Story 1~

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(Just gonna include my favorite songs and artists here.)

3rd person POV

Ash was in her room, texting Syd. They had been friends for about 7 months.

Ash was a short, straight, brown-haired girl,  with hazel eyes. Her hair was in a pixie cut, slightly emo, with teal dye in the longer sections of her hair. Her skin was fair and she has dimples. She is 16

Syd was a tall, curly, brown haired girl, with hazel eyes. Her hair was in an undercut, with bangs. Her skin was pale, with many freckles. She is 17

"Remember how we first met?" Syd texts.

"Like it was yesterday."

FLASHBACK!!! (This is actually how me and my friend met sooo)

Ash and Syd were talking to each other, as well as a girl named Amanda. They had met in the second period before this, as they were doing a project on 'The Tell-Tale Heart.'

Suddenly Amanda says "do you know ash is a lesbian?"

Ash looked like she was gonna kill Amanda, when suddenly, Syd gasps.

"Oh my god I'm bi, and I'm not sure why I should trust you with this and my family is homophobic, so I can't tell my mom and-" Syd gasps and Ash laughs

Back to the present.

"You were freaking out."

"I had never met someone who was like me..." at this point, Syd wasn't too sure about her sexuality. She had gone through a traumatic experience at a younger age, which made her not to keen on males.

"I think I may be lesbian." Syd texts then put her phone down.

Small timeskip

Syd and Ash were having a sleepover, and at the moment the two were having a serious talk at the playground.

"So... I think I like someone, but I'm not sure yet, should I tell them anyway?" Asks Syd

"I don't know, I guess."

"Ok.. well, I kinda like you a little bit," Syd says, hiding her face.

"Wait what? I-I like you too." Ash stutters

"Oh thank god this would've been awkward." Syd laughs.

Timeskip again.

Olive, Ash, and Syd were hanging out, having a sleepover together. Ash and Syd were keeping their relationship secret for a while.

"So, Y'all wanna see Syd play overwatch for the first time?" Ash grins evilly.

"NOOOOOO!" She tries taking it out of Ash's hands, but she couldn't. The first time she played overwatch was insanity.

Ash starts playing the video.


To be continued???

A/n. Maybe a part two but I decided to keep these shorter, as I will be writing every day. Plus I'm moving so around that time it'll be shorter. I hope you guys enjoyed I love you all so much! Byeee! Oh!! So imma do a pride month thing and here it is!

Day one: lesbian/bi(??? I'm confused again help)

Day two: I'm so gay even my hair isn't straight.


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