chapter five

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I couldn't stop staring at the man in the business suit heading towards the principal's office.


"Jack, you almost got us into trouble again. What are you doing out of class?" Mr Zhu asked me immediately he shut the door of the staff room behind him.

The staff room was empty, since that man is here, everyone must be off pretending to be working and doing something great to catch his eyes.

I was still so shaken to even respond to him.

Why was he here by this time? I had almost sold myself out just now. How stupid was I?

And why didn't anyone inform me?

Sensing my current state, he softened a bit.

"Jack, you ought to be careful, what happened cannot repeat itself. Your father is a very dangerous man." He warned.

"I know that, you know that. Everyone knows that but why didn't you inform me he's around?" I barked.

My shock had turned to anger in seconds.

Mr Zhu sighed, he watched me a bit before replying.

"I too wasn't informed." He said.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself down. I wasn't even angry at him. Nothing was his fault.

I'm not going to blame myself either but who was I so angry at just now?

The answer was deep down in my heart but I do not want to sort it out.

So I pushed it aside.

"Ugh sorry about that." I apologized and cleared my throat. "Anyways what do we do now? If my father sees me in the staff room then it will be even worst." I told him. 

"I could hide you inside the trash bag." Someone said really close and I jumped in fright and hang on to Mr Zhu's arm.

"A ghost!" I screamed.

I turned to the direction where the voice came from and saw Ming, the janitor standing there hands crossed.

"What ghost you stupid boy." He pulled his arm away from me and pushed me away as well.

I stumbled back a bit but regained my balance.

"It's just Ming!"

"I see that." I stick out my tongue at him and he raised his hand threatening to hit me, although I knew I wouldn't, I still moved back.

"Anyway, what I'm suggesting is that, Jack could hide in the trash bag while I transport him to his class to escape anything bad that could happen." She said over us.

What is with me and today? Why I'm i always going into trash?

"What is with me and trash today?" I mumbled.

"What's that?" Mr Zhu asked.

"Umm nothing." I hesitated before answering. "One question, could you depose of the trash first?" I begged.

"Relax, it's a new one with no trash in it." Ming told me and I nodded.

"Alright hurry and get in." Mr Zhu ordered and I rushed in.

Ming tied the trash bag but I used my hand poke a hole in the bag for air to get in.

I felt myself move then dropped then I was moving again.

I heard the opening of the door then it closed behind me and I kept on moving again.

The ride went smoothly and I heard the opening of another door.

The cart was about moving again until I heard "Stop."

"Stop." Footsteps stopped close to the trash bag, if it's who I think is then I should be praying to god right now.

"Mr Chen, what brings you here?" Ming asked nervously.

Oh it's him! Damnit.

Oh please who ever is listening, I promise to be good but please, please, please make this man leave before Ming mess up.

I'm the one who's going to get into the bigger trouble not them. They don't even know what I go through.

"I should be the one asking that question." His stern and deep voice spoke. only his voice alone sends shivers down my spine. All the hair on my arm had all risen up. "What brings you here? Isn't there a class going on?" He barked.

He was a no nonsense man, he didn't care about anyone, no one but the witch which I am so surprised he could actually feel such an affection.

"Yes sir... Umm..." I heard her voice shook, she was so nervous and he wasn't making it any easier. "I just need to speak with Mrs Zhu for a moment about the classroom which is why." She lied. That wasn't the best lie she could come up with but it was something that I'm really proud of.

Good girl... Err.. woman miss Ming.

Now it's time to pray for him to buy it and fucking leaving!

Oh to whoever is listening, please make him buy that excuse and leave and I promise to not curse again... Maybe.

Wait why does he even care?

"Then leave the chart outside. I understand my son's taking this class right now. He has a condition and I don't want any bacteria moving around to get to him."

"Alright right, I understand sir."

Then I heard his footsteps walk off.


Gosh that man is a piece of work.

Can't he leave me be even at school so I can be myself?

Anyone who doesn't know him would think he was genuinely concerned about me. Actually I think the entire staff in school and the principal thought so. What a Hypocrite. A manipulative man. He is, he is... Ugh!

"Are you okay?" I asked from the trash bag.

"Shh! He isn't that far off." Ming whispered close to me.

"Whatever but hurry, I hate it inside here. It's not as portable as the trashcan!" I complained.

"Huh, what do you mean?" She asked sounding really confused.

"Nothing, forget about what I said and tell no one what you've heard." I said dramatically.

I really should think about what I say first before they leave my lips.

I could just imagine her eye roll. "You and your silliness. I wonder how you and Mr Chen are related." She said.

Funny, what she said was really funny yet heart breaking. That's why I'm hiding from him. I've sinned greatly against him.

I felt myself move again and then Mrs Zhu's voice.

"Why are you bringing that in anyways?" She asked.

With that I felt myself being lifted up then thrown to the ground and I jumped out only to strip on the bag and fall flat on my face again.

Everyone screamed when they saw me.

"Jack what... what... what!"

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