Chapter Forty Seven.

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Chapter Forty Seven

"HE'S INSANE,"  SYDNEY commented when she and Miguel walked into school.

"He's not insane,  he's just. . ."  Miguel trailed.  He paused when she raised her brows at him.  "Okay,  maybe he's a little insane but he means well.  Johnny's just passionate,"

"No,  I'm passionate,"  Sydney corrected and pointed to herself.  "He's obsessed with the idea of winning."

Miguel smirked.  "And you're not?"

She rolled her eyes.  "Okay,  yes,  I'm competitive but I've never had to  "kick the crap"  out of my competition,"

Miguel chuckled. "You just have to give it a chance. He's always like that. You should've seen how he was when I first started karate. He made me scrub toilets,"

Sydney pulled a face. "Yeah, I won't be doing that."

He laughed again. "I'm just happy you decided to join. We might actually have a chance at winning with you,"

She smiled a pretty smile. "Really?"

"Really." he nodded and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

The two of them walked past Hawk and the Cobra Kai's and Miguel paused. The two of them stared at each other for a minute before Miguel looked away and they continued to walk. Sydney frowned up at him. "Are you okay?"

Miguel shrugged.  "I'm fine.  I'm just disappointed in him,  you know?"

Sydney nodded and continued to look at him sadly.  She wasn't Hawk's biggest fan,  that was evident.  She thought he was pathetic.  But he was Miguel's best friend and he betrayed him.  She could see how much it was affecting Miguel. 

When they turned a corner,  Sydney found Sam standing in the middle of the hallway.  "Hey Sam,"  she greeted.  She followed the girl's eyes and her eyes widened like saucers.  "Demetri?"

Demetri and Yasmine were making out on a corner behind the wall.  Upon hearing both their names,  they jumped apart.  "Hey,  um,  we were just um. . ."  Demetri trailed,  looking for an excuse.

"Doing study work."  Yasmine finished,  embarrassed that she had been caught with him.

"oh yeah,  you're doing a lot of studying,"  Sydney said flatly.

Sydney knew of Demetri's crush on Yasmine.  He had one on her for a while now but it wasn't till recently that she showed the tiniest hit of interest in him.  She didn't like it but Demetri was her friend.  She was only worried about Yasmine hurting him.

"So you two are. . .?"  Sam asked with a small grin.

"What?"  Yasmine chuckled in disbelief.  "Ew.  Ew!  No.  Like I would ever date this freak,"

Sydney laughed in disbelief.  "You are so unbelievable."

Yasmine quickly walked away from them and Miguel and Sam smirked, but Sydney only rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Cruella. Why don't you go kill a bunch of dalmatians!" Demetri shouted after she left. He turned around and faced them with an airy expression. "I am 101% in love!"

Sydney blinked rapidly. "Seriously?"

"Oh come on, Syd. Work with me here," he begged. He put his good hand on her shoulder. "This is great. The first girl to ever take interest in me wants to make out with me in the halls. Isn't that great?"

"It would be if the girl you liked wasn't a slag," she responded.

"As my new honorary best friend,  you're required to be happy for me in situations even if you don't like them." Demetri declared.

Sydney narrowed her eyes at him and he titled his head to the side, giving her puppy eyes.

She sighed with and eye roll. "Whatever. Go crazy."

He smiled in delight and patted her on the shoulder.  He walking away from them,  sighing in love. 

Sam laughed.  "Honorary best friend? I did no see that coming."

Sydney shrugged. "He's weird but he's a good friend. He needs one,"

Sam grinned. "I've got to get to class. I'll see you guys later."

She walked down the hall and it left Sydney and Miguel standing in the same spot. He smirked down at her.

She cracked a smile.  "What?"

He smiled.  "I love you."

She went red and slapped him on the chest. "Shut up."

Miguel laughed and wrapped his arm around her again, leading them to class.

Sydney lifted her leg behind her and leaned her head back, stretching. The guys watched her wide eyed. "How do you do that?" Mitch asked.

She put her leg down and smirked proudly. "Practice makes perfect. Right Miguel?"

Miguel paused his stretching and gave her a look. He chuckled to play it off. "Right."

When they looked away, he widened his eyes at her. "You promised not to tell anybody."

"Aww what?" She pouted her lips and cupped her hands around the back of his neck. "That The All Valley champion knows how to waltz to a High School Musical song?"

"Hey, that's our thing. You said it was between us," he whispered to her with cute eyes.

She smiled and kissed him.

"Hey, Romeo and Juliet, you done? You make me want to kill myself," Johnny announced when he joined them.

Sydney pulled away and rolled her eyes. "Don't be jealous because I don't need a dating app to find a relationship,"

He pointed at her.  "Hey.  For your information, I did meet up with someone. Her facial hair just kept getting in the way,"

They looked at him weirdly.

Training started and Johnny had them practice their spin kicks on a frisbee that he stole.

"Good, Bert. Remind me not to piss you off," Johnny praised after Bert did his turn.

Sydney high fived him.

"Assface, you're next," Johnny announced to Mitch.

"Does my nickname gotta carry over from the previous dojo?" Mitch asked.

"You wanna be penis breath?" Johnny asked.

"Assface is fine," Mitch responded. He successful kicked the frisbee out of Johnny's hand.

"Good,  penis breath!"

Sydney snorted and patted him on the back when he walked by. 

"Frenchy, you're next."

Sydney stepped in front of him and he held the frisbee up high. "I wanna test you," he said and lifted it higher. "How high can your leg go?"

She hummed.  "Pretty high."

"Prove it," he instructed.

Sydney smirked and backed up. She sucked in a breath and spun around, lifting her leg almost the top of her head and kicking the frisbee far out of Johnny's hand.

The boys cheered and she bowed.

"Nice job, Frenchy!" Johnny praised and high fived her. "You just moved up a level. Diaz, you're up,"

Sydney squeezed Miguel's arm when she walked by and stood with her hands behind her back.

"Imagine this is the guy I stole this frisbee from, all right?" Johnny said. "Just picture his stupid white dreads."

Sydney pulled a face.

Miguel took a deep breath and spun around. He attempted to lift his leg but it barely made it off the ground.

Sydney instantly frowned.

"All right, good hustle. Who's next?" Johnny quickly asked.

"No, I can do it, sensei," Miguel said roughly.

"Miguel, it's fine," Johnny insisted.

"I got it." The boy repeated.

Johnny eyes flickered to Sydney briefly before nodding. "All right, get in a side stance. Use the balls of your feet,"

Miguel listened and rocked back and forth slightly. He let out a grunt and spun around but he ended up falling over harshly onto the ground.


Sydney gasped and immediately moved forward to help him. "Hey, hey, you're okay,"

The rest of the team followed. "You good? Man, you good?"

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Miguel snapped.

Sydney grabbed his arm and tried to help him up. "Miguel, it's okay,"

"I said I'm fine! Stop babying me." He snapped at her and jerked his arm away.

Her face dropped drastically. Her arms fell to her side.

The others shared looks with each other, some sucking in breaths of second hand embarrassment.  Feeling the tension, Johnny quickly changed the subject. "All right everybody, take five. Go get some water. But not from the fountain, I saw some meth head wipe his ass in it!"

Miguel's expression softened in regret. "Syd—"

Sydney walked away without saying a word. If she said anything, she would explode and she didn't want that to happen.

Miguel watched her walk away to her where her bag was and sighed heavily. "Dammit,"

"Little harsh there, Diaz," Johnny commented.

"yeah, I know. I didn't mean to do that," Miguel mumbled in annoyance with himself.

"It's okay if you can't do things you could before," Johnny assured. "Nobody's expecting you to be your old self,"

"Gotta be shitting me!" Mitch cursed.

Wveryone turned their attention to him.

"What? What happened?" Miguel quickly asked.

"They canceled the All Balley!"

"They did what?" Johnny repeated.

Sydney groaned. "So I did this for nothing?"

Mentally slapping Miguel for snapping on my girl like that 🤚🏻🤺

Sydney only worrying about Yasmine hurting Demetri and not caring about her rivalry with her shows her character development

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