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The loud sound of a pencil snapping had caused the wolves in the classroom to flinch. Quil and Embry had looked at their best friend sighing as they saw the remains of the broken pencil fall to their shared desk.

Jacob was burning glare on the back of Aniya's head who was talking to Juliet Michael. Who turned out to be Embry's imprint, that much they knew the moment Quil and he looked to their friend who fell into the trance that only Quil knew since he had been the only of the three that had imprinted.

Jacob snarled at the thought he was the only one out of the entire pack that had not found his soulmate. The one thing he was glad about was that it was not the girl in front of him, the one he rather be far away from.

The big question, was why did he dislike her so much? The answer?

Misunderstanding. As silly as it sounds, both of them had just misunderstood something that happened a few years ago, and neither of them knew the full truth.

Aniya Majorie and Jacob Black to the surprise for people who didn't know them, used to be friends. They have gotten along so well, that people just assumed they'd be friends forever, but clearly, that didn't happen.

For Aniya, she had been told that Jacob was using her to get over the girl that he could never have, which was Bella Swan.

As for Jacob, he had been told that Aniya never truly wanted to be his friend, and only felt bad for him.

A silly misunderstanding that neither of them even saw the truth behind it. It was true that Jacob was infatuated with Bella Swan, but he'd never use Aniya like that. Then for Aniya, genuinely wanted to be Jacob's friend having so much in common.

He would get her away from her home that she hated returning to since she never had personal space. She enjoyed just being in Jacob's garage as he worked on his Volkswagen Rabbit, that he got from his dad for his birthday. It was actually something she helped him work on since they had so many plans when it was officially up and working.

But that never happened, Jacob never touched the car again, and instead just worked on his bike. It was almost painful for him to look at the car, not feeling right that the person he usually worked on it with was no longer by his side. So, he covered it with a tarp and refused to remove it, as it just stayed unfinished and to collect dust.

Regardless of both of them being so intent on hating each other, a part of them said otherwise. The part of them that they tried to be ignorant on, but soon enough that the primal need for each other will only grow.

The hunger that will grow and take over, as they tried to push it away, it was only going to come back and make them crave for it more.

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