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Aniya walked into her home and was greeted by her brother who she hadn't seen for a few years," Aaron?" She said softly as he smiled at her.

"Hey Ani" He walked over pulling her into a tight hug," My beautiful Ani! Ugh-I missed you so much!" She would have laughed but after the incident at school, she just had no energy. Aaron noticed how quiet she was and pulled out of the hug," What's wrong?"

Aniya would have hidden her problems and emotions like she usually did, but it was far too hard for her to keep pretending," Can we pig out at Sully's while I tell you all my problems?"

She looked at him as he grinned "I thought you'd never ask!"

Once they arrived at Sully's the siblings had gotten a booth in the far corner," So, tell me Ani, what's going on in that little head of yours?"

She tried to smile but only let out a sigh keeping her face blank," I think I kind of broke up with my friends?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Okay," Aaron leaned back," So, what caused it? Was it a guy or rumours?"

"Nope" She shook her head," It's really complicated-Okay, my friends know something that no one can know, and I might know something? But at the same time, I don't?"

"So, they are part of something that you might be as well?" He said slowly

"I don't know if I'm directly part of it, but-Okay, I been drawing things recently, that all come from my dreams?" Aniya looked at him

"The ones you drew from your dreams?" She nodded and he leaned forward," You're doing them again?"

"Again?" She asked furrowing her brows and he looked at her confused," Yeah, you did them before-Don't you remember?"

"No," She said letting out a breath," How old was I?"

"Around the age five if I'm not mistaken, Thea kept all of them, I think she still might have them"

"What did I draw?" Aniya leaned forward

"Well, some males and females that were by their side" Aaron tapped his chin," You always said they are soulmates"

"What?!" Aniya whispered yelled as she looked at him and he nodded

"Yeah, I can't believe you don't remember Ani. You would always tell Anthea and me about each pair, like how they'd meet. It was really sweet, but some of them were kind of sad. Honestly, you always told us the stories when we were supposed to be the ones to put you to bed with fairytales, but then again, your own beats Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty by tenfold"

"What are the chances of Anthea still having those drawings?" Aniya asked slowly as she looked at her older brother

"Well we should head home to find out but! After I get my burger"

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