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A week was enough for Aniya to go mad at being under house arrest. She was not sure if anyone had known she was awake at this point since she had been cut off from outside.

She knew her siblings meant well, but it was beginning to become a little too much for her.

"You doing okay?" Aniya turned her head from the floor she was laying on. She let out a groan," No, not really, I mean it totally has not been a week since I actually left the house"

"They're just worried" Nick plopped himself on her desk chair

"Worried? More like they are paranoid! I let it go for a few days, but an entire week?! Come on Nick, this is insane" She retorted

"I guess they are still trying to really take in the whole supernatural stuff," Nick shrugged his shoulder

"Locking me up won't make it disappear" She argued but then sighed," Sorry, the anger is not for you. I've heard you telling them to loosen up"

"Someone's got to be on your side of this" He grinned," Which is why I came in here to tell you that I managed to make a deal with them, but only if you come to an agreement as well"

She shot up from the floor looking at him," What deal? I'll take it!"

"First hear it out, because I feel like you'll not really-"

"Come on Nick! Anything to get out of here"

He sighed at her and explained the terms which made her slump. She hated the terms, but if it meant being able to leave the house, then she was going to consider it. Nick had left giving her time to think about it since he knew it was not going to be an easy decision.

Aniya had walked around her room to even looking at the drawings, which she refused to look at since waking up afraid she'll somehow start dreaming about it again.

It was a fear that was not going to just vanish, she knew she had the will, but there was always a small chance that she'd slip and end up stuck in that reality again. She still never got the answer on why she had the ability to even see everything, but she decided that it was something that probably doesn't need to be answered.

Sometimes some things are better left without an answer.

Her eyes landed on the last drawing in the pile, it was her and Jacob.

She couldn't help but feel the pain he was in sometimes, which left her awake late at night just crying about it. Then it came her hearing his voice like he was right next to her.

He was calling out to her.

Aniya lowered her hand putting the drawing down letting out a long breath.

As much as Aniya hated the terms if it meant she had the freedom to see her friends, she was going to take it.

So, She found herself walking to out of her room to find Nick who was in his office," Nick?"

"Yes?" He asked turning to her but his face fell knowing she made the decision.

"I've made my decision, and I accept the terms," She said slowly

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