🏡 Gideon Sakong 🏡

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"Everybody talkin like I'm dreamin. What I said turned into reality"

🏡 Name: Gideon Sakong | 기디언 사공
• Nicknames: Hermit, The Village Nutjob, Gid

🏡 Age: 26
• Birthday: April 1st

🏡 Gender: male
• Pronouns: he/him

🏡 Sexuality: asexual homoromantic

🏡 Species: wizard
• Powers: he can do a lot of stuff. We'd be here all day if I wrote it all down 😭

🏡 Nationality: Australian
• Hometown: Sydney, Australia

🏡 Ethnicity: Korean

"By now, my words are a prophecy, cause everything I say comes true"

🏡 Height: 5'11

🏡 Weight: 162 lbs

🏡 Face Claim: Lee Minhyuk (Minhyuk of Monsta X)

🏡 Body Modifications: N/A

🏡 Eye Colour: dark brown

🏡 Hair Colour: blond

"Follow my rules, follow my lead. Take the path of your dreams"

🏡 Personality: Gideon is quite the eccentric individual, most people who know him think that he's crazy. He tends to be super impulsive, often saying and doing a lot of things that don't make sense. He can be pretty unpredictable as well. He's rather reclusive and doesn't like to be around other people very often — he doesn't have very good social skills and can be quite awkward at times.

🏡 Theme Song: What I Said - Victon

🏡 Trivia:
• He studies dark magic (he's not evil or anything lol, he's just interested in it)
• He reads a lot, he can almost always be found with his face in a book
• He's super clumsy and forgetful. He'd lose his head if it wasn't attached to him
• He has a pet owl named Luna. He doesn't keep her in a cage, she kinda just comes and goes as she pleases

"The dice has been thrown, say you'll give it your all. Say you'll give it your all, I won't let it be for nothing"

🏡 Scenario: You lived in a tiny village where everyone knew each other. Just outside the village, in the forest, resided a rather strange man by the name of Gideon Sakong (or the "Village Nutjob" as most people called him). He hardly ever showed his face in town, but when he did, he was always running around, spouting some nonsense about some horrible disasters happening.

None of the things he had predicted had ever come true before, so no one had any reason to believe him, and therefore didn't take him seriously. Regardless of this, he continued with his cryptic warnings.

A couple of days ago, Gideon had been in the village again, and he had mentioned something about an awful storm destroying half of the village... or something like that, you didn't really pay him any attention. Of course, you didn't expect it to actually happen...

... But the next day, you woke up in the middle of the night to a horrifying crashing noise. You shot up out of bed and saw that a tree branch had broken through your bedroom window! Not to mention you could hear rain pouring down relentlessly and wind howling like there was no tomorrow. You realized that Gideon's prediction was actually starting to come true.

Outside, just barely audible over the sound of the wind and rain, you could hear a voice. You thought you heard them calling your name. You got up and walked closer to the broken window, only to see Gideon standing outside, waving his arms around frantically.

"Y/N! You need to get out of there! Now!"

What do you do?

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