Chapter Sixteen: Feeling Mishap And Cold Remarks

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"She asked about me? Why?" Xander asked the sandy haired girl who was frowning with her arms crossed.

Una explained to Xander about Zuri and how she wanted Una to 'put in a good word' for her. Which she stated she would but she didn't want to she decided to warn Xander about it.

"I don't know, she likes you I guess." Una said rolling her eyes a big. "But, quite frankly I think she's just talking to me to talk to you." She said.

"She likes me? Huh, I see why but..." Xander trailed off, a light blush rose up on his cheeks. "I like someone else anyway." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Good, now I can get her off my back! I mean she's been bug me all Sunday when I was try to do homework, chilling with my family, and she was even blowing up my phone about you when I was in the shower!" Una growled in irritation.

"Geez, Un... I've never seen you so angry..." Xander said chuckled nervously. He's never seen his charming, smiley best friend blow up like that. This girl sure has taken her toll on her.

"I'm not angry, I'm irritated and tired. Too tired for this shit!" Una groaned.

Xander laughed a bit. She was cute when she is all angry like. "Well, block her number." Xander said.

"I can't do that.... that would be mean." Una said softly.

"R-Right. You're too good for that." Xander said chuckling.

Una smiled at her friend as the entered the school. Jasiri spotted the two and pranced over.

"Good morning, Una~" She squinted playfully at Xander. "Xander."

Xander through up peace sign. "Yo."

Una giggled at the black and purple haired girl. "Good morning to you too, Jasiri. I don't have time to chat. I have to get to the Council room. So I'll see you guys later." Una said break off from her friends and disappearing into the crowd of students in the halls.

"Aww, she's always so busy now. But, I can't really be mad at her though she's having fun." Jasiri said.

Xander sighed but agreed. "Yeah, we barely walk home together anymore." He said.

"Don't you have any other friends?" Jasiri asked the boy.

"Umm, well, no... no I don't," Xander said softly. "But we're friends, right? Jasiri?" He asked the girl standing next to him.

"Definitely. Why would I be talking to you if we weren't!" She exclaimed.

"True," Xander smiled. "Thanks, Jasiri."

^time skip^

Xander spent most of the day by himself. Una was talking to the other council members mostly Kion and Bunga or Fuli and Beshte.

Ono and Una never talked but when they did it was usually about classes and work the council had, they had friendly conversations too like about books or some movie.

Xander grew jealous of Una's new find friends. It feels like she's forgetting about him. Is she forgetting about him?

The bell rang for class to be over as Xander slipped out of the classroom without Una noticing since she was too busy talking to Fuli.

Well, let's just say the lonely and jealous boy wasn't pay attention to his surroundings and bump into someone relatively shorter then him knock them to the floor of the hallway.

He panicked when he heard a female voice yelp in pain when they hit the floor of the hallway.

"Oops! My bad. I wasn't looking where I was going." He said kneeing down next to her.

"Well next time maybe you should-." The girl that sat on the floor next Xander gasped as she looked up at him. Her brown face flushed a red tint and looked away from him to calm herself.

"You're Xander, right?" She asked him.

Xander raised an eyebrow confused at the question yet answered her. "Yeah, that's me. Why'd you asked?"

"Well, I was trying to find you today and introduce myself but I had a friend do that for me." She said smiling at him.

"Huh? I'm sorry but I don't know you." Xander said.

The girl looked offended as she mumbled something under her breath that Xander could not make out.

"Sorry, I'm Zuri. My friend was supposed to put in a good word for me with you but I guess she didn't. Humph! What a waste of my time." Zuri said crossing her arms frowning a bit.

Xander realized who he was talking to. This was the girl Una warned him about and damn was she right about one thing about her... she was full of herself.

"So, anyway, I was wonder if you would like to go out with me?" She asked leaning forward towards his body.

"No way." He said quickly.

"Wh-What?!" Zuri stuttered out.

"You don't get talk about Una like that! And she ain't your ticket to go out with me. You don't get to consider her a friend after the shit you bluntly said about her. And besides... you not my type anyway." Xander said coldly as he brushed passed Zuri and disappeared down the hallway.

A/n: Lol! Sorry there has not been much Kion and Una moments in chapters but that have that 'date' I set up is recent chapters so look forward to that, ppls.

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