only occupied by the elder as he seemed to be the most excited for food. Mrs. Min was out yet again, leaving the three kids alone at home, that is until Jimin comes trotting into the room and takes a seat next to Yoongi. He was obviously tired. Jimin's oblivious over the fact Taehyung and I were also standing there while lazily placing his head into the crook of Yoongi's neck.

My cheeks instantly turned to a bright pink with flames, reaching the tips of my ears and toes. Taehyung only nervously chuckles, practically making Jimin jump out of his seat. The orange only mumbles out a string of incoherent words before going back to a drowsy state.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Min Yoongi." Taehyung lifts his nose up, talking in a playful manner while grabbing a chocolate pancake made by one of the maids.

"Oh, T-Taehyung, faster, f-faster." Yoongi mocks and adds in exceptionally high-pitched pants.

Taehyung snorts. He was trying his best not to laugh out loud towards fake moaning still going on. His shoulders bounce, lips being pried apart slowly before the brunette loses all self control. Taehyung hollers out a loud laugh at the sound of his brother mimicking his now lover, almost chocking on a piece of pancake. I was left to stab at my own, cursing Taehyung for bringing me to his house and the creators for not making the walls thicker.

"Hey, you weren't much better!" Yoongi shouts at his younger brother with a grimace, "Fuck baby boy, you're so good. I didn't expect you guys to be like that." He says while nonchalantly eating a slice of pancake and earning a disapproving shout from Taehyung.

This time I let out a loud snort, finding it impossible not to. My fist bangs on the table when cackling and I squeeze my eyes shut as an unattractive reaction, "You did sound like that." Jimin comments, only making me laugh even louder.

"He did!" I hoot and soon find tears forming in my eyes. Taehyung stares at me in betrayal, although soon smiling with the new sight of me almost dying when inhaling some pancake.

"I'll make you run a marathon if you don't shut up." Taehyung retorts and crosses his arms, instantly causing my gasps for air to calm down. Even Jimin lets out a chuckle at that, showing off a smile that made his eyes almost hidden.

"Seokjin and Namjoon are coming over later." Yoongi says after a while, almost hesitant to speak the dooming words.

Taehyung dropped his utensils at the statement, my own movements freezing and staring up with terrified eyes, "Why the hell are they coming over?" Taehyung aggressively asks. He's still not fond of Seokjin, rightfully so.

"You can't keep hiding from them, Taehyung. We need to all sit down and talk, no alcohol involved." Yoongi calmly speaks, trying to convince his younger brother the case wasn't as bad as it seemed.

A sigh was only received as a response, Taehyung's body slouching into the padded dining chair, "Fine...but Seokjin is going nowhere near Jeongguk."

"It's not like he would anyways." Jimin finally speaks after being practically silent, "He was crying out disturbing words that made him sound like a mad man when Jeongguk had stumbled after you. I don't know if Seokjin would want to be close to Jeongguk, but Namjoon wouldn't allow it to begin with."

"Are Seokjin and Namjoon together?" I whisper, lazily twisting my fork around with eyes casted downwards.

"It's hard to say," Yoongi answers, "they sort of are, I guess, but it's not a very steady line like it used to be." I slowly nod, feeling a hand on my leg for reassurance like many times before.

"Alright then, we can- we can all sit down and talk once they arrive." Taehyung says in a final tone, a proud feeling spreading throughout my body.


idk this update was hella boring but i just wanted to give the angst a rEsT before the next update (cus that one may come out as angsty too yikess)

song: do2me by waterbed

side note: it's hella hard to pick a bias in got7 jfc this is worse than bts.

cus bambam's a charismatic dabbing shithead, where youngjae's a lil engrish asshat, and then there's jinyoung in the back prepared to pounce w his savagery and annoyingly pretty face, i don't-

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