Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six

THE NEXT DAY at practice, Miguel walked into Johnny's office. "Hey sensei, I need to ask you something," he started to say.

"First aid kits under the counter. We got a bleeder?"

"No," he denied and then heard one of the boys grunt, "well, yeah, we do. There's a lot of blood, but this is about something else."

"What is it?" Johnny asked.

"Well, there's a girl at school—"

"Is she hot?"

"And she's super smart—"

"Hot?" He repeated.

"Fnny and cool, a little mean—"


Miguel half smiled. "Yeah, she's hot. Very hot. She's um. . ." He licked his lips. "She's actually so pretty that I get nervous when I see her."

"Nice," Johnny said and nodded. He paused. "Wait, are you talking about the British chick that was here the other day?"

He couldn't find a way to answer.

The Sensei smirked. "It is, isn't it?"

"Okay yes, and her name is Sydney. I think you'd really like her. She's funny, really sarcastic, a little mean but it's actually pretty amusing, and she knows how to fight."


"She dropped kicked Demetri when they were kids and knocked a guy's tooth out once."

"Ha, I like her already," Johnny smirked.

"Yeah," Miguel smiled again. "I wanna ask her out but I just don't know."

"Don't know? What's there to think about? She's hot and all those other things. Plus she's British. What gets better than British chicks? Nothing." The Sensei said and stood from his chair.

"Well yeah, but, what if she says no?"

"Never accept defeat, Diaz. There is no 'no'." Johnny replied.

Miguel narrowed his eyes. "Pretty sure no means no."

"Well yeah, if things get physical then no means no, but if you're just asking her out. . . You're a Cobra Kai. All the babes wanna date a Cobra Kai."

He nodded slightly. "Yeah, you're probably right. But Sydney's kind of different. She's very head strong and likes things to be her way." He described.

"So be assertive. Chicks love guys that are assertive." Johnny said and patted him on the back.

Miguel pondered his words and nodded, smiling at his Sensei.

Miguel found Sydney at her locker checking her hair and makeup she had hanging up. With a nervous breath, he walked up to her. "Hey Sydney," he greeted, his voice cracking.

Sydney looked his way. "Taylor Swift lover, there you are." She said back and continued messing with the ends of her hair. "What's up?"

"I was, uh, looking for you." He spoke nervously again.

"Really?" She faced him again. Sydney closed her locker and pressed her back to the cold metal.

"Yes," Miguel answered. He felt a bumble of nerves in his stomach. "Um. . . I've been trying to work up the courage to do this. I've been thinking about you a lot." His eyes widened. "Not a lot, a lot! A normal amount of thinking that a person would think about someone—"

"Get to the point, braces."

"Right," he mumbled. "Uh, I-I was wondering if you're free tonight? Cause I'm free tonight. No plans, was just going to watch another romance movie with mom. . ."

"Are you trying to ask me out, Diaz?" Sydney asked, feeling startled.

He went red. "That depends on if you were to accept the offer?" He said nervously again.

She blinked multiple times. Sydney's eyes cut to the ceiling and then to the side of her. "Sure." She answered.

"Okay, I'm sorry I asked—" he started saying sadly but quickly stopped when he realized what she said. "Wait, you said yes?"

She gave him an obvious look. "Are you deaf?"

"No, no absolutely not! Completely deaf free. No offense to deaf people — Um, what about tonight?" He rambled.

Sydney hummed and pushed herself off the locker. "Pick me up at eight?"

"I will see you then," he replied and watched her walk off. Miguel quickly stopped her. "Syd?"

She whirled back around, eyebrows raised.

"I have bike," he admitted.

"Oh." She said but nodded. "I'll pick you up. Be prepared for more Taylor Swift."

"Looking forward to it!" Miguel said loudly as she walked off. He threw his fists up in the air victoriously.

Sydney found Sam browsing around in the library. She came running in, almost bumping into a couple of girls coming out, and she tugged on Sam's arm. "I'm going on a date." She blurted out.

Sam almost dropped the books that were in her hands. "What?" She said loudly, sending a shush from the librarian. "You're going on a date? With who?"



"What other Miguel is there?" Sydney exclaimed and threw her hands up, clearly freaking out. "Why the hell did I say yes?"

"Because you like him!" Sam insure with an excited smile.

"No I don't."

"Stop lying!"

"I'm not!" She lied, her voice going high. When she heard another shush, Sydney groaned and grabbed Sam's arm. She dragged her out of the library and they stood by the wall. "I can't like him, Sam."

"You always say that, Sydney. You're just scared." Sam said quietly.

Sydney scoffed. "I'm not scared."

"You got me fooled," her friend said sarcastically, "you're scared to actually like someone and the possibility of somebody who's actually good liking you back. But Miguel likes you," Sam said with another smile, "take a chance, Syd. You'll regret it if you don't."

It was another moment that Sydney was grateful to have Sam, but her good advice still didn't soothe her any.

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