Chapter Ninety Two.

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Chapter Ninety Two

WHEN SHE WOKE up the next morning, Sydney walked into the kitchen and found Johnny drinking a cup of coffee. He paused mid drink and slowly took the cup away from his lips when he saw her blank expression. "Okay, before you kill me—"

"Oh, please, give me a good reason why I shouldn't." She snapped and walked past him to open the refrigerator.

"I didn't mean you to scare you about your old man." He spoke sincerely.

Grabbing a water, Sydney leaned her back against the refrigerator door. "Well, you did." She snapped again. "So tell me, did your devious little plan work or did you have Sam and Tory go all Fight Club on each other first?"

"Okay, first of all, we don't talk about Fight Club," Johnny said as a joke and he laughed. She didn't. He cleared his throat. "And anyway, no. My plan didn't work. They're actually closer now."

Sydney smiled faintly but it quickly went away. "So what, you were trying to make all of us hate each other?" She questioned.

"Not hate. I just wanted to rile you three up so you'd become better fighters for the tournament." He corrected her.

She rolled her eyes and pushed herself off of the fridge. "How are you about to become a girl dad and you don't even know the first thing about girlhood?" She asked rhetorically and walked away.

"Hey, I've put up with you long enough, haven't I?" He yelled back at her.

Devon was the first person to speak to her when she walked into training, mostly because she had ran up to her and almost knocked her over. "Syd, I'm so sorry! It was Johnny's idea and I just ran along with it. I didn't know he was going to make that up about your dad—"

"Devon," Sydney interrupted and sat her hands on her shoulders, making her be quiet, "it's okay. I'm not mad at you. I promise."

"You aren't?"

She shook her head. "No, I actually had a lot of fun." She said with a half smile. "Well, up until the last part, but, overall, best sleepover I've ever had."

"Really?" Devon asked and when she nodded, she smiled happily. "Wow. I was Sydney Benoist's favorite sleepover. This is awesome!"

She ran off and Sydney chuckled. Sam and Tory stood on the sparring deck with each other and she walked over to them. "Bonjour." She greeted casually.

"Finally, you're here," Tory said with a breath.

"Yeah, we saw Johnny still alive, so," Sam added in.

She grinned. "Oh yeah. Don't worry, he's dead inside my brain." She walked onto the deck. "So, how was the rest of the party?"

They looked at each other. "Well, Johnny tricked me into thinking Robby was calling her." Tory explained, motioning her head to Sam.

"Then he tricked me into thinking Charlie was trying to get back together with her," Sam said, jerking her head to her as well.

"And we got into a small argument while we were waiting on our Ubers—"

"Some things were said—"

"But we both apologized to each other for, like, everything." Tory finished and looked at Sam, smiling.

Sam smiled back. "Yeah. So everything's pretty good now, I think."

Sydney clapped happily. "Yay, I'm so happy."

"So your dad's okay, right?" Tory asked for clarification.

"Oh yeah, he's fine. But I was seriously considering smothering Johnny in his sleep."

"I heard that," Johnny spoke, interrupting their giggling, and he and Devon walked over to the sparring deck. "Alright, let's see what you girls got. Who's up first?"

"I'm interested to see the progress myself," Sydney replied and patted both Sam and Tory on their backs. She smirked at them and stepped off the deck, standing beside Johnny.

It was like night and day. Sam and Tory fought with no hesitation, their movements sharp. There wasn't any hesitation or anger. They worked together as a team. Sydney was shocked.

Johnny looked at her and smirked. "I don't know girls, huh?" He mocked her.

She rolled her eyes. "Alright big guy, I take it back." She looked up at him. "Your daughter's going to be a lucky girl."

A soft smile crept on his lips and Johnny patted her back as a thanks.

"I guess their breakthrough last night took care of whatever was holding them back," Devon said with a surprised laugh. "Remind me to never doubt you again, Sensei."

Her and Johnny fist bumped. "It's like I always say. Girls are easy."

Sydney and Devon looked at each other weirdly.

Charlie went over and stood with Hawk and the other guys. "Hey, what's up American Eagle?" He said and wrapped his long arm over his shoulder. He couldn't help but chuckle. "I make myself laugh."

The boys laughed as well but Hawk rolled his eyes. "Very funny, Charlie." He said and looked at his iPad again. His eyes were wide. "Hey, everybody. Gather around!" He yelled at everyone. "The announcement just came out."

Sydney stood by Miguel and leaned her head on his arm. Everybody gathered around Eli.

"All right. Who's ready to find out where we're going for the Sekai Taikai?"

"Just hurry up and play it. I've been sick about it all night." Charlie urged him.

He hit the play button. "Congratulations on your admission to the Sekai Taikai. We're excited to finally announce the host city for this year's competition."

Sydney crossed her fingers. "Come on France." She hoped.

"Martial arts has always had a rich history in the East. And the Sekai Taikai has held many tournaments throughout Asia."

Chris exhaled. "Dojo dumplings, baby."

"But in recent years, European teams have shaken up the competitive landscape, bringing a whole new style to the event."

"I'm feeling Germany." Said Kenny with an excited smile.

"I'm getting Switzerland vibes." Charlie whispered to Sam.

"Within that region, there's one nation that has continued to stand tall amongst the pack for its growth and dominance on both junior and senior competitions."

The team of friends glanced at one another with anticipation.

"It gives me great pleasure to announce this year's Sekai Taikai will be held in Barcelona, Spain."

Sydney gasped and they all immediately started cheering. "Oh my gosh!" She squealed excitedly even though it wasn't France.

"That's so awesome." Robby said with a big smile.

"As you prepare for your journey, we'll also present the rules of registration," the announcer continued, "we intend to test your dojo's quality, not quantity, and each dojo must select eight figures to compete."

The excitement died down. "Wait, eight?" Hawk said in disbelief.

Sydney sighed. "How did I know there was a catch?" She thought out loud.

"These eight fighters will participate in team events, with one boy and one girl serving as captains to enter into the individual competitions, which will be televised around the world."

She glanced at the girls. Between her, Tory, Sam, and Devon, they were all strong competitors. Having to choose only one to be captain was going to be damn near impossible.

"We wish a hearty bona sort to all competitors, and we look forward to seeing you in Barcelona."

Hawk stopped the video. "What exactly does that mean?" Robby asked the Senseis.

"It means we all don't get to go." Miguel answered and everyone fell into silence.

Charlie clicked his tongue. "Great. That's just great." He looked at all of his guy friends. "How the hell are we supposed to make that decision?"

None of them could give him answer.

After the announcement about the Sekai Taikai, Sydney had been fully focused now more than ever in both dance and karate. She always wanted to be the best in everything and did and now knowing that ten would be going to Barcelona, she wanted it. In her mind, it was a no brainer who the top eight members were but overall, it was a hard decision.

She'd been working on making her kicks higher and sharper and her punches harder. Keeping up her stamina and breathing. Focusing on nothing around her but the person in front of her.

She sparred with Mitch by Johnny's request, which excited her to take a little of her frustration toward him out on him. "Hiya!" She grunted with each punch and kick she sent his way. She back him up and Sydney kicked him in the ribs. When Mitch went to hit her, she blocked his hand and grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm and she turned around, dropping to her knee and throwing him over her shoulder at the same time.

The people watched oohed at the hard thud.

"Atta girl, Syd!" Johnny cheered her on and clapped.

Sydney stood back on her feet. "Do you forgive me now?" Mitch asked while groaning in pain.

"Almost," she answered and held out her hand to help him up. Mitch took her hand and Sydney backed up. She spun around and side kicked him in the face, making him fall again and there was another round of oohs. She looked down at him and smirked. "Okay. We're good now."

"Alright, walk it off, Penis Breath!" Johnny yelled at Mitch as he tried to stand up, still in pain. "Who's next?"

The girls all stood on the deck, the guys and Senseis standing around them. Tory was in the middle while Sydney, Sam, and Devon stood in a spaced out circle around her. "Two!" Daniel called out.

Sam stepped forward and instantly, Tory reached out to kick her. Sam jumped back and lunged forward, throwing her fist forward. Tory blocked the hits with her wrists and brought her knee up, kicking Sam in the ribs.

"Good, Tory." Johnny praised.


Sydney stood behind her and when Tory turned around, she threw a punch. Tory was quick to block it and throw one at her but Sydney ducked under her arm. Their punches were practically the same until Tory spun around and kicked her in the stomach, causing Sydney to stumble back. They nodded at each other.

Johnny clapped. "That's good, girls."

Sydney was confident that her, Tory, and Sam were shoo-ins for the top three female fighters. The only thing she was worried about now is which one of them would be getting the captain's position.

She stepped off the deck and went to get a drink of water. Miguel walked over and stood by her. "So what do you think?" He asked.

Sydney brought her water bottle to her lips and raised her eyebrows. "About what?" She said and wiped her mouth.

"The top eight." He clarified, "who are your picks?"

"Well obviously, you and I are the top two," she answered right away and put her water bottle down, "Tory, Sam, Robby, and Charlie make the top six and then Eli and Demetri make the top eight."

Miguel looked shocked. "Demetri?"

Her eyes cut to the sky and she nodded. "Yes, Demetri." She settled. "What's wrong with that?"

"No, no, nothings wrong, but," he stammered and scratched the back of his head, "I thought you'd pick Devon or Kenny."

"Devon's a good fighter but she's not been fighting as long as us," she explained, keeping her voice quiet, "and Kenny, well. . ." In honesty, Sydney really didn't have a reason why she didn't choose him. "I just don't think the younger kids are on the same level that we are. Besides, Demetri's my best friend and he's a great fighter."

"I just think—"

"Hey," she said and brought her finger to his lips, silencing him, "we all have our own opinions. As long as the two of us are going to Barcelona, I couldn't care less who the others are." She said truthfully and retracted her finger. "We're also going to be the captains."

Miguel smirked. "Oh, you just know that?"

"Course I do," Sydney replied and leaned forward, kissing him quickly.

Later that night at dinner, the weather beautiful enough for all of them to want to eat outside, Johnny gathered the three teenagers and they gathered around by the pool. "Alright, I wasn't going to bring you guys into this, but, I've been having a little trouble deciding who the top eight should be for the tournament," he explained, "so, what do you guys think?"

Sydney leaned on her arm, her other hand draped across the skirt of her blue sundress. She shared eye contact with both Miguel and Robby. "I have my picks." She confirmed casually.

Johnny turned his attention to her. "Okay. Lay it on me, Frenchy."

She leaned up and crossed her ankles over each other. "Obviously, it should be me, Miguel, Robby, Sam, Tory, Charlie, Eli, Demetri." She counted on her hand.

"What? You don't think Kenny should get to go?" Robby spoke up quickly.

"I agree with Syd." Miguel stated. "Well, at least for the top seven."

She gave him a look. "Really?"

"I-I just think Demetri's kind of a wild card," he explained himself.

"You'd rather have Demetri compete than someone like Devon?" Johnny questioned in disbelief.

"I just think that we—" she motioned between her and the boys "— as in the older kids, have been through a lot. We deserve to compete." Sydney explained and looked at them again. "Do you not agree?"

"Of course I do." Robby answered her, "but Kenny deserves to fight, too."

"He just joined the dojo—"

"And he's one of the best fighters we have."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Johnny interrupted them lifting up his hands, "clearly there's a divide."

Sydney shrugged her shoulders. "I stand by my decision. You boys have fun." She kissed Miguel on the side of the head and stood up, stepping through the chairs and she went to help the adults set up the dinner table.

Carmen placed a large bowl of potato salad in the middle of the table. "Everything okay over there, Sydie?" She asked the girl, having been watching the interaction by the pool.

"Oh yeah. Everything's perfect." Sydney answered and took the pot of Coq au Vin from her mother's hands. "Just karate drama. Never ending."

"No more karate talk. This is a family dinner." Caroline ordered.

"Don't tell me that! Tell the tall blonde man over there."

"Johnny, boys, time for dinner! No more karate talk!" Carmen shouted at the three of them, her hands rubbing her pregnant belly.

Sydney smiled. "See? Just like that."

Her father came outside with a tray full of drinks and wine for the adults. "Alright, that should be everything." He announced.

"Everything looks delicious Alex, Caroline." Carmen complimented.

Sydney turned to Robby, seeing him walk over, when she remembered something. "Rob, is Tory still coming?" She asked him.

"Uhh, she should be almost here." He answered.

On cue, the back door opened a blonde entered the backyard, looking as awkward as ever. Tory smiled shakily. "Hi."

"There you are!" Sydney exclaimed and scurried over to her, her white heels clicking on the concrete. "I was worried you wouldn't show."

"Oh no, I think my Uber almost got lost." She explained with a small laugh. Tory eyed the huge backyard. "Jesus, your house is like a movie."

"I still can't believe you've never come over till now." Sydney took her arm and led her to the table where everyone now stood. "Look who's here!"

"Hi Tory, sweetheart." Caroline greeted the girl with a smile.

There was a collection of hey Tory's and Robby came over, greeting her with a kiss. Sydney smiled and walked away to sit by Miguel.

"What's this shit called again?" Johnny questioned, eyeing the food on the table.

Carmen scoffed quietly. "Johnny."


Alex sat down at the table and laughed. "Well, um," he pointed to the main dish, "this is Coq au Vin. It's a braised chicken stew. And this—" he pointed at another, "— is a Piemontaise potato salad. It was my favorite growing up."

Robby pulled out a chair for Tory and she sat down, giving him a small thanks and a small.

"Then I also made Marseille-style shrimp. And for dessert, Syd's favorite, chocolate macarons and Caroline's favorite, Mille-feuille."

His wife and daughter smiled at him. "Thanks, daddy!" Sydney said with excitement.

"Wow, this looks awesome, Mr. Benoist." Said Miguel, his eyes widening at all of the foods he had never seen or heard of.

Alex nodded at him. "Thank you, Miguel." He looked at the end of the table. "Uh, Tory, have you ever had any of this before?"

She awkwardly shook her head. "No sir. I've, uh, never really had time to try French food."

"You're going to love it." Sydney assured her. "My father's the best cook ever."

"Hey, I helped!" Said Caroline.

"Mum, telling dad what to do isn't helping."

The table laughed and her mom pouted. "No, but she looked beautiful doing it." Alex spoke and gave her a smile.

Caroline smiled back and titled her head. "Aww, thank you, love."

Sydney smiled at her parents and glanced to the side, giving Miguel the same loving grin, which he returned.

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