Chapter Eight: Pep Feast

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Una heard from Jasiri that a pep feast will be taking place after first period. Kion's council was looking for a new council member. The bell rang as Una grabbed her stuff and sling her backpack over her shoulders. Una walked out of the classroom, Xander caught up to her. "Una! Meeting Jasiri at the pep feast, are we?" He asked. "Yeah! She'll be waiting for us." Una said.

A pep feast was a new thing to Una. She never had this sort of this at her old school so she was excited. Una and Xander followed the sea of people to the gymnasium. Xander called over his shoulder to Una. "Hey, you mind hunting in my backpack for my football jersey?" He asked. Una gave him a confused look. "I didn't know you were part of the football team," Una said.

Her eyes shimmered at the tan and red jersey with Xander's last name on the back with the number 23. "Yeah, I'm part of the offensive line," Xander said. "Yo, Xander!" A voice echoed. Una turned to the voice as Xander smiled. A boy with dark skin, brown hair and friendly green eyes. "Yo, Kovu! Good to see ya, man." Xander said.

Both males did some sort of handshake when Kovu's eyes set on Una. "Who's this?" He asked. Xander looked at Una. "Oh! This is Una. She's new here but she's adjusting well." Xander said. "Hi," Una mumbled waving shyly at him. Kovu smiled. "Nice to me you, Una. I'm Kovu. The quarterback of the Pridelanders." He said. Una and Kovu shook each other's hands.

"Nice to meet you too," Una said smiling. Kovu seemed friendly. Una could tell by his eyes. Her eyes traveled to Kovu's jersey it had the number 12 on it. "Come on, duty calls for us to show off." Kovu joked smirking. Xander rolled his eyes at Kovu's comment. "No, you just want to greet the cheerleaders when they come out of the locker room," Xander said. Kovu blushed. "No! That's not true." He said. "Right... so you going to deny the fact that you just want to make goo-goo eyes at Kiara," Xander smirked.

Kovu blushed a deeper red. "Come on, can we just go please," Kovu said. "Sure, sure. Sorry, Una. But, I have to keep this dumbass out of trouble." Xander said rush off with Kovu. "But, wait..." She trailed but they were gone. Una sighed looking down at the floor. "Boys are dumb, huh." That was Jasiri. "Yeah... I can't believe that Xandy just ditched me like that." She said sadly.

Jasiri placed a hand on Una's shoulder. "Aww, forget them. Let's go find a seat." Jasiri said. Una smiled at her friend. "Yeah, okay." Una followed Jasiri to the Freshmen section of the bleachers in the gymnasium. They sat down next to each of the bleachers. Una scanned the room, she saw Janja and his goons sitting in the senior section of the bleachers. She scowled as the high school band played.

Una looked over to the side seeing the council members. Kion and Una caught each other's gazes. She quickly looked away from him as Jasiri raised an eyebrow at her. Kion blushed a light pink looking at the ground. Fuli noticed. "Saw Una in the bleachers didn't he?" She whispered to Ono. "Apparently so." He said. "He met her yesterday, how did he fall for her so quickly?" Fuli asked. "Love works in weird ways, Fuli," Beshte said. "I guess so, but I like Una. She's a cool person." Fuli said.

Bunga nudged Kion. "She would make a better good council member, am I right, Kion?" Bunga asked him. "Y-Yeah, she would," Kion said. Fuli sighed at her love-struck friend. "Come on, Kion. Pull yourself together, you have to speak soon." Fuli said. "R-Right! Sorry." He said. The princess of Prideland High called for the Student council. Kion and his council walked out.

Kion locked eyes with his sister, Kiara as she stood next to her two friends, Zuri and Tiifu. Kiara smiled at her brother giving him a thumbs-up as he stepped up the mic. "Hello, students. I'm Kion, Student Council president as you all know. Homecoming is coming up soon and of course, the cheerleaders are helping student council to get ready for that." Kion started. Many things were said by Kion.

Kion paused as he looked up into the bleachers of the freshmen section. He found Una out the crowd of freshmen as he said. "I and the council are looking for a new council member," Kion said he looked at Una the whole time. Una's eyes widened. She would love to be part of the council, it would be fun. "But, after this, I and the council will be answering questions about this," Kion said jetting his eyes away from Una.

Jasiri crossed her arms and looked over at Una. "You do realize he was staring at you when he said that right," Jasiri said. "Huh? Kion?" Una asked. "Yes! He wants you to join the council." Jasiri said hugging Una's shoulder. "Really?! I would love too, but I would get a chance. I bet everyone would want to join." Una said.

Jasiri smirked. "Maybe if we have an awesome campaign." She said. "Yeah. Mind if you help me?" Una asked Jasiri with a smile. "Of course! Love too! You're my bestie!" Jasiri said. Both girls hugged each other.

*Time Skip*

The bleachers cleared quickly as Jasiri dragged Una by the hand through people. Kion and the council by the side doors unlike the other students of the school. "Kion!" Una yelled. This made Kion look up quickly as Jasiri and Una jogged up to the council. "Told ya she wanted to join," Bunga whispered to Kion. "Una! You want to join the council?" Kion asked.

Una nodded. "Yeah! It sounds like fun!" Una said. "Then I'll like to join in this too." Kion's eyes narrowed seeing Janja and his posy. "No way, Janja," Kion growled as his eyes glowed in anger with his fangs showing. "Kion...." Una whispered. "Oh, Kion. You might be Student council president but you can't forbid anyone from joining the student council." Janja sneered.

Kion growled, clenching his fists. "It was nice seeing you again, Kion. We should catch up sometime." Janja said walking away from the council. "Una..? Kion asked. "Yeah?" She answered him. "Win this." He said. "Yeah, definitely," Una said. There was no way Una was going to let Janja knockdown Kion like this.

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