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chapter forty-eight ;; moonlight
third person

Jeongguk's feet hit lush grass upon walking outside. Taehyung's extravagant backyard also held a pool, but it was positively late. Stars above shimmered like glitter, and the younger boy had listened to the elder's soft words while laying in bed. Arms had been wrapped around a small and bruised someone, that same someone who had been wrapped around now aimlessly walking about in only boy shorts.

A blue sheen ran across skin in waves, sending a flowing pattern to run. Suddenly, arms hook around from behind and enclose assured safety, followed by sweet kisses down the neck. The raven haired boy jumps at first before relaxing easily into the given comfort, knowing exactly who bestowed it.

"I know that we," kiss, "are going," kiss, "to the doctors," kiss, "tomorrow," kiss, "so I wanted to," kiss, "do something special." One last kiss is planted onto a fair neck, and Jeongguk shudders at the feeling, soon being guided towards the pool's steps.

Taehyung's the first to put a foot in, looking behind his broad and toned shoulder before continuing. Jeongguk continued to stand at the edge once the latter was at his hips in water already, toes curling tightly over a cement edge lined in smooth tiling, which was easy to slip on once wet. Brown eyes just continued to stare up, silently waiting while frogs around chirped, and crickets sung harmonized songs with the grasshoppers, swaying along with tree branches. Everything tied together under sweet moonlight, and that's what made Jeongguk finally step in.

Warm water drew along his ankles, rising up and up with each step taken down, descending into an area of four feet, where Taehyung happily stood. A true smile showed down at the younger, who basked in the man made waves calmly running along bare skin. Those beautiful waves were created from their own two bodies, understanding they could and would make so many more beautiful things, a family of two, three, four, an apartment full, a small house brimming and peaceful.

He wanted a future with the one who treads in front of him, no matter how cliche it may sound. He wanted to spend every night in tanned arms and wake up to warm, brown eyes staring at him, and that's what caused his own eyes to widen slightly. A strong and significant revelation, unable to tone down buzzing feelings whipping through such a clouded mind. Jeongguk's completely stunned at the current thoughts taking, all thanks to the moon.

"Are you alright?" Taehyung whispers after long minutes spent in comfortable quiet, wet fingers reaching up to trail along soft cheekbones.

Jeongguk looked up with a blank stare, seeming to fall over and over again in a continuous loop but also knowing Taehyung would in fact be standing there with a bandaid in hand, ready to help and fix- take care. Oh god, he was falling so hard. The young boy felt like the elder couldn't simply understand, couldn't simply comprehend how in love he fucking is, finding it to be so stupid and insane, like pounds and pounds- mounds and mounds -of endless thoughts towards Taehyung and Taehyung only were weighed down on his small shoulders. Jeongguk felt as if he wasn't truly loving until now.

"Never better." Jeongguk sweetly says, a small and shy smile showing, being captured in a lemonade and cherry kiss, which only lasted a few, "I love you." He breathes upon departure, foreheads casually resting upon another.

Taehyung only chuckles, running his coarse fingers through soft hair, an action that had the latter almost purring in satisfaction, realizing those same fingers had ran across his whole frame, gripping hipbones and thighs, skimming across untouched skin. Jeongguk wanted to kiss his fingertips. So he did, capturing Taehyung's high mind in a trance, James Dean flashing through eyes. The two were absolutely intertwined in such a balanced and immaculate yin and yang.

"You're so ethereal, Jeongguk." And those words were completely real. Taehyung thought that and that only, hooking his hands around slim thighs and hoisting a smaller body upwards, wrapping legs around his waist. All the elder wanted to do was bask in what Jeongguk was instead of the waves, every line of eye contact, every soft puff of air while breathing, every breathtaking word and sentence, every facial expression imaginable. He was in fact high- high on the one who was moving lips against his own.

No matter how bossy Taehyung might've been in the past, no matter how rambunctious and positively idiotic, there was never a dull moment, and that's what truly enticed Jeongguk. That's what truly made him stay, made him want to stay, through each argument and each moment of question, "You're so beautiful, Taehyung," Jeongguk whispers once their lips part for merely a second, his words rushed in order to reattach once more, "so- so unimaginably perfect, better than...better than words can describe-" his own talk was cut off by desperate lips, and Taehyung's desperate hands.

Oh god, did it feel so right, feel so meant to be. No matter how gushy the two were acting, there was simply no way to hold back such adoring words. They were practically slamming against their ribcages, begging to be said and begging to be heard by the other's awaiting eardrums. Setting personification for description was such a Jeongguk sort of thing to Taehyung, positively thought as being unknowingly adorable.

Growing old seemed like no problem at that very moment, a set box awaiting to be used and cause tear filled eyes to lighten and smile with such joy and anticipation. Awaiting for a coolness to slide down fingers while almost jumping in jubilance and only preparing mouths for more kisses to follow. Almost nothing could put off Taehyung's mind, make him reach back and turn away, return already bought items. His mind was set and only set forward, taking acceptance that maybe, just maybe his days with the young boy who was soon to be eighteen and currently whining are numbered to only a couple months.

The known fear creeping through both of their minds, as two bodies pinched together carelessly float about, only made determined destination speed faster and faster into reach. Time was ticking, almost as some sort of time bomb. There was currently no true separation from foolish, typical love struck teenager things and true, undeniable affection, that would last for decades. They could only sit back with one another and hope that it will end up being the latter. Two boys were rolling dice constantly.

But Jeongguk discovered one thing that night under the twinkling stars; he never knew you could hold moonlight in your hands.



i could tack on the doctor visit to this, but i'm high key too lazy and just wanna keep this dumb & fluffy scene to itself k bye sorry for disappointing u.


moonlight - ariana grande

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