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Riwon walked out of the school, crying. She was shocked when she saw Jungwon was there, sitting on the bench outside of school. She wiped her tears before walking towards him. "Jungwon.. why are you still here?" She smiled. But Jungwon already knows her too well.

"You're crying. Why did you cry? Who hurts you?" Jungwon asked, cupping her face and leaned closer. Riwon shook her head, "It's nothing. I just cried in the restroom because.. I was disappointed in myself." She lied. She felt guilty for lying but she knows, if Jungwon finds out about this, something bad will happen.

"Is it because of what happened this morning? Aw, Riwon. It's okay. Nothing to be embarrassed of, I always stand in the corridors you know? Hahahaha!" Jungwon laughed so that Riwon would laugh too and she did. He's glad to see her laughing.

"Let me walk you home. It's already late." He held Riwon's hand and they walked away together.


"Huh.." She sighed.

"Excuse me?! Did you just sigh, please I didn't even start the conversation and you already sigh??" Maya dramatically rolled her eyes. She poked the straw into the plastic lid before sipping the grape juice.

"So..? What do you want to tell me at 10 p.m. Maya? My parents would kill me if I went out at night, glad they know you."

"Sunghoon and I are dating!!! Omg, can you believe this? This seems unreal. We're literally living in a romance novel where enemies turned into lovers. You should be jealous of me, Riwon. I got a boyfriend first." Maya proudly said. She still didn't know Riwon's relationship with Jungwon.

"Hahaha.. yeah, congrats. Make sure to make Sunghoon focus only on you because you know.. he's the school playboy. If I ever see you crying because of him, I will make sure he regrets everything." Riwon said.

Though she's just joking because she knows Sunghoon isn't that bad. Jungwon had told her about his friends and all of them were great friends. He's so lucky to be surrounded by amazing people. And again.. the thought of Ian came into her mind. Was she being too harsh? But, it's his fault for doing such a thing.

She hopes something like this won't happen again in the future. She wants nothing but a peaceful life with Jungwon.

Riwon waved at Maya and turned around, heading back to her house. While walking, suddenly a hand touched her shoulder causing her to scream and turned to throw a punch at the person. Her fist hits the nose of Junho..?!

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay? I'm sorry!" Riwon panicked. She became more panicked when it started bleeding. Was my punch that strong?!?

"I'm fine-" Junho said, chuckling.

"Why did you startle me?! Gosh.. I thought it's a bad person."

"I just finished my judo training when I saw you walking alone. It's dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night so I thought it would be nice if I can walk you home.. ah, you're actually quite strong."

Riwon helped him to get up. "Do you need anything? I will get you some water. Make sure to look down to prevent the blood from going back inside your body." She said before running to the convenience store.

Junho watched her as he smiled to himself. "Is this the reason why he likes her? She's thoughtful."

Riwon came back after 5 minutes with a pack of tissue and mineral water. "Here, wipe the blood and have some water.." She handed the plastic but Junho just looked at her without saying anything. "Take this."

"Can you wipe it for me? I can't see where the blood stains are anyway." Junho said and Riwon just looked at him in disbelief when she sighed.

She opened the bottle cap and wet the tissue before leaning to wipe the blood. She kept a poker face but deep inside she's nervous because she thought she shouldn't have done this. Someone might see them and be misunderstood. But again, she thought, It's Junho, Jungwon's best friend. And I accidentally hurt him so it's my fault and I need to treat him.

She suddenly felt a hand on her waist. Riwon immediately got up and stepped back from Junho. "What are you trying to do?!" Riwon was scared.

"Sorry— I didn't mean to scare you. I just hold your waist to prevent you from falling on me because you know.. you're leaning closer so yeah- sorry.." Junho rubbed his nape awkwardly.

"Huh.." She sighed, face palming. "I'm done cleaning the blood. I'm going now."

Riwon reached her house and went straight to her room. She checked her phone and received notifications from Jungwon. She opened the chat and smiled when it's a picture of a cat. Jungwon always sent cat pictures to her but usually it's stray cats because he couldn't take the cat as his pet.

She turned off the phone before pulling up her blanket over her head and falling asleep.


He looked around before entering the cafe. He saw him waving as he walked towards him, taking a seat in front of him. "What do you want again from me, you bastard." Ian clenched his fist, eyes full of hatred at the person in front of him.

"Why are you so mad? It's your fault for getting caught. You're really bad at acting." Junho smirked, swirling the glass around.

"Riwon hates me now. She would never talk to me again after this. You said if I helped you, she would break up with Jungwon." Ian regretted helping this boy. "I'm sure I already deleted all the photos so why.. don't tell me you're behind this?!"

"Hahahahaha! That's correct.. Don't worry about Kim Riwon. I will take care of her from now on. She hates you? It's okay. I will make the whole school hate her. Including her boyfriend too.." Junho sipped the drink.


"Let's go to the Lotte World!" Maya said excitedly and Riwon looked at her, feeling tired with her energy. She's been too hyperactive since Sunghoon dated her. It's going to be tiring for Riwon to handle her.

"We're gonna play and ride everything till we pass out, yay!!" Sunghoon gave back the same energy.

When did he become this energetic?!? Riwon sighed when she could think how tiring it is to watch the energetic couple. Jungwon smiled and patted her shoulder.

"Don't be jealous, Riwon~ It's okay if you don't have a partner to bring. You can bring Jungwon or maybe Junho!" Maya said, pointing to both of the names mentioned.

She just smiled. Jungwon mouthed, 'she still doesn't know??' And Riwon nodded. Riwon slowly turned to look at Junho who's playing a game at the back and she got caught by him when he gave a smile. Maya saw that and she grinned. She was misunderstood and thinking of something else.

The day has come. Five of them entered the place, full of excitement. Riwon only has been here once because of her strict parents. She's excited to see lots of fun things. Jungwon watched her quietly. "Cute.." He mumbled and looked up, making eye contact with Junho. He looked at him and back at Riwon.

Jungwon deathly stares at his own best friend. He pulled Riwon closer to him. Junho just smiled.

They went to every place they could. Riwon looked at her friend in disbelief. "Riwon! Let's ride the rollercoaster again!" Maya said. "Hell no, you can ride it with your boyfriend." Riwon sat on the bench, trying not to puke.

"Let's go Sunghoon! Sunghoon..?" Maya searched for her boyfriend when she saw him talking to a group of girls. She walked up to them before hugging Sunghoon in front of them. "Sorry, but he's mine!" She glared at them. "See, I told ya.. I already have a girlfriend. She's mine." Sunghoon hugged her back, putting his chin on her head.

The girls were annoyed. They walked away and Maya pulled Sunghoon by his ear. "Hey! That hurts! Ack!" "You, moron! How dare you talk to the girls when I'm with you?!" Maya pulled his ear more. "They're the one who talked to me first! What can I do? I'm too handso— YAHH!" Sunghoon groaned.

"Oh my god.. they're taking everyone's attention. Please, I don't know them." Riwon walked away, followed by Jungwon.

"Should we go on a date too?" Jungwon held her hand and she put her head on his shoulder. "Aren't we already on a date? It's a double date."

"Are you okay?" He asked and she looked at him, confused. "Do I look like I'm not?"

"You seem quite uncomfortable. Is there something bothering you?"

Ah.. I can't tell him that his best friend made me feel uncomfortable right? But, should I try to tell him that? "Actually.."

"You guys!" Junho ran to them.

"What is it, Riwon?" "I will tell you later," She looked away.

"Let's go play something." Junho said and the couple just smiled.

They stopped at the booth where you need to take down all the cans to get the plushie. Jungwon paid the man before he took the toy gun and aimed his shot. "Which plushie do you want, Riwon?" She thinks for a while before pointing at the biggest cat plushie. "That one!"

"Alright, anything for you."

In under 5 minutes, he took down all the cans and won the cat plushie. "For you," Hung gave the plushie as big as his upper body. Riwon hugged the plushie. "Omg! So huggable!" She covered her face with the plushie, ignoring Jungwon.

"I shouldn't be jealous of a plushie right..? I can hug her everyday too." He took a glance at her who's still smiling at the plushie. Is she forgetting I'm here?!?

Jungwon looked at Junho who had a small cat plushie in his hand. "Are you going to give that to your little sister?"

"Yeah.." He smiled. "My little sister missed you.. Jungwon. When are you going to visit her again?"

"Next month.. maybe? It's her birthday. As always, I will bring her favourite flowers."

"White Rose, my sister loved those flowers."


"Hey, Riwon."


"Could you please stop smelling the plushie? You can continue it at home." Jungwon said.

"Why not? It smells nice." She said,

"Fine," Jungwon pouted, looking away.

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