Alternative: How Marshall and Paul Were Originally Supposed to Meet

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Note: At first, I had the idea of Marshall being able to cross into Quileute territory as a reward for performing an act of service for Ephraim Black when he was still alive. This act of service (which was saving Ephraim's wife from another vampire when she was forced to step away from her territory) allowed Marshall to be perceived as an ally to the wolves (unbeknownst to the Cullens).

He was given permission to come and go as he pleased, just like in the final draft, which is common knowledge to the current acting wolves. Because of this, when Marshall is invited to a beach party in La Push, he has no problems going.

Paul also shows up with his own group of friends. And even though his wolf spirit is disgusted by being in the vicinity of a vampire, Paul can't help but be attracted since his body knows he's within reach of his imprint. 

So let's see how that meeting was actually supposed to go!

Also, deleted character detail: Marshall was supposed to have a pierced ear, but that little snippet never showed up in the final draft because I completely glossed over it! So for self indulgent purposes, he has it for this chapter (and might for others too!).


Sharp edges of winged eyeliner helped to bring out the captivating shade of naturally golden irises. A playful gaze, along with thin strands of black hair pooling over flawless skin, were caught in the rearview mirror's reflection.

Marshall gave himself a quick glance over to make sure he was presentable before exiting his vehicle.

Slightly humid air caressed his knuckles before both hands were placed into the pockets of his open leather jacket. A black V-neck hugged his torso like a glove. Formfitting jeans in a shade of auburn were tucked into a pair of dark gray combat boots with purple laces.

Slicked back hair barely reacted when a slight breeze came at him. The dangling pendant from a singular white-golden earring brushed against the skin of his neck. 

Despite the weather feeling a bit muggier than expected, Marshall was delighted to be at the beach rather than being stuck at home. The thought of partying, dancing, and mingling with his friends sounded a lot more enjoyable than sitting at the Cullen estate with nothing to do but listen to Edward serenade the others.

Really, anything sounded better than wasting such a gorgeous evening by sitting inside. It was more than fortunate that an event came up and presented the opportunity to get out of the house.

The scent of crowding humans wasn't bothersome since fresh salt water helped to override it.

The aroma of barbecued meats wasn't bad to take in either, even though the vampire had no desire to eat.

The pungent, enveloping odor of wet dog, however, was...something else to experience.

With Marshall being in Quileute territory again after about a month, he wasn't used to or noseblind to the strong stench anymore. It wasn't something he found super bothersome, but he still thought the natural smell was a bit overwhelming.

As it continued to dance around him, only getting stronger by the minute, Marshall realized he may be joined by a pack member or two at the party.

Oh well—he didn't really have major gripes with the wolves to begin with.

Sure, they were hotheaded and a bit egotistical in his eyes; but the same thing could be said about Marshall too. By him. If anything, he expected an occasional stare down or silent threat sent his way since they wouldn't be able to fight in front of so many humans.

And there'd be no real reason to anyway, seeing as Marshall had permission to be in the area.

He'd continue to unconsciously thank Ephraim Black for that since La Push had the best beaches.

The territory was also home to quite a few nice locals; like the one waving Marshall over to their shared friend group.

"Hello, hello,~" he announced with a sing-song type of voice.

"It's definitely like you to show up to this after the rest of us," the girl, Sandra, told him.

"It's better to be fashionably late instead of being here early when nothing is happening." He turned his attention to a few other friends before leaning over to give his best friend a kiss on both cheeks. "Hola, pendejo." 

Brad couldn't help but laugh after reciprocating the gesture. "¿Qué tal, cabrón?"

Marshall offered a tight hug, chuckling at his ability to call Brad obscenities and have them be met by the same thing, rather than being met by offense.

The vampire leaned against a tree and accepted a red plastic cup filled with vodka. "Have I missed anything?"

Brad nudged his friend in the shoulder before nodding in the direction of a few more comrades. "Just a heated debate about whether or not it would be stupid to go have a splash fight. Fully clothed and everything."

"I mean, if you guys are prepared to be soaking wet for the rest of the party, go right ahead. I don't know if doing so in the middle of autumn would be smart, but, hey, I'm not your dad. You only live once and all that jazz, right?"

More excited voices began talking to each other in response to Marshall's humorous statement. He shook his head fondly, taking a sip of his beverage.

Continuing to tune into the conversation just in case his input was needed again, golden eyes raked across the beach to take in the sights.

Left and right, smaller cliques kept to themselves in random circles scattered across the sand. Conversations blended into one another, filling the area with a bustling soundscape of overlapping voices. Above them, thumping beats came from a tall set of speakers facing away from the ocean. Faint vibrations could be felt in the sand because of the volume.

A large group of dancing partygoers congregated a bit closer to the water. They were a reasonable distance away from several long tables housing cooked foods like chicken, burgers, skewers, tacos, and other juicy snacks. Small, individual chip bags were bundled together in a large basket to give anyone who wanted a chance to snag one.

Beside the tables, multiple metal buckets with melting ice contained different types of beverages. One had soda. Another had juice. A few had beers, wine coolers, and several flavors of bottled margarita . Larger selections of stronger alcoholic choices—vodka, whiskey, bourbon, etc.—were kept near the stacked red cups by some hamburger buns.

Marshall caught sight of a few people still working to barbecue a few more food items. A rich, smoky aroma engulfed him with more intensity than before.

But even that couldn't distract him from the smell of wet dog now being within his immediate vicinity.

Not wanting it to seem like he was actively looking for something, the vampire kept his head facing forward while allowing his gaze to follow in the direction of the scent.

And he froze as rich brown eyes met golden ones.

He was right in foreseeing the possibility of a wolf attending, but nothing could've prepared Marshall for how handsome the other man was.

Short brunet hair kept his face from being obstructed in any way. He had smooth skin with defined facial features. Kempt brows were slightly furrowed. Penetrating eyes were partially narrowed. Soft-looking lips were barely parted in the middle. A jawline with an alluring sharp edge to it still stood out against minor traces of facial hair.

His shoulders and chest were broad. Strong arms were hidden beneath the shiny material of the man's own leather jacket, but it was easy to see the apparent outline of tight abs through his shirt. Long, muscular legs were contained beneath dark jeans.

And, seeing how large the shifter's boots were, Marshall's mind wandered to what else might be of impressive length that he couldn't see.

He licked his lips in unconcealed interest.

Brown eyes watched the action, the owner looking to the side to shield a lengthening smirk.

Marshall's excitement heightened. Not only because it seemed like he wasn't the only fascinated party, but because he also caught a strong whiff of the wolf's natural fragrance lingering beneath that of wet dog.

He smelled divine.

His blood gave off a sweet, robust scent that was more mouthwatering than anything Marshall ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

So the shifter was his blood singer, huh? Interesting indeed.

"Ah, puta madre- I'm running low on beer-"

"I can get it for you." Marshall turned toward Brad, eagerness shown via a widening smile. "I don't mind at all."

Hazel eyes narrowed slightly. A minor head tilt made dark curls shift against each other, caressing tan skin.

He chuckled, knowingly. "¿Ves algo que te guste?"

"Alguien que me gusta."

"I figured as much." He waved a hand in a shoo-ing gesture. "Go on, then. And remember, wear a condom, sucio."

Marshall snickered to himself when walking away from his friend group.

Confident strides were taken down a small section of the beach in the direction of the tables. He turned toward the shifter again, stifling a shudder when realizing the man was already watching him.

A daring sweep of the eyes took in every detail they could.

The vampire clenched his jaw to keep himself calm when being watched in such a hungry, possessive manner.

He approached the table upon taking one last swig of his vodka. The cup was tossed into a nearby garbage bin, freeing his hands completely. Leaning over, multiple brands of beer were glanced at. A popular brand from Puerto Rico was chosen, water dripping from the bottom of hard glass as it was picked up.

"Can't say I expected to see a leech on Quileute territory. Then again, you must not be all bad since the old chief made a permanent exception for you."

"I see my reputation says more about me than my species does." The vampire allowed himself a deep inhale before turning around to meet the man of the hour with a short chuckle. "What's your name, handsome?"



"Nice to finally have a face to someone the tribe has heard so many legends about. I gotta be honest, I thought the stories of you helping out Ephraim Black were horseshit. But now that I've seen you interact with normal people, there just might be some merit after all."

"Well, well. Here I thought you were going to be more hostile toward me."

Paul's gaze darted below eye level before returning. "What, were you expecting to trade blows?"

"I mean, I wouldn't be against still doing so as long as I can use my mouth instead of my hands."

Even though it no longer functioned, Marshall's heart did somersaults in his chest when listening to an amused, quiet laugh.

It was music to his ears, as well as legitimate confirmation that the wolf liked him too.

"You're here with friends, right?"

"They know better than most that I'm here to pick someone up if given the opportunity." Marshall leaned against the table, placing the cold beer down onto a napkin. "What about you?"

"Pretty much the same. I'm the only shifter here tonight, so the only one about to judge me on my next decision is me. But fuck it. Leech or not, you're a hot piece of ass with pretty...everything." Paul leaned into Marshall's space to the point of making their noses touch. "So tell me, is that offer of trading blows still on the table?"

"Only if you're prepared to do more than end up on your knees."

"Kinky." Brown eyes, now full of mischief, lit up in exhilaration. "Lead the way then."

Marshall didn't need to be told twice.

He grabbed the beer with one hand while the other took hold of Paul's. Together, they made their way over to the vampire's much smaller friend group, the others watching as over half of the batch were making their way toward the ocean to presumably have their splash fight.

"Well, that was fast."

"You know it doesn't take long for me to get what I want when I really want it."

Brad accepted his beer alongside swift kisses on both cheeks. "Call me when you're on your way back."

"Yes, mom."

He laughed, giving Marshall a light shove. "Have fun."

"Trust me, we will."

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