Chapter Seventeen.

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Chapter Seventeen

DANCING WAS A form of art that Sydney used to express her feelings.  When she didn't know how to say what she wanted,  she used dance.  When she was feeling a certain way,  she used dance to get the feelings out.  Whether she was happy,  or sad,  or angry,  or anxious,  dance was her way of letting the world know how she felt.  Every turn out,  every leap,  ever aerial was her way of escaping her problems.  Dance is the hidden language of the soul of body. 

Over the years,  Sydney's ability to perform had gotten better and better.  Her legs grew straighter,  her feet more pointed,  her arms more outward,  and her turns more fluid.  She loved to dance.  Iit was her favorite thing.  She hated herself some days for giving up on the sport after falling into a depression from her parents constantly being gone.  Sydney could and wanted to dance for the rest of her life.

Sydney finished her routine with a beautiful arabesque into a ponche and held it till her music ended.  The girls around her were amazed and couldn't help but stare at her beautiful straight legs and the way her arms curved elegantly.  Rosemary let out a proud laugh and clapped. "Beautiful, Sydney, beautiful!"

Most of the other girls clapped for her while others stared with jealous expressions. Sailor had a smirk on her face and clapped for the new girl.

Sydney released the position and relaxed. She smiled brightly. "Thank you."

"Alright girls, that's it for today. Practice tomorrow at 3. Don't be late." Rosemary instructed before smiling. "Get a good nights rest."

Sydney settled her breathing and took a big sip of water, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"That was impressive, Benoist." Sailor said with a smirk.

Sydney grinned. "I told you I've got skills."

"Yeah, but everyone says that. It takes a person with talent to actually produce it." The dark skinned girl stated.

Sydney smiled. "You're pretty good yourself. Have you always danced?"

"Mom put me in classes when I was eleven. Said I needed to be more 'lady like'." Sailor responded with air quotes. "Being a doctor and having a gay daughter doesn't exactly live up to her reputation."

Sydney nodded. "I'm sorry. At least something good came out of it. You're a beautiful dancer."

Sailor smirked again and flipped her hair that was still up in a tight bun. "Thanks Brit. So, what are you up to now?"

"My boyfriend and I have weekly rom com nights. Tonight we're watching How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days." The Brit responded with a happy smile.

"Aww, how cute." Sailor pouted then faked a gag.

Sydney rolled her eyes. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Llooking forward to it." She grinned and bumped Sydney's hip before retrieving her bag and leaving the studio.

Sydney smiled to herself and gathered her things. She took out her phone and dialed Miguel's number. After three rings, his sweet voice echoed in her ear. "Hey pretty girl."

"Hi,  my love." She sang. She started walking to her car. "How was karate?"

"It was great. . . aside from having to roll around in cement."

She furrowed her brows. "Uh,  what?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when you get here. You are still coming right?"

"I never miss the chance to watch Matthew McConaughey." She responded in an obvious tone. "And be with you, of course."

On the other side, Miguel rolled his eyes playfully. "Thanks. How did dance go?"

"It was so great. My teacher says I'm probably the best student she's ever had."

"That's great baby. I can't wait to watch you."

"Me either. I've gotta go, I'm driving. I'll see you in a little bit okay?" Sydney asked after getting into her car.

"You know it. I'll see you in a bit."

"Bye." She sang and blew a kiss into the phone before hanging up.

After taking a shower and dressing in more comfortable clothes, Sydney drove to Reseda to Miguel's apartment. After grabbing the stacks of rom com movies she brought and locking her car door, she skipped happily to his apartment door and knocked. Her heart fluttered when her boyfriend opened the door and smiled. "There you are."

"Here I am." She grinned big and cupped his face, kissing him quickly and walking into his home. "So, I have How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days, Thirteen Going On Thirty, Mama Mia,  Mama Mia 2,  The Wedding Planner, Ten Things I Hate About You, and I also bought Dazed And Confused because I know you like it."

Miguel only gave a small smile at her excitement and it made her frown. "You don't look excited."

"No, no, I am." He assured quickly. "It's just. . . I found something earlier that's kind of messing with my head."

Sydney sat the stack of movies on his kitchen table and wrapped her arms around his neck. "What happened?"

He sighed. "I went over to sensei's apartment to drop of some left over food and he wasn't home so I just put it in his fridge. He has a picture of Robby Keene on his fridge."

"Robby?" She furrowed her brows. "What does that mean?"

"I think he might be sensei's son."

Her eyes widened. "No shit? Wow that actually makes a lot of sense."

He pulled a confused look. "How?"

"They're both sarcastic, short tempered, stubborn, and competitive. It's like twins." She named off.

"Don't you know what this means?" Miguel questioned, his voice raising slightly.

"Not really."

He rolled his eyes. "It means sensei got pissed off at Hawk and I for beating him cause he's his son. If it was anyone else he wouldn't have cared."

"Maybe, maybe not. It's not really your business though, Mig." Sydney said gently and caressed the back of his neck. "So what if Robby's his son? That's their issue, not yours."

Miguel wanted to retaliate but instead, he sighed in defeat. "I know, I know."

"Hood." She leaned forward and kissed him again. "now, do we start with How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days or The Wedding Planner?"

"How is it that both of those options star Matthew McConaughey?"

"Odd coincidence?"

The next day after practice, Sydney was invited to go to the beach by Miguel and his friends. She rode with Moon in her car because Miguel said he would be there later. The British girl laid on her back with her designer sunglasses on and let the burning sun soak into her skin.

"Mulligan, send it back." She heard Demetri say as he and Hawk were playing volleyball.

"There's no mulligans in volleyball." Hawk denied.

"Says you." Demetri scoffed. "Water break."

"Will you toss me one?" Sydney asked and sat up.

Demetri grabbed a water bottle from the cooler and tossed it to her. She caught it swiftly. Two girls walking along the sand stopped when they saw the Cobra Kai towel he was holding. "Cobra Kai? You guys won't that karate tournament, right?" One of them asked.

Demetri froze and stared at them. "Um. . . The All Valley? The rumble in Receda?"

"Oh god." Sydney muttered and lifted her sunglasses back up.

"Yes, uh. . . We uh, we certainly did." Demetri stammered and leaned his arm against the volleyball net post to look cool.

Hawk gave him a confused look.

"Cool." The girl smiled. "We're gonna go for a swim but maybe play with you later?"

"Pfff, most def." The lanky boy said nervously. "Uh, that means most definitely."

The girls giggled and walked away. Sydney shook her head. "Girls will fall for anything."

"Look at you, player." Moon giggled.

Sydney grinned and shook her head. She turned her head slightly and saw Miguel walking down the beach toward them. Her face brightened instantly. "Baby!"

The others followed her eyes to see Miguel. The British girl wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss.

"Hey, there's the man." Hawk greeted him once they let go. They did their handshake.

"What's up." Miguel said back, melancholically.

Sydney frowned at his tone. "Are you still upset about last night?"

"What happened last night?" Hawk asked with furrowed brows.

"It's about sensei."

"Is this about his rap sheet? My parents read it online." The boy with the mohawk questioned. "I think it makes him more badass."

"He raps?" The Brit asked weirdly.

"No, that's a different rap—"

"It's about him and Robby Keene." Miguel interrupted their conversation.

Hawk looked between the couple in confusion. "What about Robby Keene?"

"Miguel is under the assumption that Robby is Johnny's son." Sydney explained.

"Whoa, are you shitting me?" Hawk asked and seemingly started to get angry. "That's explains why he freaked out on us."

"That's what I said!" Miguel continued.

Sydney rolled her eyes. "You two need to get over it. So what? It's none of your business. All you can do is keep training and getting better. Now, it's a beautiful day and we're on the beach. Can we please enjoy the day like normal teenagers?" She begged.

The two boys glanced at each other silently and Miguel sighed, looking down at her. "Yes, we can. I'm sorry."

She grinned and kissed his cheek. "That's my boy. Let's play some volleyball!"

They will forever be my favorite couple and I stand by that

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