Brad's Survival Arc: Part 3

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Rays of golden light filtered into the house through cracked open windows. Specks of translucent dust particles floating in the air gained enough vibrancy to be noticed with ease. Long shadows from objects blocking sun beams etched themselves into the carpet and hardwood flooring. There was enough natural illumination to not require the use of any lamps while sitting on the couch, legs crossed, feet tucked in, and reading a lengthy fantasy/romance novel.

A calming scent of sweet wildflowers wafted inside. As did the sound of birds chirping, leaves rustling, and an outdoor wind chime dancing from its perch near the front door.

Light humming filled an otherwise silent room as Paul worked in the kitchen. He had a cookbook propped up on the counter, looking at its contents before focusing his attention back down. Both hands were covered in sweet-flavored orange bits, courtesy of the fresh pumpkin he just mashed into a smooth paste. He had just finished prepping homemade cake batter and was planning to add both products together to finally bake them into a special dessert. Dinner was already in the oven, consisting of a simple dish of seasoned chicken, potatoes, and asparagus. Thanks to Paul's meticulous planning, everything would be done at the same time.

The plan for after supper was to clean up, sit down, and relax on the couch with either some video games, music, or a movie. Until then, peaceful silence was more than welcome to occupy their shared space.

Marshall was peering over an in-book illustration when quiet footsteps from above made him look toward the stairs.

The bedroom door opening was followed by creaking wood. "Marsh, can I- ow!"

"Don't come down. I'll meet you at the top." Tossing his novel to the side, he ran up the stairs with enhanced speed. Strands of hair were still in the process of falling back into place as he stopped on the second to last step. "What're you doing out of bed? If you needed me, you could've just called."

"I know, but..." A hand braced against Brad's side made small gestures to smooth over his almost healed injury. "I was going to ask if it'd be okay if I took a bath. I'm not leaking venom anymore, so I figured I'd be good to go now."

"Oh. No, yeah- that should be fine. C'mon." Marshall continued walking and turned toward the bathroom. "You want the tub pillow? I'm cool with washing your hair. I just don't know if you'd rather have something to rest on while I do it."

"You- I-" Brad stammered. "You don't have to help me. I don't...want to be a bother."

Reaching for the hot water knob was interrupted by a swift pause. "You're not. Why wouldn't I help you? You're still having trouble moving without pain. Besides, it's not like we haven't seen each other naked before. It wouldn't be anything new."

"Well, yeah, but..." The way Brad's voice heightened brought about the mental image of him blushing out of minor embarrassment when he was still capable of doing so. "That was in the past. Before you got married. And we're going to have a talk about you having a big ass wedding one of these days because not inviting me to the initial ceremony? Rude."

"...You were literally not even in the area, cry baby."

"Whatever." Brad stuck his tongue out. "Seriously, though. You're married now, and I don't want to cross any boundaries or anything like that. I don't know how much stuff has changed now that you have a hubby instead of a boyf."

"You're- you're serious? Oh my- that's actually so sweet." Marshall clutched a hand over his heart in an exaggerated manner. "Really- you're one of the nicest guys on the planet. So precious. The world needs more respectful men like you, Romero."

Brad didn't agree or disagree. He simply raised a single eyebrow at his friend's playful antics.

Footsteps coming up the stairs were followed by Paul leaning against the doorframe with a fond shake of his head. "What he's trying to say is that there's nothing to be weird about. You guys have seen each other naked before, so it's not a big deal. Besides, if there's one person that I trust wholeheartedly to be around Marsh one hundred percent of the time, it's you, Brad. Friends help friends. Giving you a bath wouldn't be an issue for either of us. Especially if it's difficult for you to do it by yourself. It'll also give us some peace of mind to know that you're finally well enough to let your body calm down after going through so much these last couple of days."

" has been a lot. Recently, I mean."

"Even more reason to let yourself be pampered." Paul gently clapped both hands onto his friend's shoulders. "Besides, you know he won't stop until he gets his way."

Brad relaxed, letting a chuckle slip out. "I guess that's true. Guess it's been awhile since I let myself be spoiled by princess over there."

Neither male had to look over to know a pout was being thrown their way. "That's not completely why I'm being so adamant. I want to take care of you because...I know what it's like. To walk around in a body that doesn't feel like it's completely you. I know how scary and overwhelming that can be. I just want to help give you a sense of normalcy back in a time when it feels like life is anything but."

Marshall thought back to his earliest days as a newborn. The first couple of weeks where he was kept on a tight leash to not cause harm to any innocent people or himself. He remembered, with brutal clarity, how all of his senses assaulted him upon waking up after being turned. To be honest, it was a living hell until he was able to get used to all of the new stimuli. He couldn't handle staring out of the window for more than a few seconds during the day. All entrances into the house were kept sealed to dull the hordes of new fragrances he couldn't pick up as a human. More often than not, he had to bury his head under a pillow to dampen the harsh sounds coming from the loud, bustling world around him.

Pre-transformation, while Marshall was charismatic and outgoing, he still preferred to be alone. He still preferred to read a long book in quiet solitude with some tea and nothing but rain as his real life background soundtrack.

Walking down the path of a wild party animal only happened post-transition to help him feel more human again. A lot of his original traits were tweaked to help him regain what it meant to be, well, him.

Fully knowing that fear, anxiety, and involuntary need to settle into his new role as a vampire, Marshall wanted to do everything he could to keep Brad from going through such a distressing phase alone.

He didn't deserve to experience any amount of mental anguish when there was someone available who could empathize—who could guide.

Marshall's words must've hit a little too close to home because Brad turned to face his friend, eyes wide and his lips parting by a small margin. "...Well, when you put it like that...I wouldn't mind."

Paul glanced between both friends before moving to gather some supplies. His quiet movements were enough to pull the other two men out of their heads to fulfill their own tasks.

Marshall kept one hand on the temperature knob, while the other was lightly sprinkled to make sure the water was hot enough. Green apple body wash was poured close to the stream to allow an army of bubbles to appear. The tub pillow was passed his way, getting hooked around the outer edge. Curtains were closed to dampen the amount of light entering the room. A small grouping of tealights on the counter were fired up, filling the room with a softer glow. His phone was pulled out to set a Lo-fi playlist on shuffle.

Brad used the entryway as a point of support as he was aided in taking off his socks. His pants and underwear were removed together, being tossed into the laundry bin near the toiletry cabinet. He was then picked up in a bridal carry and gently lowered into a warm, bubble-filled tub. The pleasant temperature made him sigh in relief.

"You want some skincare stuff?" Marshall asked while toweling off his arm.

"It isn't really necessary anymore, is it? It won't absorb like it used to."

"It won't, but, again, normalcy. I've still kept up with spa days just because it's fun."

Brad chuckled, leaning back against his pillow. "Then I'll leave my beautification in your capable hands, hermano."

Marshall pretended to flip long hair over his shoulder. "You're gonna look gorgeous, pendejo."

Paul attempted to hold in his laughter at the banter happening in front of him. Vanilla-scented hair products were dropped into a basket next to the soft foot mat alongside several face products. A plastic stool was placed at the head of the tub for Marshall to sit on so he wouldn't have to crouch or bend. Several washcloths were grabbed before Paul settled in a kneeling position at the side of the tub. 

Brad's eyes closed as a soft rag was lightly pressed against his face to wet him. A foaming cleanser was worked into his smooth, even skin before being rinsed. Then, a spreadable face mask smelling of rose water was evenly spread and left alone to sit for a few minutes. 

Marshall took the opportunity to moisten brunet curls for a relaxing wash. Pouring down cups of water managed to darken the natural vibrancy which further enhanced post-transition. It was also noticed how lighter brown and red highlights stood out even more than before. Brad's hair felt a little less frizzy toward the ends as well, giving more shape and healthier texture to every single strand.

Marshall went through a list of protective styles which would keep Brad's hair out of his face after his bath. Since he'd had a bit of growth following his vacation in Spain, perhaps twin french braids would work best.

Another pleased sound escaped Brad when Paul turned off the tap and focused on working to clean his friend's upper body.

Finally experiencing true serenity after a lot of hardship, Brad gave himself a greenlight to be vocal about certain issues he'd been hiding. "Is it strange? I know I said that being a vampire didn't change much, but I...miss a lot."

Paul and Marshall made small noises to show they were listening, but they chose to not actually speak to give Brad an opportunity to do so freely without interruption.

"I miss being able to go out and not have to worry about being spotted. I miss sleeping because now I have way too much time on my hands. I really miss being able to taste the flavors of my culture when cooking. To...enjoy the simple things that came with being human. Don't get me wrong- it's convenient to not have to eat or be tired and things like that. Still...I kind of feel the way I did when I first moved to the States. Y'know, going through a form of culture shock. But instead of being in a different place, I'm different. I know I'll get used to it after a while. I just don't know how long it'll take to really come to terms with it. I don't know how long it'll take for me to come to terms with blood being the only thing I want to consume. That I have to kill just to survive.

"I haven't killed any humans since being turned. I drank from people who were done in by other vampires. And while I know I have better control when I'm fed, I don't know how bad things will get if I'm ever put in the position where I'm starving. Especially around...Leah. I've never come across a scent like hers, but it caught my attention immediately. Her wolf smell overpowers her natural one, so it wasn't as difficult to be around her when I met her. I just...don't know if I'll continue to be able to say that for long. I don't know why I'm feeling this way."

"Well, you have had time to sit and think about it..."Marshall began lathering in vanilla shampoo. "When it comes to those first things, I can tell you from experience that, even though it'll take awhile for you to come to terms with all these changes, you will be able to learn to accept it. Because it's who you are now. Adapting to a new livelihood is difficult but not impossible. And while I know certain things can't be replaced, you can still keep them in your life. If you can't sleep, just lie down in a dark room with your eyes closed and let your mind rest. If you can't eat, keep up your passion with cooking your native foods for other people so you still have that part of yourself. Staying in a place like Forks is good because the near constant cloud coverage prevents you from sparkling out in the open. Still, if you're afraid to risk it, give yourself some leeway to have nightly strolls to get it out of your system. It's all about finding the best solutions you can to keep you from becoming resentful of your transition and yourself.

"In terms of feeding- yeah, that will take a bit to get used to. I'm surprised you haven't killed people because, as a newborn, you're at your most unhinged when it comes to feeding. I can honestly say that I'm proud of you for trying so hard to stick to your morals. I know it can be difficult when you're literally hardwired to kill for the sake of survival. That's why I stick to animals for feeding instead of humans. It's not as satisfying, but it gets the job done. It helps to preserve a bit of humanity too."

"And that thing with Leah?" Brad opened his eyes to stare at the ceiling. "I've only met her once, yet it feels like I have this really strange connection to her. It's not bad, just unexpected. I don't really understand it."

Marshall was overcome by inner conflict because he wanted to be honest about Brad being an imprint. At the same time, seeing how Leah was the one who formed the bond, she should be the one to tell him.

"I don't think it's my place to talk about your connection with Leah. I can talk about why her blood appeals to you so much- and that's because she's your blood singer. To keep things short, it's a fancy way of saying that Leah's a person who's type of blood was meant to get your attention. Paul is my singer, and it took me a little bit to kind of become noseblind, in a sense, to his natural scent. And while spending time with Leah is what's needed for you to get used to her smell, I'm sorry to say, you're going to have to keep your distance for now. At least until I'm able to get you accustomed to feeding from animals. To be frank, I'm going to need you to stay away from all people except for the other pack members."

Brad sank a bit further into the water, dejected. 

Marshall raked his fingers against his friend's scalp in an apologetic manner. "You need to give yourself time to get used to your urges. To find the right way to suppress them so you don't accidentally lose control. Unfortunately, that means no more working at the theater or Dance Company for the time being. You're also going to have to stay with us- at least until you're able to be by yourself comfortably with an adequate amount of control. I know these might be more changes you don't want to make. For that, I really am sorry. It's not my intention to hold you prisoner or make you feel like you don't have a choice. I just want to make sure you're ready before being thrust back into the world again."

Marshall didn't want to make so many important decisions on behalf of another person. Either way, he felt like it was his responsibility to oversee his companion's daily life since he was the only other vampire in the Uley pack. Asking Carlisle or any of the other Cullens for help wasn't an option because they couldn't even treat Marshall, an actual member of the family, with respect. They knew of Brad, however, they didn't know him as a person. Their judgments couldn't be taken at face value because of the chance of someone like Edward trying to instill his warped views onto a vulnerable party.

Besides, going to the Cullens with a new vampire would probably make them believe Brad was going to join the coven.

No way in hell would that ever happen.

"What do you normally do to fill the time when you can't sleep?" Brad wondered, closing his eyes again to keep soapy water from getting into them.

Marshall rinsed his friend's hair with a light hum. "I read, watch movies, play games, go hunting. There's my music room next door. Paul finished renovating the big hidden storage space in the back of the house downstairs. Half of it is his home gym. Half is my at-home dance studio. All in all, really just depends on what I'm in the mood for. If I get really bored with being in the area, I like to plan small getaways too. Nothing is off the table."

"I kind of like the idea of pursuing music a little more seriously. If I can't work conventionally, I'd still like to keep myself busy."

"If that's how you feel, you're more than welcome to use my space. I compose a lot. I wouldn't mind making some stuff with you."

Brad gasped in half teasing, half genuine excitement. "Are we gonna be a two man band?"

Marshall picked up the conditioner, chuckling. "We could be. I, or my persona, rather, was well-known, especially in Asia, a few decades back for my musical arrangements. I'd really enjoy stepping back into the industry with a business partner."

"...We're totally gonna win a Grammy, dude. Just you wait."

Grinning and shaking his head, Marshall lathered more soap into his friend's hair. He caught Paul's fond, proud gaze for a moment. Brad made a comment about not needing to open his eyes to know he was third wheeling, resulting in even more laughter.

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