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It wasn't until the day before graduation, that everyone had finally been told the reason for Aniya suddenly moving. It was the terms, as cruel as it sounds, but under the circumstances, it was for her safety. Since Aniya was a minor, and if they had another reason to raise suspicion with the social services, then the chances of her being taken away were not something they wanted to risk.

After the graduation, and his sister waking up from her coma after five months, Jacob had found himself not going with them to celebrate but instead in his garage.

It had been five months since Aniya had left, and he hardly socialized with the group since then.

"You know, I went out of my way to look all nice, to surprise you but then-I'm told by everyone that you flaked" Jacob dropped the wrench in his hand. He was sure it was his mind playing tricks on him again like it had been over the months since Aniya left.

"Is this going to happen every time Jake? I mean I feel honoured assuming I'm a figment of your imagination, but normal people prefer the real thing-Unless you like the whole fantasy stuff" Aniya joked this time making Jacob turn.

"I leave for five months and all everyone told me so far was that you been moping. I thought it was a little punishment, but I feel bad now"


"Well, the deal was only until I turned 18, which was a few days ago"

"Wait so you were coming back?" His voice cracked as she grinned at him," Of course, did you really think I was going to just leave forever?"

"Well you made it seem like it was forever" He mumbled

"I already feel bad enough okay?" She huffed playfully," I thought you'd be a little happ-"

She was cut off to Jacob pulling her into a tight hug," God you are such a pain in the ass" She chuckled returning the hug and both of them just stayed silent taking in the moment.

"Don't think me coming back means anything buddy" She pulled out of the hug folding her arms," If we still want the same thing, I want us to first start from the beginning"

"Do we have too?" She snickered watching him stomp his foot.

She then smirked," Jacob Black, I am not going to just forget everything as we hold hands and skip down the beach"

He made a face to her words," That doesn't-" He scrunched his nose shaking his head

"See and besides since we don't technically fall under the whole imprinting, you'll have to work for it"

"Why only me?" He raised an eyebrow

"I'm not an easy catch Jacob Black, and I love to playing hard to get" She waved her fingers making him frown as she walked away

"Where are you going?" He called out

"What? Did you think I was going to miss out on the celebration? You can stay here and fix your bike or you can join me" She mocked continuing to walk away, but he quickly ran to follow her.

"Fine, I'll go-but only if you make a deal with me"

"What is with everyone having to make deals?" Aniya turned to him putting her hand on her hips.

"You and I are going to continue fixing the rabbit"

Her eyes widen as she gaped "You still never finished her?"

"Oh her?" He smirked," I thought we didn't agree on A gender yet"

"I wanna be fair since you'll be the driver, and-I feel like she fits more" She then poked his chest," Hey buddy you didn't answer my question"

He chuckled grabbing her hand," It wouldn't feel right to fix her without you" He looked at her keeping his eyes on her own.

"Wow" She snorted," Now I know for sure you spend too much time with Jared and Paul" She adjusted her hand to hold his," Now let's go and enjoy that celebration"

"Oh? Hand holding?" he teased making her roll her eyes," You know what Jacob B-" She was cut off to lips on her cheek.

"Awh I missed" He pouted making her shove him lightly removing her hand out of his," Okay you lost your rights to hand-holding!" She stomped ahead of him but mainly to hide her flustered face.

All she could hear behind her was Jacob laughing and following behind," It was worth it"

"Shut up Black!" She huffed keeping her smile as she walked ahead.

"No can do Majorie" He taunted

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