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⚠️ tw : this chapter and maybe next chapter will be full of gore, please read at your own risk ⚠️

Jungwon was in the kitchen, making coffee for himself. As soon as he picked up the cup, it slipped out from his hand and broke into pieces on the floor. He immediately stepped back to make sure he didn't step on it.

"Gosh, that startled me.." He kneeled down to pick up the broken pieces when he heard a loud knock coming from the door.

He went to the front door to see Junho with Heeseung. Both of them were sweating. Are they running all the way to come here? He asked, "What's wrong? And why is he here.." He referred to Heeseung.

"Call Riwon. Call her right now, don't ask why!" Junho said as he grabbed Jungwon's pants to see where he put his phone.

"Woah! Woah! Calm down.. what's wrong with you? I'm going to call her, okay?" He tapped on the screen and waited for Riwon to pick up but it said to leave messages in the voicemail. "Hm, I think she turned off her phone"

"Dammit! Must be her doing! Okay, Jungwon.. listen. We should call police—"

"No! You can't call the police! I told you!" Heeseung pushed Junho harshly.

"Do I care about your girlfriend getting into jail when she might be kidnapping Riwon?!"

"What did you say..? Hey, say it again. What happened to my girlfriend?" Jungwon grabbed Junho by the collar, looking straight into his eyes.

"It's a long story but remember the accident that almost killed Riwon? Sera's actually behind all of these."

"What do you mean? A guy stabbed Riwon not Sera"

"That's because Sera ordered Heeseung to do that! Jungwon— wait!" Junho tried to stop Jungwon when he turned to Heeseung and punched him in the face without letting him explain more.

"You did what? You fucking stabbed my girlfriend? You're the one I've been searching for all this time you freak, I'm gonna kill you!" Jungwon didn't show any mercy to Heeseung.

Blood coming out from Heeseung's mouth from the non-stop punch. He didn't stop Jungwon from doing it because he knew he deserved the punch.

"Jungwon, you're gonna kill him at this rate! Stop! Stop bro, what will Riwon think if she sees this?!" Junho mentioned Riwon because he knew that's the only way to stop Jungwon.

Jungwon let Heeseung go. He already collapsed on the ground. He tried to call a number but the person didn't pick up the call. After trying countless times, that person finally picked up.


"Ow, my ear.. Hey Jungwon~"

"Where's Riwon?"

"Riwon? Hahahaha! I wouldn't have picked up the call if I knew you only wanted to ask about her. I was excited to get so many calls from you, you know? I thought you missed me" She said from the other line.

"Cut the nonsense, Sera. I'm going to find you and destroy you with my own hands"

"You dare to do that when you know Riwon is here with me? Every fucking actions you do, it might effect your girlfriend. You see.. I'm having some fun here right now."

Jungwon received a photo from Sera. He almost dropped his phone when he saw his girlfriend sitting on the chair in the photo and blood stains everywhere on the floor. He failed to protect her again. "I'm going to kill you, Hwang Sera."

"Uhuh, you said that again so your girlfriend will receive the punishment. Riwon~ let me draw on your body~"

"Sera! What are you trying to do?! Stop! Stop hurting Riwon!"

"You really think I'm going to listen to you? Now, listen and enjoy. You probably never heard her screaming your name, but now you can thanks to me"


"Riwon! Riwon no—" The call ended. Jungwon tried to call her again just to realise she might have thrown away her sim card.

"Argh! What should I do?! Riwon!" Jungwon screamed out loud, kneeling on the ground with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"This isn't the time to cry, we need to save Riwon. Hey Heeseung, tell me where to find them"

"I- I don't know! She didn't tell me anything about this!"

"Let's go to the police station and show the photo as evidence. She made a few mistakes by sending this photo. It's gonna be a proof"

Junho called Sunghoon and explained to him about what happened and they met. After that they tried to plan a strategy on how to save Riwon and find clues where they might be. They wouldn't put a 100% on policies.

"Let's take a look at this photo, the surroundings don't look that dark.. There's a couch behind her."

"Looks like an abandoned place to me"

"How are we going to find them just by looking at the photo? We didn't know where it's located" Heeseung joined the conversation but all of them glared at him.

"Bring me to Sera's house. There must be something to find there" Jungwon got up and grabbed his father's car key.

They drove to Sera's house and it surprised Jungwon. Her house wasn't in the same neighbourhood as him and Riwon. Did she lie to them all these times? It's a small house. They waited for Heeseung to open the door. Glad he's actually being useful for now.

"Sera lives with her aunt but her aunt is barely at home so she's always alone. That's why I spent most of my time here with her" He brought them upstairs, Sera's room. "Get ready for another heart attack" He said and opened the door.

Everyone gasped as soon as they could see what's inside the room.

"Oh my god! Did a ritual happen inside here? This is crazy. She's actually crazy" Maya looked around the room.

Jungwon didn't say anything. He examined everything. He looked at the photo frame on the desk. "Who's this little girl?"

"That's Sera"

"If this little girl was Sera.. how could she be my childhood friend? They don't look alike, it's a different person"

"I told you.. she has too many lies."

"Guys! Guys! Look at this. A cafe card. XXX cafe.. let me search it up" Sunghoon pulled out his phone and searched the cafe.

"It's outside of Seoul. But it only took 30 minutes from here. Do you think Riwon went to this cafe?"

They looked at Sunghoon's phone. Jungwon sighed. He kept praying Riwon was safe. Please wait for me, I promise I will come to save you.

"I don't understand.. How can someone like her exist? All of these made me want to puke. It's disgusting. She didn't love Jungwon, she's obsessed with him. She's a psycho, she's not normal anymore. You didn't call this love" Maya said.


(this is a flashback)

"I'm late!" She ran as fast as she could. She cursed at herself for waking up late when it's literally her first day of school in High School.

When she reached the school, the gate was closed. She couldn't enter. She almost cried because she's going to start her new life by coming late to school. Suddenly a boy walking behind her caught her eyes. Her eyes followed him. "That's our school uniform.. Where is he going?"

Sera followed him secretly but she got caught when the boy turned around and saw her trying to hide behind the tree.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, uh... Are you late too?! Hahaha! We both are late.."

"No, I'm not late." He jumped over the wall, leaving Sera behind.

"Eh— wait! Hey, don't leave me!" Sera shouted but no one came. She nearly gave up because she thought he already left her. That's when he came back by climbing the same wall.

"Here, step on my hand" He kneeled down one knee, and told her to step on it.

Sera was hesitant. She didn't want to dirty his pants. But she needs to go to school. "Thank you"

She jumped over the wall with his help. He followed her after that. He grabbed his bag that's on the ground and kept walking.

"Hey, are you a new student too? Same here!"


"Can we be friends? My name is Hwang Sera. How about you?"

"Uh.. I already have friends so—"

"Jungwon!" Sunghoon shouted his name and waved at him with Junho by his side.

Jungwon left Sera behind and ran to his friends. He laughed as soon as Sunghoon hugged him and they walked together into the hall for the ceremony.

"So his name is Jungwon.. he's kind"


"What did you say?!"

A loud thump startled everyone in the canteen. They looked at the group of girls with a student sitting on the floor. None of them wanted to help her because they knew they would put themselves into troubles with the school bullies.

"You have no right to tell me to go away.. that's not your seat. Anyone can sit there—" Sera flinched when they poured milk on top of her head.

"As the new student, you should show some respect!"

"And as the senior, you shouldn't act like a brat" A voice said and when Sera looked up, it's Jungwon.


"Are you okay? Just ignore the school's disappointments" He helped Sera to get up and gave her a handkerchief to wipe her face.


"What? Have anything to say? If no then fuck off"

The girls walked away in anger. Jungwon just chuckled.

"You saved me again.. I don't know how to repay your kindness"

"It's okay, you don't have to"


"Jungwon, can I sit here?"


"Thanks! So, what are you doing?" Sera asked because Jungwon was so focused on the book.

"Some maths.. it's so hard!"

"I can teach you"

"Really?? Are you good at maths?" He asked and she nodded. "Thank you!" He smiled at her and that time Sera could feel something inside of her.

It's a strange yet a good feeling. Somehow she felt happy. When she leaned closer to teach Jungwon, that's when she realized she couldn't be near him because it felt like her heart was going to explode.

Is she falling in love with him?

Since that day, all she could think about was Jungwon. The way he smiled at her, when he said and called her name. Whenever she's in trouble, Jungwon somehow would appear to save her. Sera appreciated every moment. She felt happy with Jungwon. She likes him. She wanted to be with him.

Without her realizing it, they had entered the third year of high school. She loved him since the day they met and she had kept her feelings until she's ready to tell him. Sera waited for 2 years to confess her feelings because she's scared Jungwon will reject her. All this time, he was being kind to her as a friend.

She also thought maybe she's still too young to think about love and dating. Maybe the feelings would fade away in these 2 years but it didn't. Sera barely talked to Jungwon once they entered the second year because he's in another class.

That time Sera was close to Heeseung. He's like her boy best friend. He knew she had a crush on Jungwon and fully supported her. He's always there for her.

But.. on the day she wanted to confess, she saw him with another girl.

"Riwon.. do you want to be my friend?"

No one knows how her heart shattered. She puts many efforts just to become friends with Jungwon but that girl made Jungwon ask first. Why..?

Sera remembered her face. She's her classmate. Kim Riwon. She's the girl who got lots of praise from the teacher. She remembered that face.. when she saw how her bullies treated Riwon kindly just because her older sister was friends with one of their sisters.

Does Jungwon like her? 

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