life is not a hallmark

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Lizzy's POV

"I think the word you are most certainly looking for is a variation of something spelled r e l a t i o n s h i p." I said with a smirk, "Because seeing a guy three times in a week as well as texting him 24/7 is a tad more than 'just friends."

Jane blushed, then rose up from the chair opposite me and Charlotte. "I need to be going, I don't want to be late. Lizzy, where are the paint swatches?"

"Mhmmm. I see how this is. They are on the island," I told her.

She grabbed them and then headed out the door. Charlotte and I stayed quiet until she left. Then I started us up. "They are SO into each other! It is so obvious. They may have only met together two times since the gala, neither of which have been technical dates, but still. It might turn out to be love."

"Lizzy, you know that if Jane doesn't let down her guard with him some, he might think that she just likes him as a friend and nothing more."

"But it is so obvious," I said while bouncing beside Charlotte on the couch in my excitement.

"Maybe to us, but he doesn't know her in the way that we do. If she keeps her true emotions concealed, he might just leave it at friends. Hardly anybody wants to love without getting anything in return. I agree, it is obvious he likes her, but he may not do anything besides that if she doesn't give him any encouragement."

I frowned thinking about that. It was kinda true. "Jane helps him out as much as her personality allows! She is so mild that hardly anything gets out. However." I said raising a finger in defense, "if a guy likes a girl he should be trying to find out more about her. So in that case, Charles should be on the right track. They message each other all the time too. Plus meeting in town the other day."

"Ah but there is the thing," Charlotte sat back up and looked at me, "texting is helpful, but you can't build an entire relationship off of it. You have to have face-to-face meetings. I would suggest dates, like what normal people do. I mean texting is great and all but it also comes with the stress of how long do I wait before I text and how does this sound? Is it to forward? Is it too personal? Is it too big of a hint? That type of stuff stresses us out."

I sighed, "True. Jane, however, doesn't get bogged down by things that plague us normal people. If Jane cares for somebody, she doesn't stop, even if they break her heart. She is just too sweet to see their bad side."

"Lizzy I have to get going but let me conclude this discussion by saying, I think that Jane could marry Charles tomorrow and have a decent chance at happiness. Heck, she could be dating him for three years and still have the same chance. I believe happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the real attitudes of two people were known beforehand, no one would ever want to get married. I think it is better to know as little about the defects of the person you are going to be married to for the rest of your life before you marry so you don't change your mind."

Not this again.

"Charlotte!! You know that doesn't make sense. The ideal is to know as much about the person before you get married to make sure they are the right one! I also don't think you would take your own advice about knowing so little of the quote," I raised air quotes, "defects. Have you ever heard of this thing called divorce either? Quite a few people take advantage of it. I hope and pray that I will never be one of those people, but then again, I am planning on finding love and fighting for my marriage and putting God first in it."

Charlotte rolled her eyes and then got up. "You and love. Girl, life is not a Hallmark movie." With that, she walked to the sideboard, grabbed her purse then turned and waved, "hopefully you get your happy ending. I will settle for whatever I can get. You know that I am not pretty. I don't have a college degree. My family doesn't have any money. I hate my job. I just want a guy who can provide for me."

She walked out the door before I could say anything. I was surprised. That wasn't the normal Charlotte. She was supposed to be happy and excited and full of love and..........not that.

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