an extra visitor

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Saturday morning, I stuffed a forkful of breakfast into my mouth and flipped a page in the WWII book I was reading as Jane poured her coffee.

"Charles is coming over this morning to help us build the new garden bed."

I looked up at my twin leaning against the counter with her vile wake-up potion in hand. "Will he stay for lunch?"

"Yes, he is planning on getting here at about 10:15."

"Okay, leave lunch up to me. Y'all can spend more time together doing something."

"You are just trying to get out of work helping with the garden bed!" she accused.

I laughed at her, "When did I ever say that? I never said that. I will work on the garden bed until it is done."

Charlotte, even more bleary-eyed and disoriented than Jane, stumbled into the kitchen, fumbling for the coffee. After her coffee woke her up and she became human again, she mumbled, "I'm going to hang out with my family for the day and then go to my cousin's birthday party tonight at seven. It's about an hour away; I will get back late."

I finished eating, washed a few dishes, and called Mrs. Bell at nine AM sharp. She usually got up at six to work in her garden in the slightly cool morning air, but she had taught me not to call people too early on the weekend.

It rang a few times, then she picked up, "Hey sweetie! When will you be available to come over for our monthly chat? My pink and white roses are blooming, and so is the lantana. My sunflower patch and the bougainvillea look gorgeous. Everything smells lovely, especially my lavender."

I smiled into the phone, "That's what I was calling you to find out! When are you available?"

"Whenever you want me to be!" came her bright voice.

"How does tomorrow after church or sometime in the afternoon work?"

"That will be just dandy. Make it around three. I need time for my after-church nap."

"Sounds good! Do I need to bring anything?"

"Just yourself, sweetie."

After our goodbyes, I put a light layer of mascara on and changed into a linen long-sleeve, and tucked the front end into my jean shorts. I would get hot, but I wouldn't have to worry about my arms burning in the sun. I pulled my hair back into a short ponytail and put a ball cap on.

Jane and I gathered the needed materials to build the garden bed. We had bought everything a few weeks prior but hadn't dedicated the time to getting it done. We marked the location where we wanted it built, in line with the other three we already had. At that point, we called it good and went inside to cool back off.

When I heard Charles knocking at the door at precisely 10:15, I smiled as I opened the door for him. He was decked out in a dry-fit shirt and hat and had a hammer in his hand.

"Good morning, Charles!"

"Hello, Lizzy!"

I laughed at the hammer he held, "You've come prepared, I see."

He chuckled as he stood on the porch, "I know Jane said the two of you have everything needed, but William is getting the power tools we bought out of the vehicle. We wanted to make sure you have the most efficient equipment. If you already have the items, you can return them."

My smile froze, and I stepped onto our front porch in dismay.

"I didn't know you were bringing him. Is Darcy staying?" I asked as I saw their expensive rental in the driveway with the back end up.

"Yes, I hope you don't mind."

As a matter of fact, yes. I do mind. Why did my day have to get ruined?

However, Southern manners prevailed, and I heard my voice say, "It will be fine."

We started walking toward the SUV, and I paused, "Please tell me you didn't get many tools. We have everything we need. How do you know the tools you got are the most efficient?"

He scratched the back of his neck, "I might have looked up ratings and production details this morning when Jane invited me over..."

My smile slipped as we reached the car, and my annoyance set in at our uninvited guest, who looked annoyingly good in his short sleeves and shorts and had annoyingly good calves, and annoyingly, his face value hadn't decreased with a ball cap and black sunglasses.

I took a fortifying breath before I greeted him, "Darcy. Good morning."

He would probably sit inside and demand fresh drinks all day, watching our progress outside and toasting his superiority to physical labor.

He pulled his head out from the back end, took a short look at me, and nodded, then went back to work arranging things. I rolled my eyes, then sputtered at the stuffed back end. "Charles! Take all this back right now. Oh, my goodness. We can't take all this." I eyed the expensive brands in concern, the dollar signs adding up in my brain.

Charles waved his hand, "Don't worry, this is a gift."

I shook my head at him, "This is thousands of dollars worth of stuff. The skill saw, skill table, sander, drill gun, drill bits, screws, shovels, and hoes. Wait, why are there two skill saws?"

"Lizzy, trust me. It is fine."

I conceded to one thing, "We will take the screws."

"You will take it all! I have more than enough money to buy this stuff. I want the two of you to have everything you need for a lot of projects. Especially with your design business."

I shook my head, "Talk to Jane about it."

Darcy sighed in irritation and pulled out a boxed drill gun, "Ms. Bennet. Quit arguing. Take the item. They are a gift."

I glared up at Darcy, and his eyes bored down into mine behind his sunglasses, and I eventually relented. "Fine. This way." I gestured to the side gate and grabbed a box.

Jane was as surprised by the tools as I was, and after her futile protests, we set to work. I was shocked that Darcy stayed outside and contributed to the project. After a little general chaos at the beginning, we developed a system. I measured and marked the length of the boards, Darcy cut the wood, and Jane held the board in place while Charles drilled the garden bed together.

I was truly stunned Darcy was helping. I wasn't paying him for his work, not that an hour or two of minimum wage would matter to him. About halfway through, I stalled, holding onto a board for a few seconds before I handed it to Darcy to cut. "Darcy, you surprise me, I didn't realize you knew how to sweat or get your hands dirty. Be careful you don't work too hard and get a blister or a splinter."

He looked at me impassively, his face glistening from sweat, "There you go again, assuming you know everything."

I huffed and shoved the board onto the cutting table and turned back around, yanking out my measuring tape for the next wooden victim to get sliced under the unfortunately skillful hand of William Darcy. Charles and Jane kept up a stream of conversation, but Darcy and I didn't say anything else.

By the time we finished, much quicker than if it had been just Jane and I working, everyone had developed a layer of sweat. As the last two bags of soil were emptied into the garden bed, I went inside to wash up and started getting iced tea ready for everyone.

As they trickled in and washed their hands, I dispersed the tea to a grateful Charles and Jane, then paused before I placed one in Darcy's hand, "Wait, are you okay with sweet tea? Do you consider it a sacrilege to your British heritage to drink cold tea with ice?"

Darcy stared at the murky liquid in my hand like it was a spawn from hell, then muttered, "It is fine."

I gave him a wicked grin as I handed him the cup. I pulled mine off the counter and raised it, "Well, cheers to trying new things."

I turned to start working on lunch before he took a sip. No need to watch him realize that sweet, iced tea was, in fact, a gift from God. I pulled out the ingredients from the fridge for taco salad and set to work getting everything ready. Jane came by me to help, but I shooed her away with a nod and a significant look toward Charles.

"Where is a bathroom?" Darcy asked. I cringed as I sliced the lettuce, my back to the querying individual, knowing what Jane's response would be.

Jane answered, "Lizzy's is right through that door. Mine is a mess right now, and Charlotte doesn't like people in hers."

I heard him set his glass down and walk away. It was a weird feeling knowing that Darcy was in my bathroom and might look through the connecting door into my bedroom, my private sanctuary. Thank goodness it was clean, like normal.

I continued to get the ingredients ready, browning the meat, putting the sliced lettuce in a big bowl, and shredding the cheese while Jane and Charles chatted.

During a lull in their conversation, I asked Charles, "How did you rope Darcy into coming?"

Charles shrugged, "He wanted to come."

I almost snorted at that, "Let me rephrase the question. What did you threaten Darcy with to get him to come?"

"Drawing on him with a marker while he slept."

I laughed at the false response, "That makes more sense."

Why had he come?

A few moments later, I heard the bathroom door open, and shortly he materialized by me. "What do you need help with?"

I looked up at the tall man standing a few feet away, shocked again. "Can you handle getting plates out of the cabinet?"

"Yes, I think I am capable. Where are they?"

"Two over to your right. Don't break them."

"Obviously, that would be my intention."

I paused grating the cheese and stared at him, "Was that sarcasm, like a joke, or truth?"

"Up to you to decide," Darcy responded as he opened the proper cabinet.

He helped with a few more tasks, and soon we carried everything to the table.

Jane and I sat by each other with the guys across from us. Charles blessed the meal, and everyone got their desired amount of food.

Overall, it wasn't a bad meal. Jane, Charles, and I talked and laughed the most. Darcy only said a few things, mostly when asked a direct question. I warmed even more to the idea of having Charles as a brother-in-law over the course of the meal. He was so sweet to Jane and understood her.

As we finished, Darcy helped me put the leftovers in glass containers as Jane and Charles talked more. I decided he must have hit his head sometime that morning to come, help us, help with lunch, and help put it away.

I put the last container in the fridge and turned to him, "Thanks."

"You are welcome."

I searched for something else to say so Jane and Charles could keep talking for a few seconds longer. Whatever awkward and stilted conversation it took with Darcy to get Charles as my brother-in-law.

"So... what did you think of the sweet tea?"

"It was not awful."

"High praise indeed."

He twisted his hands on his cup, now filled with tap water. "Your bedroom matches your personality."

Great. Just great. Darcy looked into my room. Invasion of privacy much?

Darcy continued, "It is very sensible for you and Jane to have a garden."

What was this?

Charles prevented me from responding by coming over and slapping Darcy on the shoulder, "William, what do you say to us playing doubles with the girls tomorrow evening?"

I turned toward Jane with a strained smile, "Girls against boys, right?"

"No, us against you and William! It would be a good experience for Charles and I to see how our teamwork is with each other!" she responded enthusiastically, oblivious to the fact that Darcy and I would have to be on a team together.

"Why don't you and Charles just play singles?" I asked.

Jane shook her head at me, "Lizzy, you told me the other day you wanted to play tennis again, and Charles said William is good at it, so, why not?"

"Because we would be on a team together?" muttered Darcy almost under his breath, and, for once, I agreed with him.

Charles shook him, "Come on, do it for me, old man."

Darcy and I made reluctant eye contact. I shrugged, becoming resigned to the fact I would be on a team with Darcy and would have to rely on him for a good portion of the points, no matter which position we were in. If it helped Jane and Charles get together, I would endure it. Jane needed to thank me at their wedding for putting up with the distasteful Darcy while she got the delightful Charles.

Darcy cleared his throat, "Looks like we are in. May the best team win."

"Yippee," I gave sarcastic jazz hands, which went over the heads of Charles and Jane.

"Yay! It will be so much fun!" Jane gushed from behind the bar.

We moved from the kitchen to the living room and at the insistence of Charles and Jane, we played a board game.

It was painful. I was counting down the minutes until Darcy would leave. Why would anyone be that silent and that impassive? It was a board game; for goodness sake, lighten up, have fun, and smile when somebody cracks a joke.

Finally, after lots of little laughs from Jane and Charles sitting by each other, my winning, and Darcy coming in second (he had never played the game before), the guys were ready to leave.

"Charles, it was good to see you. Thank you for your help and the tools, we will use them to bless others." I hugged him on his way out the door. "Darcy, thank you for helping. Good job not cutting off any fingers." I gave him a mock round of applause.

"Have a good afternoon," was his only response.

Jane followed the guys out, and I flopped onto the couch, happy to have the house to myself again. When Jane came back in, she made me scoot off the couch for her to stretch on it. I draped myself over the fabric chair Darcy had been sitting in and was once again hit with the odd sense of deja vu when I smelled his scent on the chair. I whacked a pillow against myself in frustration for still not recognizing it.

Jane rotated on the couch to see me, "What was that for?"

I ignored her question, "Do you realize how much I love you? I put up with Darcy for multiple hours so you could have time with Charles."

"Yes, thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't plan on me being in an enjoyable mood coming home from tennis tomorrow."

She laughed, "Sorry about that."

I groaned, "It's going to be awful for me, and you will have the time of your life with Charles. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for you, but really, why is Darcy his best friend?" I screamed into the pillow in annoyance, and Jane laughed.

I hopped up to get away from the unplaceable, familiar scent and moved to a different chair. "What do you want to do tonight?"

Jane twisted her lips in thought, "Hmm. We haven't had a movie night with just the two of us in a while, have we?"

"I like it. Banana splits or popcorn?"

"Banana splits."


I checked our fridge, freezer, and pantry for the needed ingredients. I found the ice cream and nuts, but we only had one banana and no whipped cream or cherries. "I'll go to H-E-B to get what we need."

Jane gave me a thumbs up from the couch. "Hey, take a little cooler with you for the whipped cream."

I rolled my eyes at her quirk, "It's not like it will melt on the way back."

"Just take a cooler for it. You know how I am about whipped cream. I can't stand it to be liquid. Your AC might go out while you are driving, and it would melt."

"You come over here and put an ice pack in the cooler, I'm going to get ready."

When I came out of my room, Jane had the little cooler set out and handed it to me, "Love you."

"Love you too. Be thinking about a movie."

Arriving at H-E-B, I picked up a little basket, I didn't need the big cart and headed to the fruit area to pick up a few bananas and a bag of fresh cherries. With those in the basket, I headed to the refrigerated section. I looked down each aisle I passed to see if I recognized anyone to talk to.

On one aisle, I talked to a mother-daughter pair from our church. On another, a sweet couple we had coordinated an anniversary party for, and a few aisles down, I recognized someone else.


I swung out of his line of sight and opened my phone camera to check my hair. Satisfied, I went around the corner and nonchalantly made my way down the aisle, and as if I had just spotted him, I said, "Oh, hey there!"

He looked towards me, breaking his examination of a box on the shelf, and smiled. "Hi. How are you?"

I smiled; I couldn't help it. His accent was so delicious, "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'd be better if you would help me find some stuff. Do you mind?"

"Sure. What do you need?"

"The love of a woman."

I shook my head at him, "Really smooth. What food?"

"Ummm," He looked down at the list on his phone and told me. I nodded, and we started to walk.

He pushed his cart and gestured around, "This place is a lot bigger than Sainsbury's."

"Yes, we love H-E-B. I've been to Sainsbury's in England. Is that where you are from?"

"Partially. I moved there when I was six."

"Is that how you know Darcy?"

"You want to know the story, don't you?"

"Very much. I had to deal with Darcy again today." I heaved a sigh, and George smiled at me again.

Lord have mercy, it was an attractive smile.

We paused for me to grab an item he needed, and he spoke, "Alright, what are you doing after shopping? I don't want to tell you with other people around in case it hurts his reputation. It pains me to speak bad of a Darcy, you will understand why later."

"I was just going to take this home, but I have a cooler with me, so we could go to a restaurant and get a drink?"

"That works for me."

I smiled at him, "Well alright. Let's get this finished."

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